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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Barbacoa

  1. And btw, Sark's story here isnt already written. He has good odds to draw an Ace in Manning, but if he loses out there I'm looking towards the future. Even with Manning, he's going to have to flip our roster through the portal. As far as recruiting goes, count how many top 50 players we have committed and set your expectations accordingly.
  2. Here is some good context for Steve Sarkisian as a head coaching hire. https://sports.usatoday.com/ncaa/salaries/football/coach Top 15. Not exactly lighting the cfb world on fire. The reality is the second we hired him many tempered their expectations. There is a group of guys that are running things and they have a vision for the future. In the short term, its SEC centric. In the medium/long term, its a 32 team premier league separated from the NCAA. So I wouldnt get too caught up in Texas going to the SEC. Its just a preview. Urban Meyer told it to us straight. We arent ready to win. College football left us behind. The regional powers around us are way ahead. Our administrative issues are indicative of an organization that doesnt "get it". Even if we paid him higher than anyone else, the work he would have to do wouldnt be worth it. He basically said UT is a really cool old house that he has always wanted to live in, but the costs of just bringing it up to modern standards dont make sense for him at this point. So what do we do? We hire an SEC guy (kind of) with an SEC staff (so we thought). We struck out on Muschamp and Odom and I cant even remember who else. If it felt like PK came out of left field its because he did. I actually dont hate the hire, but it was far from what we set out to do, and the results have been.......not great. What personally pissed me off the most though, is getting good information that Sark was really surprised at the lack of alum support he has at Texas. He got to find out what Meyer already told us. And without being too dramatic, I have a pretty big fucking burr under my saddle to let him know that as our coach, he has some shooters out there. That has little to do with Sark, and a lot to do with the idea that we have to start building for the future or we will keep stepping on our dicks with retread coaches or wannabes.
  3. Hopefully Langi has a soaker on the recruiting staff. Searels can give them a jump hump assist.
  4. This is a good analogy. Tesla has way more money and couldn’t give a flying fuck about football. Meanwhile Big Red motors is nothing in comparison money wise but they would cut off a pinky finger for a championship.
  5. Perfect example of a kid who needs to be hit between the eyes with an extremely competitive visit.
  6. That was about a month ago. There's lots of places he could end up. Just saying, I think the word was out that he could be had. A&M wouldnt shock me for instance.
  7. I know LSU is offering Evans a serious bag. I gave my TCU buddies a heads up and they basically laughed at me since it took a serious bag to get him there. Will be a fun text thread if he transfers out.
  8. Teams get up for us more than they do others, for multiple reasons. It's mind numbingly stupid to suggest otherwise.
  9. Thats what Arkansas was supposed to do. I guess lots of bullets are being saved for the portal, which makes sense on the OL.
  10. A&M. It’s not unlimited but it’s nationally competitive. Bama win was absolutely massive. They’re committed to building in the trenches. Our donors need to wake up and realize they’re going to chew us to bits inside if we don’t start doing the same.
  11. They’re confident on multiple five stars. Doing what it takes.
  12. Still fine, but people should understand it was in his best interest to get them involved. His recruitment is being handled very intentionally by his camp. He believes he’s an elite prospect, and believes elite prospects command certain consideration from suitors. A&M is more than happy to make us work for it.
  13. With a Vegas O/U of 7.5, I had us at 8-4. Then I drank the kool-aid after TCU and went to 9-3. After two thorough bed shittings, I’m at 7-5. Make no mistake, it’s hurting recruiting. We suck until we don’t, and there are some elite players who like us but want to see improvement.
  14. Maybe I underestimate what it takes to make the Top 50, but I do know Gatlin's and Pizzitola's aren't on the same planet as Roegels.
  15. Just imagine how depressing that article would be if we werent moving to the SEC.
  16. Basically Sark’s only real chance is to land Manning and have players portal in to play with him. He will be retained or fired based on his record in year 1 of the SEC. One thing I can promise is our retarded donors won’t feel a sense of urgency until we are getting mushroom stamped in the SEC, and even then their focus will be on the next coach and not on stocking the roster with talent for that coach.
  17. I’m not sure what I thought Sark’s chances of working out here were when he was hired and had his staff put together. I was optimistic so let’s say 51%. Hiring coaches is hard. Getting ass blasted by Arkansas was…….not good. But ok, year 1 coach gets punched in the mouth while he’s trying to figure his team out. Being on the wrong side of the biggest comeback in the history of the RRS was……..not good. But ok, we can still play for the Big 12 championship and get revenge. Completely shitting the bed in the 4th Q of the biggest recruiting weekend of the year and likely losing the ability to play in the Big 12 CCG was……….really not good. Im not done with Sark yet, but the first half of this season has been…….not good. Don’t know what my current odds are for him to make it here, but it isn’t 51% anymore. Is what it is. I basically think the only thing that can really turn him around is landing Arch Manning. Even then though, he’s gonna have to figure out how to keep his team from folding in epic fashion.
  18. Fuck Tom Herman. And not in a high end prostitute that his wife buys him for their anniversary kind of way.
  19. Urban Meyer but the fact that its even a reasonable question shows what a pied piper Arch would be. Arch would be like having another ace recruiter on staff.
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