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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Zhorn96

  1. I refer to those as aggie acquaintances
  2. does she understand that she should be looking for a new job?
  3. seriously, its the most amazing porn name ever. All he needs is a Tom Selleck Magnum 'stache and you know he is starring in "Ass Attack XII: The Reckoning"
  4. bout tree fiddy is my guess utee94 in first
  5. Stanfuck has no fans so only SC has to worry about this
  6. Thats Aggy level fantasyland action right there. Jesus
  7. Seriously. Nashville is awesome
  8. This needs to be played every day for the foreseeable future. At least until aggy does something stupid and we can laugh at them for something else. So, probably like 2 more days
  9. if you like port, Prager is across the street from V Sattui. Allegedly by appointment only but I've rolled in and they dgaf. Run by 3 brothers it is a different experience from the rest of Napa, dusty, lots of random dollar bills stapled on the walls and fucking amazing dessert wine Its been a few years since I went but if you want some other unsolicited recs and they havent burned down, Joseph Phelps in St Helena is reservation based but off the charts good. Also: Trefethen (Small family owned), Newton, Hall, Stags’s Leap Winery, Chateau Montelena , Frank Fanuky, Duckhorn
  10. go to Beringer telling them that its "good" ditch the OU and atm couples go to V Sattui down the road and laugh at the others
  11. if you think Lubbock is drowning in STDs, wait til you sniff the ASU crowd. Walk across campus and you'll catch something. Fuck that
  12. future votes. They dont want to be the one who said nothing when Texas went to the SEC and abandoned the schools their knuckle draggers wear the t shirts of. Thats it, 100%
  13. please say last season was our best please say last season was our best please say last season was our best
  14. butbutbut they didn't play any OOC games! 0-9 Vandy is still better than Texas! Assholes
  15. I remember where I was when I saw my first Thujone Shaggy masterpiece. I was at work and people were coming to my cube asking if something was wrong and why was I crying. All I could do was half heartedly wavy my hand at my computer screen but I dont think anyone understood what I was trying to do. Just as well, I probably would've been fired if they had
  16. this comment hurts my soul. There is someone out there who does not know of Thujone's genius
  17. Echo the thoughts on OU. I hate those fuckers, they fucking suck at life and voluntarily associating themselves with that shithole state is beyond me. But I respect them on some level at least. Aggy, not so much. I dont hate them because they arent worth it. They're complete dipshits who cover up their short dick insecurities by embracing their dumbfuck cult bullshit one million percent. The best part about them is how easy it is to get them frothing at the mouth over little things that prove how lame they are (like the past week). They're just pure human comedy but not worth wasting any brain cells on
  18. Went to Oxford a couple years ago for the Cal game. Nice town and some badass food. Fans were pretty cool too... the drive into Oxford from Memphis was pretty sad but...yeah, I'll take Oxford over Ames any day. Starkvegas though...
  19. because, deep down, he was really curious about what his own fist would feel like elbow deep in his own anus
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