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Posts posted by SarkAfterDark

  1. 12 hours ago, Nivek said:

    You aren’t reading what he is saying. You are just twisting what he wrote and then arguing against what you think he said.

    The Worthy criticism on the int is valid, if the DB can run side by side then adjust to the ball than so should the WR. Him getting blasted by the other DB is irrelevant and after the fact.

    The issue I have it with Sark putting Worthy out there, if he is getting blown off his routes so easily, than he cannot do the job. If he cannot do the job assigned, than he needs a different role that he can perform. I thought Quinn should have been benched in favor of Hudson. I respect they hell out of Card. I like Quinn as well, and Quinn has some work to do. Sark needed to be benched as well. His play calling started sucking as well. His head coach should have advised him.

    Worthy is a fantastic athlete, but as a WR this year, he is a paper tiger. I hope he puts it together.

    I know this may seem subtle to some of you but if you watch, HT tugs at Worthy’s jersey which pulls Worthy’s momentum back and allows HT to undercut the route. Those are little nuances you learn as a DB and while it doesn’t look like much on TV it makes a difference on the field. It was still a bad throw but I’m not sure there was much more Worthy could do.

  2. 37 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

       If you think 1 and 2 aren't catchable then you have the athletic ability of a toddler. Clearly you have never played football, because every football coach across this country teaches you to close the distance between you and the ball. Every. Single. One. You know what else they teach you? Not to basket catch, you catch the ball with your hands. You know what else? High point the football. Anyone here who played as low as the middle school B team will tell you that.  

    Never said they weren’t catchable but why are you putting more onus on a receiver to catch a bad ball instead of the QB for throwing a bad ball when it’s consistent from the QB. Also I doubt a player that normally has 2-3 yards on his defender is out there dogging it and running half speed. But Ewers is missing a shitload of throws, not sure I’ve seen a Texas QB miss so many. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 17 hours ago, Thatguy said:

    1) 1st play of the game X jumps backwards 3 yards for some reason to catch a ball giving up the room the DB needs to knife right in front of him. If he just stops and catches it that won't happen. 

    2) Ewers can't step into the deep dig Worthy is running so the ball is high but extremely catchable. Worthy gator arms it and it goes right through his hands. 

    3) Bad throw by Ewers but damned if Worthy is running about 3/4 speed

    4) Ewers tries him again. Worthy lets the DB push him 5 yards off his route. The ball lands right there but Worthy doesn't fight for it. 

    5)  This one shouldn't have been thrown. That said a receiver needs to fight for this ball. At the very least play defender. You could end up getting a PI if you work your way back to it. Worthy makes no effort. 

    6) Swing pass to Worthy for 3 yards

    7) Same route Worthy ran earlier but this time he didn't jump backwards. 16yd gain

    😎 shallow cross and Ewers hits Worthy who drops it

    9)  Quick hitter to Worthy who is in the slot

    10) 10 yard dig at the sticks and Worthy is being muscled by a DB and drops it. 

    11) Quick screen to Worthy for 3 yards.



    You have to be Mr Ewers with some of these tapes. You are blaming Worthy for not catching bad balls thrown by his QB. I couldn’t even get past #3. The first one is late and not thrown where its supposed to be. #2 is high and behind Worthy, and Cheetah wouldn’t have even caught up to #3. Ewers is the QB and leader of the offense he needs to start playing better and throwing better passes. 

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  4. The biggest person holding the offense back is Ewers. If he plays better, everything else falls into place. Not sure how Worthy became the biggest issue all of a sudden, all this Worthy isn’t running hard enough or not tracking balls better resolves itself when his QB starts throwing a better ball. Doesn’t even have to be perfect just get it in the vicinity of your wide open receiver.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  5. 16 hours ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    how you going to improve his lack of effort/not finishing?

    What? I swear y’all wouldn’t be satisfied until Worthy laid out on the field only to see the ball bounce 2 yards in front of him. Not sure who started this group think nonsense but there is no lack of effort on Worthy’s part. The deep balls aren’t catchable. Worthy is doing his part beating his man and most times a safety too. His QB can’t get him the ball. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, Thatguy said:

      The ball should be out where you can fit it in. In a perfect world when that receiver makes the break they should expect the ball because that break, that only him and his QB know about, is going to be the biggest point of separation between him and the DB. After that the DB is going to close. However, in the real world you throw the ball in the window you have and the receiver should recognize the window as well. Sometimes you need to wait a bit because a receiver needs to clear a linebacker. Sometimes the window is small so you have to put it on them quickly. Either way the receiver has to recognize that too. 

      Look, every ball isn't going to be perfect. Sometimes you have to slow down, dive, jump, or fall down to make a catch. Receivers on other teams do this every week. We dropped some drive killing balls out there tonight, there is no two ways about it. We also threw a couple ugly ones. Missed a bunch of blocks. Danced around in the backfield when we should've put our head down, and put our head down when we should've seen the cutback on a stretch run. 

    A lot of words to make excuses for Ewers. The ball came out too early, he threw it right at the break instead of throwing it where Whittington was going. It was poorly executed by Ewers and a bad throw. I guess we can blame Whittington for not making some kind of miracle catch on the play idk. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 34 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

      Ewers had a bad day but geezus, when a receiver makes his break the ball is supposed to be there. That is literally NFL QBing 101. Ewers had a lot you can criticize him for but that one was not it. 

    The ball should be out when the receiver is making his break, it shouldn’t be flying past him. Ewers rushed that throw. 

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  8. Just now, Codaxx said:

    That is straight BS. He was in the endzone and open and he is the primary receiver. That was the single worst play I have seen from a Longhorn this year. It one thing to make a physical error, but the primary Wr not looking for the ball is next level stupid. That was his second mistake of the game. The first was the 7 yard route in 3rd and 8. Your first sentence is also wrong. The offense starts with the OL and they got embarrassed today 

    Part of that route is not looking for the ball until you come out of your break. If he is looking the whole way then the DB can break on the ball. He is selling that he could be running a route that breaks outside by looking that way which is part of the fake. The play is designed that way, Ewers threw the ball entirely too early. If he waits a second that is likely a completed pass for a TD. It’s ok if you don’t get it but that is the nuance to that route. 

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Codaxx said:

    There were drops in the 1Q to the 4Q. In this game the Qb hit a WR in the endzone that wasn’t looking for the ball. The recievers were terrible. I cant think a single player on offense that played well or didn’t have a mistake. No need to make BS excuses, the entire offense was just bad 

    The entire offense starts with the QB, and Whittington wasn’t looking for the ball because Ewers through a fast ball before he even came out of his break, ball was already on him by the time it was time for him to look for it. No need to excuse how bad Ewers was by saying the entire offense was bad, they are better if he plays better.

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  10. 3 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    College receivers have to make those plays.

    The ones by Sanders and X that would have resulted in important first downs were the drops that killed us.

    Obviously the QB is the main issues. But receivers who can get open and make catches, especially when the other team is loading the box, would be nice as well.

    Their QB didn’t help them on either of those throws hence the QB being the bigger issue. Not going to shit on the WRs when the QB can’t hit anyone in the numbers.


    TCU bet that Ewers couldn’t beat them and they were right.

  11. 1 minute ago, Codaxx said:

    How could you watch that game and think Recievers weren’t a problem. Had to be half a dozen drops. Literally everyone on offense was a problem tonight 

    When your QB is erratic there will be drops. Not going to fault a guy for not catching a ball thrown at his knees nor do I care about a drop that would have gained 1 yd and ran 30 seconds off the clock at the end of a half. Billingsley drop was bad but again that would have been a catch for about 2 yards. The QB is a bigger issue.

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  12. 16 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    You know how you stop that? The COACH says hey Quinn, If you throw that deep ball again, I’m benching you 

    it’s on Sark. Stop pretending like Sark is just a passive party in this. Jesus 

    Lmao if you think these are the type of conversations a coach has with his player during the game. Regardless Sark calls the play, he can’t tell Ewers who to throw it to, he can’t go out there and execute for Ewers. The plays were there, Ewers didn’t make them. This game is on him. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  13. 1 hour ago, Neonmoon said:

    Sadly, if we had a HC worth a shit, he would call plays Quinn is comfortable with and gets points, but our dumb fuck is like, throw it deep!

    You idiots keep spouting this out like Sark is telling Ewers to throw the ball deep. It’s Ewers shitty ass decision making and not coming off his first read. The play call isn’t throw it deep dumb fucks. 

    Anyway some of you guys can keep trying to scapegoat Sark or Worthy but the truth of the matter thus far is just that Ewers just isn’t that guy. 

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