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Burnt Ends
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About 40acredropout

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  1. One of my favorite plays and I really don't feel like the replay angles do it justice. I had PTSD from being in Stillwater the previus year and watching him throw several WTF moonballs to absolutely nobody. The second this one left his hand, I literally said 'god dammit' thinking it was more of the same. He put so much air under it that it felt like slow motion... my seats were 45th row and it felt like apex was eye level. Jhontay clued everyone in and then watching it fall perfectly into X's hands was probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen on a football field.
  2. Yeah as a pretty neutral person, this is weak as fuck. “act like an adult if you don’t want to be banned”… shuts shit down so nobody can even talk about a fucking massive real life story. Fucking weak
  3. I got knocked out of Jester East NCAA tournament by Quandre Diggs. The 3-4 players in the tournament all played as WVU which I understood but it still felt wrong.
  4. Nah, surly mob decided one of these dudes is our guy. So it must be.
  5. A man can only take so much. If this drags on much longer, we approach the real possibility that @Balcones drives down to your shitty cookie cutter neighborhood to fuck your fat wife and eat your Wendy’s nuggets just to break you.
  6. 3 total quad 4 losses from 2021-2023. 8 this season. The general lack of consistency is irritating but losing 8 WTF games with this talent is not our standard. GTFO
  7. Team ERA by year and pitching coach: 2014: 2.25 - not David Pierce 2015: 3.27 - not David Pierce 2016: 4.08 - not David Pierce 2017: 3.15 - not David Pierce 2018: 4.24 - not David Pierce 2019: 4.37 - not David Pierce 2020: 2.59 - not David Pierce 2021: 2.93 - not David Pierce 2022: 4.28 - not David Pierce 2023: 4.18 - not David Pierce 2024: 5.12 - DAVID PIERCE 🧐
  8. What the fuck did you think was going to happen after you banned Derka?
  9. Just to add some context that I think will make you guys feel better: Incarnate Word put up 29 runs last weekend across 3 games against these scrubs.
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