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cafe society

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Posts posted by cafe society

  1. 11 minutes ago, closetojumping said:


    Bill Superman is one of the more hilarious, unaware, and unhinged posters they have. I love it. 

    The funniest part about all of these takes on integrity and doing things the right way is that ATM has, repeatedly, cheated throughout its history. They just signed and destroyed the last and greatest bagman class of all time. They just did this and are reaping their just desserts from it, and yet that is lost on them as they speak indignantly about a guy taking a job for another entity for a better environment and more money - something that happens all over this country everyday. 

    This goes back to forever.  When I was a little kid in the late '60s, my father always said, "The aggies are never any good unless they're cheating.  And they always get caught.  So the next time they have a good team, you know they are going to get in trouble."

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. 18 minutes ago, OU Sucks said:

    aggy fans seem to be taking this well. This is the classy bunch we're told to admire and aspire to be like:
















    After completely denying the actual how and why of Schlossnagle matriculating to Petticoat Jonestown, aggies are now skewering and accusing him of serial dishonesty and cheating.  As they condemn him the Universe shows him nothing but forgiveness.

  3. 1 hour ago, Vertigo said:

    Is it just me, or does the guy on the right look like he transferred in from Whoville university?

    I thought Bohls lowering the casket was a nice touch.

  4. 59 minutes ago, msucolt45 said:

    I loved the early ‘70s as a child. Each time we entered Austin, from Dallas, we had to go by Rooster Andrews’ place to get our UT gear, as Dad wouldn’t spend a dime elsewhere.

    I did get him to buy a pennant when we hosted Auburn and Bo Jackson. On the pennant said “War Eagle” which I constantly asked him why, as they were the Tigers? He just said watch the game!


    Rooster was the best!  Lord knows how much coin I dropped there.

  5. On 6/22/2024 at 7:13 AM, LTtxfan said:

    '70 DAYS 🤘   



    Link to video:




    That UCLA game - I was just a week or so shy of my 10th birthday - was so intense.  I remember turning to my dad and asking him as we got the ball back for one last chance, "Do you think we can do it?"  And he just said that all you can do is never quit.  Eddie Phillips threw the game-winning TD pass probably 30 seconds later.  
    UCLA had this QB, Dennis Dummit, and he was the best quarterback that played against us until Jim Kelly and Miami came calling in 1981.  Dummit was short, which is why he never made any headway professionally, but he had a helluvan arm and was crazy mobile.  He singlehandedly almost beat us.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  6. 6 hours ago, Longboard Horn said:

    My first csb: Oldest sister went to aggy. Was there during the end of Farmer Fran, beginning of Sherman eras. She was a 2%er and the only time she ever went back to aggyland was when my stepbrother graduated. That was almost 10 years ago. Stepbrother only went there because he was offered a full ride scholarship and was also a 2%er. Has not returned to aggyland since graduation and has no reason to ever go back. He hated a lot of those turditions. Freshman year he told me his then girlfriend dragged him to midnight yell once(he was there during the Manziel years) and he thought it was the stupidest thing ever and a waste of time. To quote my brother: "So instead of hanging out at the bars at Northgate or going on a "real" date, we go yell in the stadium at midnight? Fucking retarded." 

    Second csb: My youngest brother's best friend in high school got a scholarship offer to TCU. Instead, his aggy honk dad made him turn it down and told him he was going to aggy to be in the corps. When the kid protested saying he didn't want to do that or enroll at aggy because he didn't feel like he belonged there, his dad told him tough shit along with something like, "I was in the corps and so were your older brothers, cousins, uncles and both of your grandfathers so this is what we do. You don't have a choice." Last time I heard, the kid hated his college experience and was trying to find any way to get the fuck out of aggyland. Also resents his dad for forcing him to join the corps. 

    Of the few friends of mine who attended ATM, every single one of them was a 2%.  They went to become vets, engineers and in one case, to inherit his family's feed store/agribusiness.  They all hated the Corps.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. I'm just old enough to have seen his last couple of years with the Giants before his swan song with the Mets.  He was still great even as his Mets career was a sad, rapid descent.  I don't know who anyone considers the greatest ever besides him.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  8. TCU and Oregon both suffer from the same mindset of the amateur chef who just keeps adding ingredients to the pot until it's a certified mess.  Both schools have sported some nice uniforms in the past, but no one in charge ever says, "Enough."

    • Haha 2
  9. 19 hours ago, Okie State said:

    My God this is such a dumb fucking thread.

    And fuck selling naming rights to a soulless insurance company. Fuck everything and everyone who lead led college football to this bullshit.

    FIFY.  Sorry, but this misappropriation of element number 82, symbol Pb, on the Periodic Table of Elements drives me bonkers.  #notusuallyagrammarnazi

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