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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. Just now, longhornmatt said:

    I’m fascinated by this logic.  Should UT not have assessed Charlie Strong’s performance until the end of his five year contract?  Would Hitler have turned out to be a good guy if only he had been allowed to finish his term instead of everyone rushing to judgment?


    By this reasoning, the number of quarterbacks benched during a game in progress would be permanently pegged at ZERO.  I mean, we have to let him finish the game before we judge his performance.  And hey, if we throws 6 picks so we lose a crucial game and miss the playoffs, so be it.  And if he's going to repeatedly throw passes in ways that put our WRs in vulnerable positions so they get blown up and put on the DL, who are we to judge until the game is over?

  2. 3 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:


    So Nixon should have been allowed to finish his term before anyone even began to assess the situation?

    Yep.  And the captain of the Titanic should have been allowed to finish the maiden voyage before we assessed the situation.  Same for that dude who was street racing the other day, killing two kids in a car he smashed into -- shoulda waited till his journey was complete before saying anything.

    And hey, other folks in politics do name-calling, so don't claim it's only his tactic (hint: we don't.  What we see is that it's his go-to, it's unprecedented, and it's his primary means of engaging with anyone he disagrees with). Jesus H. Christ, you'll "both-sides" this shit till we're all dead, won't you?

    I mean, other folks presided over killing of ethnic minorities.  I think it's offensive that we're calling out Hitler on it.  Let's wait until he's finished conquering Europe, and then we'll evaluate his performance.  And you know, other folks have poked things with a stick; let's hold off on any criticism of Vlad the Impaler, shall we?

  3. 8 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    You’re entitled to your opinion, I just don’t share it. The notion that we’re on the Titanic and on this inevitable course to death and destruction is hyperbolic nonsense, but it’s comical. I’m going to make a bold prediction: you’re going to be just fine. 


    Unless and until we aren't.

    The Titanic had a 90% chance of making it to NY just fine.  A lot had to go wrong for it to have a major incident, much less sink, killing a shitload of people.  A betting man would have bet on it reaching NY.

    But a smart man would also know that we're not talking gambling odds, we're talking about the lives of thousands of people.  And when you're looking at THAT calculus, a 10% risk is an unacceptable risk.  That level of risk gets you this:



    The odds are very good that we survive to 2020.

    But the odds that we don't (or that we take a beating -- in any number of ways) are higher than acceptable.

    Shit, let's put it in terms that most men of a certain age can understand: in my youth, I drove drunk several times.  The odds were good that I made it home just fine.  Indeed, I did - never hurt myself or anyone else.  Even drunk drivers have a 98% chance of making it home just fine.

    But today, with wisdom and experience behind me, I don't take even that 2% risk.  Because it's unacceptably high.  I call a fucking Uber.

    This nation has a shithammered shitgibbon at the wheel.  You're telling us that there's a 98% chance he gets us home just fine.  I'm saying we should call a fucking Uber.  My position is right.  Yours is irresponsible.

  4. 18 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    Yes, I’m goin to assess his job performance after his first term. 

    As for the name calling and hysterics, it’s both unnecessary and uninteresting.

    "I'll assess the captain of Titanic's job performance after we arrive in New York [glug, glug, drowning noises]."

    I've seen plenty.  He's unfit.  In pretty much every possible way.  We could wait until the end of his term to evaluate his performance, but -- and here's a wacky notion -- maybe we'll have a better outcome if we ditch the shitty captain BEFORE we hit the iceberg and sink to our watery grave?  

    I don't care if you find the fact that you're a piece of shit interesting, or not.  I expect that you don't want to confront or acknowledge that ugly truth - I get it, shame is a powerful motivator.  But that doesn't make the truth any less true.  You know that we have the captain of the Titanic at the helm, and your response is "wait and see."  People like you are how Leonardo DiCaprio dies.  Why do you hate Leonardo?

  5. 7 minutes ago, zork said:

    Here is the first of a series of reports, reportedly, coming from the OIG:


    This one largely discusses "Allegations Relating to Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe".

     Should his lying under oath be treated differently than the others who are now famously being charged with lying under oath to the FBI?  Or others who clearly lied to the FBI but have not been charged?  Is losing his right to retire due to being fired before he was eligible to do so, again reportedly, be enough punishment?

    What is your opinion on it?

    The case is rather strong that he violated FBI policy and lied.  Any one occasion of which is a terminable offense.  Lying under oath is a criminal offense, subject to prosecution.

    I'm not sure what the full repercussions should be, but I'm certainly okay with his being terminated.  That said, the timing of his termination was asinine, and done for political purposes -- totally fucking stupid, being that there was ample independent reason to terminate him well before then.

    But a person in a position of public trust lied, has suffered consequences for it, and should perhaps suffer even more consequences for it.  I'm good with that.  I'm good with that across the board.

  6. Just now, Anastasis said:

    Surly needs a Quack's reboot to contain all this shit. The only thing that can make the CR worse is to bring religion explicitly into the fold. 

    Perhaps you missed the GOP already doing that?  You can't discuss politics in the USA today without discussing evangelicals.

    Don't blame me, I didn't invite those hypocritical fucksticks to the party.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    Your entire second paragraph references “y’all” and “you”. I’m to assume you’re talking about someone else? Then next time choose more appropriate pronouns.

    I know many conservatives that are active in the GOP and, like myself, voted for Trump. Your phrasing of the current problems facing our area are incorrect, as we don’t blame mexicans for the lack of a border, we simply want it fixed. Also, many don’t even know or care who Soros is, let alone care about the protestors. We simply chuckle and get back to work, as we would most likely utilize our time off differently. 

    We knew what we were getting in Trump and also knew it could be rocky. We were willing to take that chance, time will tell if we were wrong. But pieces of shit? That’s the kind of rhetoric that allows the mania to persist. 

    Knowing what we know about Trump now, do you still support him?

    If you do, you're a piece of shit.  I'm quite comfortable with that conclusion.

    • Like 2
  8. A tidbit of information:

    "Accordingly, the nature of the USAO-SDNY's investigation and the nature of the offenses--which sound in fraud and evidence a lack of truthfulness--weighed heavily in favor of the USAO-SDNY's decision to execute search warrants."

    And this teaser is interesting as fuck:

    "Furthermore, in the course of its investigation, the USAO-SDNY has learned that [almost FIVE full lines of redacted text].  As a result, absent a search warrant, these records could have been deleted without record, and without recourse for law enforcement." 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Pods said:

    Holy fucking shit. Cohen filed to suppress the search warrant. This is the Govt response. Some bombshells in there. 


    That is what happened here: A federal magistrate judge found that there was probable cause to believe that Cohen’s premises and devices contained evidence, fruits and instrumentalities that specified federal crimes were committed. 

    Yeah...but they use the term "filter team," not "taint team."  I like "taint team" more.

  10. Just now, Onboard 2.0 said:

    What does it matter what I say. According to you we're all doomed to die ,America is done, stick a fork in it.  Hillary was a POS corrupt, criminal who gamed the system for her gain at ever turn in her career. She had no business being rewarded with that high position, and her defeat was hopefully a lesson to others who try her tactics.

     I really do wish it were someone else who had defeated her besides Trump I mean, the electoral college did a bang up job. So my vote while it don't affect the outcome was echoed by enough folks who really didn't want her at the helm even if it meant Trmp would win.  So the whole POS call out, fuck you , you self righteous jack hole. 

    None of that rebuts the fact that you're a Trump fellating POS.

    The time is long past for us to call pieces of shit like you what they are -- pieces of shit.

    Hate hillary all you want.  Plenty of folks share that sentiment (maybe not to the same degree, but certainly the sentiment in general) -- me included.

    But enable and excuse Trump like you do, and you prove yourself to be a huge piece of shit.  History and all of eternity will know you for what you are.  A shitstain on history.

    • Like 2
  11. Just now, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Yeah both sides do it. I don't know that I've called Hillary voters POS, Idiots and boot lickers maybe, but not POS.  I've never said I'm happy  trump is president, but I'm damned happy somebody that tried to corrupt our system of gov't the way Hillary did her entire career FOR DAMNED SURE ISN;T.

    But you put up zero argument or fight against Trump.  Zero.

    You don't get to "both sides" when you lick the boots of one side like you do.

    If Hillary had won, I'd be glad that a POS like Trump isn't our president...but I'd still have to deal with the fact that a POS like Hillary IS our president, and I'd have spoken out against every bit of bullshittery I expect she would have engaged in.

    You say you've never said you're happy that Trump is president, but you've done nothing but gleefully bask in the glory of Trump.  You're a POS.  Just like your orange God.


  12. 33 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Oh that's better, conservatives aren't POS just me and the flks who DIDN'T vote for Hillary... gotcha. yer quite the perfect human being there sport.


    23 minutes ago, TexLonghorn said:

    Onboard, are you actually reading Brisket's posts?  Or just scanning for trigger words?

    Reading is not on the Trumpkin agenda.

    I'll repeat it, even though he won't read or understand it: don't vote for Hillary to your heart's content.  Vote for whomever you think is a "lesser evil" than Hillary.  Just don't treat that person as "good" after they win.  Remember, Trump is an evil POS, just a "less evil" POS than Hillary.  But he's still an evil POS.  So, now that he's won, treat him like what he is and always was - an evil POS.

    If you have a choice of being hit with a sword or a baseball bat, maybe you do the smart thing and choose "baseball bat."  But any sane person would STILL, having CHOSEN the baseball bat, put their hands up and defend themselves.  You, on the other hand, are sitting there while we get pummeled, hands by your side and gleefully saying "man, ain't this so much better than being hit with a sword?"

    You're a logically inconsistent moron.  In other words, the perfect Trumpkin.

    • Like 2
  13. 21 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    I live in very conservative area and rarely run into these individuals that you referenced. But when I do, like most adults, I laugh it off and recognize they’re not to be taken seriously. 

    As far as conservatives being pieces of shit, fine; i suppose that’s your justification for the vitriolic attacks you so elegantly typed. My advice to you guys is this: wake up early, work your ass off, and you’ll be fine. All of the incessant panic is unnecessary. 

    I didn't say that conservatives are pieces of shit.  Please cite where I said that.

    I said that shitheels who support Trump and say shit like mexicans are the real problem, Soros pays all those black folks to protest, etc., are giant pieces of shit.  There are plenty of conservatives who do NOT think that way.  Those folks no longer have a place in the GOP and the party of Trump.

    I do my thing.  But I was raised to give a shit about my country.  When I see Trump and his army of shitheads doing all they can to wreck it, it pisses me off.  If you aren't pissed off, you aren't paying attention.

  14. 14 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Hey fuck you very much .  You'd have elected the  biggest, corrupt POS in American politics so you're welcome  that didn't come to pass .

    The difference between you and me is that after we elect whichever person we deem to be "the lesser of two evils," I would still treat that person as fucking evil -- had we elected Hillary, I'd have opposed the shit out of much of what I would expect her to do.

    You, on the other hand, live in a world where, once "the lesser of two evils" wins...then that person is no longer even a lesser evil -- they are just fine.  That makes you a giant piece of shit.  Well, I'm sure that many things make you a giant piece of shit.  This is just the most glaring piece of evidence.

    Go ahead and decide that Trump is a slightly smaller piece of shit than Hillary, and vote against the bigger piece of shit on that basis - I understand that decision, and have understood it all along (I disagree as to which was the larger piece of shit, but I fully understand that it was a debatable point).  But when you then try to convince yourself and the world that the slightly smaller piece of shit you voted for is really a delicious steak, don't be surprised when we treat you like the deranged POS that you clearly are.

    • Like 2
  15. 2 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    kakistocracy literally means "government by the worst people"

    I was promised THE BEST people.

    This seems like a problem.  I would like to speak to the manager, please.

    • Haha 1
  16. Just now, BrickHorn said:

    For those of you who don’t believe in Hell, I ask the following: if there is no Hell, where do you propose Satan lives?  And where do you think Jesus spent the three days between His death and resurrection, if not the fiery underworld of Hell?


    College Station.

    • Haha 1
  17. Just now, Kyrie Eleison said:

    it's more determinative than that for a civil litigant that pleads the 5th.  you actually get a jury instruction that the jury can infer that the party who pleads the 5th is in fact a party admission that the underlying guilt is true.

    ..."the Fifth Amendment does not forbid adverse inferences against parties to civil actions when they refuse to testify in response to probative evidence offered against them.” Baxter v. Palmigiano, 425 U.S. 308, 318 (1976).

    Correct.  I never had to get the jury instruction, though.  Once his client pleaded the 5th in depo (several times), I reminded opposing counsel of that fact (that I was likely going to get a jury instruction).  Case settled pretty quickly.

  18. 2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Tweet from Fox News analyst


    "I saw nothing that was true."  That's a bold fucking statement.

    If you didn't believe that Fox was pure State propaganda, pumping out lies as fast as the airwaves will broadcast them, look no further.

  19. 2 minutes ago, RamjetFDO said:
    1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:
    Also....this discussion could go in the "stuff that makes you tear up" thread.
    Seriously, that line captures everything there is to capture about the broad nature of heroism, going above and beyond for your brothers, and earning the admiration of your peers.  Hot shot astronaut, pocket protector engineer, didn't matter -- they were the brotherhood of the space program, they were all in it together, they had mutual admiration, and they gave everything they had to the mission and to their fellow team members.  It's just awesome.  It's my favorite part of the movie.

    That sums it up well... Everyone was important.

    Of course you'd think that...pocket protector dork.

  20. 1 minute ago, Chrispy said:

    I’m currently experiencing the same with my buddies on the left. It’s similar to talking to aggy about football in a way. Their eyes begin to twitch, then frothing at the mouth shortly ensues. 

    Yeah...and none of us have to deal with Trumpkin family members ranting on and on about how evil mexicans are ruining our country and how Soros is paying those uppity negroes to protest and how everything that doesn't align with Trumpworld is fake news...all while we just wanted another cup of punch at the family reunion.

    Fucking please.  Y'all are pieces of shit, and every moment we don't treat you like the shitpiles that you are is one of class and mercy on our part.

    • Like 3
  21. 42 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:


    Welp...they just greenlighted the firing of Rosenstein.  He might as well start boxing up his shit.

    And looking for a spine in Washington is about as fruitful as looking for a reasonable aggy.

    • Like 1
  22. Just now, wildcat09 said:

    Every accusation is a confession. It really is remarkable how accurately that one sentence describes the modern GOP. Every single accusation. There isn't a single one that is simply their honest criticism of their opponents. Every single fucking one is a smokescreen to cover for the fact that whatever they're accusing someone else of is exactly what they're doing or want to do.


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