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Everything posted by texas08

  1. “Feels” “My mains” “This gem” (OP is spot on)
  2. Bunch of amateur criminals. At least be bad ass have your shit together type criminals.
  3. Been to about 10 nfl games in my life. Glad I’ve never paid a single dollar out of my pocket for those tickets. I vow to never pay for an NFL ticket. I’ve got some cowboys gear, but have always used an employee discount from someone I know to obtain gear at 50% off. Makes me feel somewhat good. Fuck the nfl and most of the nfl owners.
  4. What a piece a shit. This guys is pathetic.
  5. That Denali 2500 up there is sweeeet.
  6. Fuck it. I look forward to the massive parties that are gonna occur when Dotard and the rest of those traitors are in prison. Finna be lit.
  7. Trump reminds me of many third world country presidents...thugs that bought their way into politics.
  8. Holy shit dude, thank you! How can they fuck this up so bad. Tons of people bitching them out on social media.
  9. I still can’t fucking log in to directv now after this new update. WTF.
  10. This event is amusing, probably the beginning of the end of the world, and not because of some biblical bullshit...but because of power hungry assholes.
  11. How many armed body guards and food tasters does Avenatti have? He has to roll in a bullet proof vehicle as well right? He’s basically saying, I’ve got all the Mueller info and I’m gonna be releasing shit little by little to expose you (might have a source that works for Mueller).
  12. Trumpism is here to stay. This nation is fucked. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/gop-candidate-deportation-bus_us_5afae48de4b09a94524c3067?ncid=APPLENEWS00001
  13. DirectvNow update hit my phone, but I can’t log in. Anyone else?
  14. Peru’s captain won’t play in world cup. Dude is raw. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
  15. Yup. Not sad one bit that these people are in for a real fucking rude awakening. We’re all gonna hurt, prices will start to increase like crazy...but their savior is the one that is fucking them the hardest. Fuck em I say. They got sold by vitriol that gays are evil, yay guns, boo immigrants. Hey, at least they’ll have their whack ass little maga hats.
  16. I will weep when Federer, Nadal, Messi, and Ronaldo retire. Gods.
  17. Wow....fuck yes. Thank you Bob.
  18. That’s all Dotard has at this point...scream keywords like “rigged”, “witch hunt”, “fake news”. Imbecile will deserve what’s coming his way. He’s terrified. He will retire behind bars. He’s always been shady and it finally caught up to him.
  19. Dotard is legit mentally ill. Poor bastard.
  20. Buy the Tennesseean and make him the editor.
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