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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by ChickenNuggets

  1. 23 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

    It’s comical how aggys completely fabricate stories. Keep in mind, to alter the distributions from PUF investments the people of Texas would have to vote on and pass a constitutional amendment. I guess they don’t teach government at trade schools. 

    Word is that UT has been informed that the state is reworking the PUF. UT will lose a significant portion to all the other universities in the state not yet included.”

    ”They get to go to the SEC but it's going to cost them in many different ways. Bet they didn't see that coming.”

    ”Talked with a high up Tech administrator. Said Gov Abbott has already informed UT it's going to happen. UT and aTm don't control the legislature like in the past. Example is Tech getting their vet school even in the face of strong aTm opposition. Times are a changing.”


    That last one about UT not controlling the leg is absolute garbage. THE most powerful entity in the state is the University of Texas when it decides it needs to be. Texas flexed when it decided to go to the SEC. Maybe some legislators got in the news for filing bills, but the outcome was never in doubt and the pressure UT applied was enormous. I heard from several lobbyists that some in the leg were shocked at how quickly they were steamrolled.

  2. 8 minutes ago, zzz said:

    Has the skyrocket always been one of their regular 'yells' or did they add it for all of the errant Calzada throws?

    wait, these are yells? I thought these were their sheep kama sutra instructions. "locomotive" looks like a reach around.

  3. 5 minutes ago, DFW Horn said:


    God.. I know some really smart Aggies.. Engineers, folks that quite frankly are heads and toes over friends of mine from UT. But damn if they don't have the dumbest, most ass backwards fan base. It must be all that East TX inbreeding.  I doubt coryhub graduated high school, much less college. That dumbfuck is breaking rock Mon - Fri and banging waffle house waitresses on the weekends.

  4. 13 minutes ago, coachherman'sgrill said:
    9 hours ago, Tex Pete said:

    I love it!! Every year around this time, that resurrects to the misery of everyone.

    have you ever cried, pissed, and shit yourself at once while watching a football game?           


    Happened to me once. Years ago. Before Shaggy grew a conscious. Before Surly....


    It Started with an innocent OU-Texas game thread of dominance and then an 'off-to-the-side' tangential thread about a man-woman cheerleader.  


    Holy poopsack batman... Longhorn nation had the shits and giggles for a good 72 hours....


    But the thread was deleted... feelings... lawsuits... craziness... But the man-woman cheerleader remained.

  5. 2 hours ago, Lhorn said:

    Seems like it wouldn’t be hard to photoshop a raised pinky so that they are doing “hook ‘em.”  You wouldn’t even have to cover up another finger because most people assume they have 6 fingers and each hand anyway. 

    It';s only hard until you try... 


    Fucking hindu sheet right there.

  6. 23 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    There is growing buzz that a full on blowout to Bama will lead to multiple guys shutting down their seasons. Specifically, Spiller's family is not happy. Wedermeyer is pondering it. Leal as well. Green might too, because he's doing more damage for his NFL prospects by playing right now than by calling it a day. Not sure if these will be couched as injury issues or if it will even happen, but there's more to it than just fans bullshitting about it here. 

    To this point, let's say they don't shut it down, but ATM staggers to a 7-5 record by beating Mizzou, PVATM, SCar, and then falls backwards into beating an Auburn or LSU coming off their own emotional highs from a prior game. I don't see most of the guys I just mentioned showing up for the bowl game. That's a 7-6 season. If they don't stumble into a SECW victory, that's a 6-6 team heading into bowl season. In Jimbo's 4th year, they face the very real prospect of a losing season having a chance of happening. Pretty hilarious. 

    If you had to pick right now, would you take 10-3 (lose to BAMA, win out and win a bowl) or 5-7 (fail to beat one of Missouri or SCar)? How about 9-4 versus 6-7? 

    I think the lower end outcomes are way more plausible than their upside alternatives.


    12 minutes ago, UncleSonny said:

    God, if that happened we'd reach saturation levels of schadenfreude around here. Between the Texags response and whatever Leon Oneal would have to say about it, it would be like the week we joined the SEC all over again.


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