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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Zhorn96

  1. At least we won’t be alone. The rest of the SEC will be able to celebrate his magnificence
  2. Was going to say, “fuck, facing this dominant defensive line, how will we possibly win?”
  3. The best thing about Texas joining the SEC and LHN going away will be seeing Lowell in a torn suit, drinking something out of a paper bag under I-35 with the other hobos
  4. So, the game plan is Bijan or Worthy on every play… I can live with that
  5. Boy, that Hargrove roofing ad featured some witty and smart writing. Thank god for the Longhorn Network
  6. Lowell, what is up with that fucking hair? Jesus
  7. You know what I am fired up about? Getting to hear the dulcet tones of Lowell Galindo for the next 4 hours. Fuck yeah!
  8. when I was comparing talent, I was talking Cal's v Texas as a means of matchup comparison. But yeah, QJ is pretty good. LT Junior was ok but did get beat a couple times (which can happen) and Mathis was someone I had heard a lot about but don't remember the TCU DL making much of an impression. Decent run defense for most of the game and they got a coverage sack or two but nothing remarkable. Again, 1 game so maybe they are better than what I saw
  9. I'm not usually, I just find the "oh my gawd its TEECEEYOU" fear to be so dumb this year. Yes, they've had us down for the last decade but Charlie, Tom and their G5 coaching staffs arent here anymore. Did we just shit the bed against Arky? Yes, absolutely. Will the atmosphere at TCU be similar? Yes but on a smaller scale. Is the jury still out on Sark and Co.? Yes it is. But I am not ready to think that all is lost before its played, especially since I just saw TCU try its best to lose against a Cal team that doesn't have a single player that could crack Texas's starting lineup (probably...maybe at rush LB but even then...). Sark is on a different level as an offensive coach compared to Musgrave. PK is miles better than Sirmon at defense. Cal's OL sucks but TCU had almost no pressure on the QB but their starting RB, who would struggle to crack Texas's 4 deep, ran for 5 a carry and 2 TDs. Cal's WRs are average and the QB cant throw deep yet he rained 30+ yard passes over the top of the TCU DBs, none of whom looked good (Tomlinson was ok but the other CB and the safeties are shit). Offensively, Duggan is Duggan (good runner, inconsistent passer) but he has a weak to okish OL, 1 decent to good WR, a couple of OK WRs and a great RB in Evans. With that said, a solid but unspectacular Cal D had them bottled up for 29 minutes before a flukey long TD by Evans where a frosh LB in there because of injuries got caught out of position right before half took some wind out of the sails. 2nd half, TCU ran it down Cal's throat and the afternoon heat sucked the life out of them and they folded. That wont happen against Texas IMO. And Cal still almost won the game and should've except their coaching staff completely shit the bed chasing points all game. Bottom line, if Texas loses to TCU, I'm off the Sark train and telling him to fuck back off to Southern California. Sure, I saw 1 game blah blah but this is not a typical Patterson TCU defense, they are not good. Texas should win this game by 2 TDs
  10. Well shit, I guess we shouldn’t even play it then. My bad, if you could get the number for the sprained pussy clinic off your speed dial, I’d be grateful
  11. I hear you and I get the sentiment. Before seeing TCU, I would've thought much the same but having seen them now... if Texas does lose to TCU, I'll be off the Sark train for sure. Cause TCU, barring a few players, fucking sucks. I hope Arky is the wakeup call the Horns need.
  12. I get the PTSD re: TCU but I was at the Cal-TCU game on Saturday...TCU's defense fucking sucks. Cal's noodle armed QB rolled them for bomb after bomb downfield. PFF had it as his highest rated game in his 5 years at Cal. Not a single guy on their D impressed me. Zach Evans can ball but until Cal's D wilted in the heat, the Frog O didn't do shit. So yeah, TCU...
  13. haha, poor Todd, they gave the interim tag to Donte Williams. High comedy
  14. I was at the TCU game yesterday. Cal’s dogshit offense put 32 on them and it should’ve been over 40 if their coaches could rub 2 brain cells together. Their secondary outside of LT Jr sucks and they barely put pressure on Cal’s QB. Their D is not very good. Evans is a fuckbeast but take your “TCU is going to kick our ass” bullshit somewhere else
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