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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Zhorn96

  1. Zhorn96

    USMNT 2021

    In other news, Chad Ochocinco just got knocked the fuck out. I didn't even know he was boxing
  2. Zhorn96

    USMNT 2021

    they shifting to 4-3-3?
  3. Zhorn96

    USMNT 2021

    It makes you wonder how good the US could be if they had Tata Martinez as their coach. But no, doesn't speak English so wasn't considered. USSF Fucktards. He's so damn good.
  4. Zhorn96

    USMNT 2021

    15? Try 35. There are only about 6 teams in CONCACAF that can ever qualify. Panama is done for a generation but maybe Canada slots in since they have some nice players but past Mexico, the US, Honduras, Costa Rica, Jamaica when they add a bunch of English born dudes plus 1 more (currently maybe Canada), the rest of the federation is complete dogshit
  5. Zhorn96

    USMNT 2021

    Horns up 10-0 going to the bottom of the 3rd. Fairfield feeling like this
  6. Zhorn96

    USMNT 2021

    Adams would calm things and even with his rust he is Acosta x5. At some point Aaronson on for Sargent would be interested. That dude looks lightweight but he always sems to be around the ball in goal scoring situations. I like him
  7. Zhorn96

    USMNT 2021

    yeah, only way Pulisic comes out is if he gets murdered by a Mexican tackle
  8. Zhorn96

    USMNT 2021

    Horns up 6-0 top 3rd in baseball
  9. Zhorn96

    USMNT 2021

    I like Steffen. He needs more than 11 games a year though
  10. Zhorn96

    USMNT 2021

    US doesn't have 3 international level CBs as it is. With Long and Richards injured, we've got 1. Can't imagine Miazga is as bad as McKenzie though. And someone please take Ream out behind the shed and end his misery
  11. I didn’t realize there was an “Ohio” channel on pornhub
  12. What happens when more than one person thinks about the music of REM and Skid Row simultaneously
  13. I didn't think it was possible for me to yearn for a return to the Econ/Finance jerkoff session but jesus fuck, if its more of that versus whatever the fuck happened in the last 2 pages I am all in. And you guys shit on me for bitching about Stanford. Fuck. All. Of. You.
  14. I hope its not Robert Killebrew cause if it is, CTJ is going to shit himself
  15. This is what happens when the commit announcements run dry. Today it's "Stanfraud sucks", tomorrow it'll be "Surly's tips for knitting" and before we know it people will be digging up the German porn classic "Alle männlichen Cheerleader essen Scheiße bei Kyle Field" and holding watch parties. No one wants this...
  16. I would tend to disagree here, but I have cousin who has been with Stanford about 15 years now, and when asked about this she just gives a smirk and says "Stanford has a great grad program for the most part" Make of that however you want, but she wont discuss undergrad.. The grad program is outstanding, world class and deserves plenty of respect. Their undergrad is a morass of grade inflation and entitlement. Getting a 4.0 at 'furd undergrad consists of having a warm pulse and showing up to most of the classes
  17. I hate Stanford with the fire of a thousand suns but that sentence was intended as sarcasm. I have also heard that he is a really nice, good person. Their campus still looks like Taco Bell had an abortion though so lets knock it off about the "beautiful" nonsense
  18. Meh, look at his requirements 1. Education- Toughest thing about 'furd is getting in. Its a joke after that. So strike one 2. Status of the program- 'furd is heading down down down. The talent has thinned considerably and the days of 10-2 and competing for the Pac 12 are over. Strike 2 3. Coaching stability- David Shaw's program playbook is coming undone and he is being exposed for the 2nd rate coach that he is. When you dont have a McCaffrey or Love and your high end OL recruits "miss" and are average, 30 TEs and a cloud of dust doesnt work so well anymore. Shaw is gone from 'furd in the next few years IMO. Strike 3 This is what I tell myself anyway. They are still tricking recruits into going there so shame on them. Fuck Taco Bell U
  19. i suppose that's fair. In general, I think ESPN's ratings are trash. Rivals is ok outside of the West Coast, which they largely ignore. 247 is by far the best IMO
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