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Everything posted by TOR

  1. That ECU midget is quick like a scalded dog.
  2. Being a slave to analytics in college ball is nuts. Too many variables and too small a sample size that ignores game momentum, especially with young players. Can't trust it.
  3. GB linemen celebrating the touchdown is pretty funny.
  4. TOR

    Washington @ USC

    That's like 3 possessions in this game.
  5. TOR

    Washington @ USC

    How many players is Washington allowed to put in motion without a penalty? Ballpark.
  6. TOR

    Washington @ USC

    Nobody playing defense for either team should be celebrating anything.
  7. TOR

    Washington @ USC

    Penix is lucky he didn't tear an Achilles there. Or break a hip.
  8. TOR

    Washington @ USC

    That is some serious herp-a-derp running right there.
  9. TOR

    Washington @ USC

    Grinch gonna get Grinched for Christmas.
  10. TOR

    Washington @ USC

    Go, 9.0 earthquake! Huskies being exposed a bit here, condoms found some defense.
  11. Refs played a hell of a game, but the Longhorns were able to prevail against their obdurate chicanery. Malik helped them out with some poor decision-making too, so Davy Crockett bless that defense.
  12. 28-26 on that dumb penalty?
  13. Peters had to poop, kind of up shitty for ESPN to put a cam on him.
  14. Jimmy G is no Dan Marino. OTOH his wr's are dropping everything.
  15. Gibbs was all up in that skinny business.
  16. Have we discussed the pajamas yet? Because those are turribul.
  17. The league put a team in Vegas, every game should be considered 'fixed' IMO.
  18. What is that, is that your crash helmet? Oh, I hope noooooot.
  19. Hasn't hit 100f since before Labor Day, but this is a pretty drastic change. 78 and sunny on the patio yesterday.
  20. TE kmet didn't block for a damn on that 4th down.
  21. The league is definitely going to push the remaining LA team. New York is a bust this year with Rodgers out.
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