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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Zhorn96

  1. agree. Way too much tolerance for Aggyness on there, despite overwhelming evidence of their dipshittedness, for it to be otherwise
  2. I went on there for about a day but they really suck at talking shit. Soooooo...
  3. Does the world need 25 fucking thousand Aggy engineers at any given time?
  4. Cal’s current leadership has been very pro athletics… their issue is costs as they have something absurd like 31 varsity sports or something stupid like that. On top of that they still owe a couple hundred on their stadium retrofit… so I suspect Cal will chase the money and the Big 14 would likely want them for academic branding and history if little else. Internationally, Cal’s brand is massive but will college athletics ever expand past US borders? The PAC dicked around a bit in Asia and Australia but it didn’t amount to much
  5. Tri Cities is pretty nice. 140-150 miles away from Pullman, give or take, but ok.
  6. I say this with all due respect but...the fuck is wrong with you Pullman is a tiny piece of shit town in the middle of nowhere that is brutal to get to. It doesn't even have the honor of being quaint or pretty, its in the middle of an agricultural area and is Lubbock without the social life
  7. Cal went early in Tedford's tenure if I remember right
  8. for those wondering why the Pac wouldn't take TCU or Baylor...there is a long held sentiment of "no religious schools" to be in the Pac. BYU has wanted in forever and they're a better take than the other 2 I would think
  9. i saw this and almost shit myself laughing
  10. Pac 12 wont take any religious school... no Baylor, no BYU and no TCU.
  11. Forget 4th tier, lets be honest, that is straight DIII shit right there
  12. SEC!SEC!SEC! Also, if this happened, The Ags would shit themselves in rage
  13. Both Cal and Stanbitch launched similar programs... https://calbears.com/news/2021/7/1/athletics-news-cal-launches-golden-program-for-student-athletes.aspx https://gostanford.com/news/2021/6/30/athletics-stanford-launches-cardinal-connect.aspx
  14. if I can nitpick, they overlapped at UW for a couple years but were at SC at different times. Sounds like you're basing your opinion on conjecture but havent heard anything since Becton got to UT. Got it.
  15. Has anything been coming out about how Becton's program is not up to par? Dude has a great rep, Cal was willing to make him their highest paid assistant behind the co-ordinators to keep him and he turned down SC the previous year. You can talk shit all you want about Pac-12 football but Cal maxed out their talent because of Becton and SC isn't going to hire a nobody.
  16. why is Torre Becton garbage now? Is he crap cause you hadnt heard of him til he came here?
  17. he is likely a high draft pick, would be mildly surprised if he ever sets foot on campus
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