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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. 11 minutes ago, Yarbr said:

    Then I got screwed out of my drink I guess.  And DQ is too expensive, but delicious.

    I just looked, 6.29 for the basket plus 1.99 for a drink. Price is too damn high.

    If you're ordering the basket and the drink separately, instead of the bundled combo price -- ANYWHERE -- Jesus tapdancing Christ.  I'm not a regular fast-food eater, but come on, man....that's been the way fast-food menus have worked for 20 years.


    And I'm 90% confident that the $6.29 price you are quoting IS the Combo price:

    Chicken Strips
    Chicken Strip Basket $5.59  4 Pc.
    Chicken Strip Basket with Drink $6.49  4 Pc.
    Chicken Strip Basket $6.89  6 Pc.
    Chicken Strip Basket with Drink $7.89  6 Pc.


    • Haha 1
  2. 20 minutes ago, DDD Dad said:

    Joy Reid talk not going away soon.

    Traylor Howard once played a character named "Joy," and I found her to be enchantingly cute.



    I mean, if we're gonna get derailed with "Joy" talk, I'm gonna take the sidetrack of my personal preference.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    Amazing how many of the "adults in the room" are even worse than Trump.

    It's amazing how dealing with a completely incompetent asshole will make you think that a competent asshole is a big step up.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Yarbr said:

    A dinner and dessert, but nothing to drink. Sans blizzards I'm at $24.50 And still nothing to drink.

    4 piece chicken or steak basket combo with a drink is $7.  Again, a combo meal with drink is $7.  Most of the decent combo meals at McDonalds (buttermilk crispy chicken, the better burgers) will set you back around $6.50.  A lot of Whataburger combos are similar.

    I have to feed a hungry 15 year old fast food combos a lot (we have to run through drive thru between/after games, etc.).  When you add on the fact that have to "whatasize," or go with double meat burgers etc., I regularly spend $8+ just on him.  

    That's what a fast food combo costs these days.  DQ has challenges (depending on the location), but price really isn't one of them.

  5. 6 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Being a litigator wouldn't help.  Who the fuck are some of these people and who in the name of God at the local level decided they should be judges?


    I've been in front of Dem appointed judges.  I've been in front of GOP appointed judges.  Sometimes, you can see that they lean one way or the other (right or left).  But that's it -- they LEAN.  And most importantly, they are (by and large) within a band of competence.  Sure, there are a couple of duds out there, but sometimes, even acting on good info, you end up with a dud.

    99% of what your local Federal Judge does isn't headline-grabbing ideology stuff.  It's processing a heavy criminal docket (they are LOADED with drug cases), and a varied civil docket.  That's the case with local district judges, too.  It's best to have folks in there who know what they are doing, not bloggers and shit.

  6. Just now, Yarbr said:

    If you walk out of DQ without a blizzard you have failed.

    That's fine.

    Just realize that you purchased:

    1 -- dinner

    2 -- dessert

    If you went to Burger Kind and then Baskin Robbins or Amy's, you'd be out the same amount of cash.  Ice cream is a high price, high margin thing.

  7. 11 minutes ago, yaqdum said:

    when i read a brisket post i envision him in the future rolling around some rest home trying to get someone to agree that the world did end last tuesday.

    I get it.  Y'all are looking around, and shit hasn't completely fallen apart, so we're fine.

    What you don't realize is that we have completely blown apart foundational underpinnings of a functioning republic.  You need to re-watch Force 10 from Navarone for a good analogy (and, a movie starring Harrison Ford and Carl Weathers, so that's cool).

    The British demolition expert sets his charges in the dam.  He and Carl are on the hillside when they go BOOM....and then nothing happens.  Carl gets pissed at the Brit, who is just relaxing, lights up his pipe, and tells Carl to wait.  After a few minutes, the structural damage done begins to reveal itself, and then, eventually...


    Trump and the GOP set off the dynamite.  We're still hanging out in the riverbed, insisting that everything is fine, see, nothing happened after the explosion!  I'm suggesting that we ought to get the fuck out of the riverbed.

  8. 4 minutes ago, DDD Dad said:

    Got any Scotch left?

    For you, amigo, of course.

    4 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    I will enjoy it immensely. I hope we get nationalized health care out of it.

    We won't.

    We'll just get raped in a different hole.  Hateful, lying demagoguery is NEVER a good thing.  And now we see, it's the only thing that really works in the United States of WWE Fans.

  9. Trump: I don't know anything about the Stormy Daniels payment.

    Trump: Okay, he represented me on the Stormy Daniels deal.

    Trump: with respect to the civil suit, "But I'm not involved and I'm not involved — and I've been told I'm not involved."

    Trump:  “From what I see, he did absolutely nothing wrong. There were no campaign funds going into this, which would have been a problem.”

    TRUMP CAMPAIGN: paying Cohen's legal fees.


    Does Trump even have any dick left to shoot off?

  10. Just now, TwiceHorn said:

    We should probably both know that 5th circuit appointments without prior judicial experience (and some with) are jag offs.


    Experience matters.  Yeah, yeah, I have heard all the arguments about elitist, deep-state, swamp, blah blah blah.  In positions that require highly specialized knowledge and application of same, experience matters.  I don't want my cardiac surgeon to be "an outsider," I don't want my 737 pilot to be a "fresh face."  And I don't want my Federal Article III judges to be complete newbies to the bench.

  11. On 4/27/2018 at 2:40 PM, Brisketexan said:

    And...if I was the FBI, I would be doing a MASSIVE data dump of all DNA profiles currently on the site....and then comparing it to the list a month from now, and see who pulled theirs down and has something to hide....

    This got me negged....and sure, I get the distrust of law enforcement (believe me, I get it).

    But this is publicly available info -- people VOLUNTARILY put it out there.  If you want your goodies to be secure from the prying eyes of law enforcement, step #1 is "DON'T PUT YOUR GOODIES OUT THERE FOR THE WORLD TO SEE."

    As for the comparison, that's just common-sense investigation.  Look, when a cop car drives by some guys on the street, the cops would be dumb not to look and see if somebody panics and runs, or tries to hide something in a trash can.  That's reasonably suspicious behavior -- any investigator worth a shit would be dumb not to look into that.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I actually didn't expect Ho to be such a jag off.

    Me either.  Wasn't crazy about his nomination, but didn't expect him to make an ass of himself.  Which he did, without even taking a warm-up swing.

  13. 20 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    So she should get the Al Franken treatment? This is why democrats are habitual losers.

    They think they can earn some short term credit by taking the high ground the other side refuses to take.

    What did the democrats really gain by Franken resigning?  Not a fucking thing, and the GOP won again because they don’t give a fuck.

    VERY, VERY sadly...this.

    Any veneer of decency, integrity, or doing what's right has been blasted away by the nuclear fire that is Donald Trump and the GOP that enables everything he does.

    There is only one model of governance going forward:

    Attack your opponents on every possible basis, including dehumanizing them and belittling them personally.

    Deny any and all wrongdoing.  NEVER admit a mistake, NEVER take responsibility, NEVER be contrite.  EVER.

    Say whatever you want, so long as you think it will get you votes.  "Lies" don't even exist.  All that exists is whatever you say, which becomes the new truth.


    Buckle up, fellas.  You're gonna LOVE the Dem version of Trump, when they get around to it.

  14. 17 minutes ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

    I've come to the realization that I should judge a movie set in the future as bad because they couldn't predict every major technological advance. I do look fairly upon those that do a good job of predicting technology, though. Not being able to accurately predict stuff in the future is just par for the course with those movies. If they could predict stuff that well they would be making a boat load of money doing something other than making movies.

    Watch 2001: A Space Odyssey for this.

    Plenty of misses (there's no Hilton in orbit, no moonbase, no commercial space travel (yet)).

    But amazing hits -- touchscreens, facetime from the orbiting hotel, HAL is Alexa, etc.  Seriously, for how long ago this was, that's some amazingly on-target stuff.

    My wife watched the movie for the first time with me a couple of months ago.  It remains one of the most incredible films ever made, and as a first-time viewer, she agreed.

    • Like 1
  15. 12 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    Thighs, my man. You got to get the thighs.  Although cheap breasts are always good to look at.  

    I usually do.  That's just the only pic of the HEB "SAVE!" sticker I could find.

    Big fan of chicken thighs over breasts, ESPECIALLY when marked down (just grilled some leg quarters marked down from .99 lb to .75 lb the other night).  Sometimes they mark down their carne guisada mix.  Ground beef, roast cuts, all that other stuff -- it gets marked down.  It's all awesomeness.  A lot of times, I'll go into HEB, see what's marked down, and build my evening meal plan around that.

  16. 24 minutes ago, Dr. Teeth said:

    Pretty much why the right wins everything. They don't worry about right or wrong, they don't worry about feelings, they don't worry about hypocrisy. They defend themselves and attack the opposition without fear. They relentlessly defend and attack until the other side gives up. And then they attack some more. They have been fortunate that they have such a shitty opponent.

    Even with this, progressives have been supporting Wolf for a day very strongly. But then the WHCA comes in and cuts them off at their legs. And now the WHCA is going to do everything Trump wants to save face.


    And this is one of the reasons I am not a fan of the "new normal."

    Before, we had boxing.  Sure, there were cheap shots that the ref didn't catch, but there were norms.

    Now -- and the analogy is not just an analogy, it's actually who we elected, and the crowd that elected him -- it's late-night wrasslin' with folks smashing chairs over each other's heads.  And that's the way it's gonna be.  If you wanna win, you best pick up a folding chair AND play to the ignoramus audience to get them on your side.

    We are the USWWE now.

    • Like 1
  17. 7 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

    For some normal cheap ass stuff:

    I use cash to make myself save money by not swiping a card. When I "eat out" I tend to keep it around $2. Save the change, roll it up, and take it to the grocery store for 12 packs of cheap beer. Pennies go into the coin star. But to hell with losing 11% of my dimes and quarters, those I roll.

    Broke my "real" phone, and replaced it with a $20 Go phone. Years ago.

    Been driving the same jeepish little car for 18 years. I lavish money on the mechanics so I can save triple that in car payments. The fabric top is missing the sides. Would cost about $400 to replace. In winter, I wear extra clothes and imagine that I just earned 400 bucks. For about ten winters so far.

    Fixed up an old bike I bought in the 90s. It works great. Thought I'd have to replace the 10-year-old inner tubes. So far, no.

    I like this RD fella.

    He and my old coathanger "radio antenna" woulda gotten along just fine.

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