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Posts posted by Bernard

  1. Cabs suck in Stillwater, but I stumbled out of a bar there late one night and flagged down a passing two truck. He gladly gave me (and a random friend I ran into on the street) a ride to our hotel for like $40. There's always someone around who wants to make a few bucks. 🙂

    As for Morgantown, I just booked the last room (allegedly) at the Lakeview Golf Resort. $99/night. Not as close to downtown as I'd like, but close enough.  It's where the WVU team stays the night before games. And they have a nice (not free) breakfast buffet.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. Also...

    Not the most scenic, but one beautiful morning I was on a motorcycle traveling east on Highway 90 from Alpine to Del Rio. Went so long without seeing another vehicle that I started imaging I was the dictator of this whole place and I had this highway built for my sole use and enjoyment. It was nice while it lasted.


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  3. On 5/28/2021 at 9:36 AM, JohnLocke said:

    A good simple reform would be to not allow hospitals to charge more than 25% more to anyone of their average insurance rate.

    This x 1,000. If the government REALLY wanted to help those without insurance, they should require all healthcare providers to bill uninsured patients at the same rate as Medicare, or Medicaid, or whoever the biggest insurer is in the region. So fucking easy. With the stroke of a fucking pen, and ZERO cost to taxpayers, tens of millions of people could be helped. And any provider that doesn't like it can fuck right off.

    The smoke and mirrors involved in our current healthcare reimbursement system is fucking disgusting.


    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Fuck You 1
  4. 21 minutes ago, deadshank said:

    Chrysler LeBaron convertible?  


    2002 CLK430. Black.

    Full disclosure though: I had a 1982 Dodge 400 convertible in high school and through UT graduation. THEN I replaced it with a 1982 Chrysler LeBaron convertible before going German.


  5. On 5/27/2021 at 1:45 PM, conVINCEd said:

    One way to get one is to crash your car into it.  Kind of a ‘you break it, you buy it’ deal.  When I was a teenager I ran into a street sign and was flabbergasted at what they billed my insurance company to replace it.  This was a sign for a bus stop, I shudder to think what they would charge for something larger.  Insurance rates will suck for a few years though.  

    I was driving east on W. Alabama one evening. As I was crossing Kirby, some jackass in a black Suburban came flying through his red light southbound. I was surely about to get T-boned. Pulled my wheel all the way right and stomped on the brakes. I avoided the Suburban, but crashed straight in the left hand turn signal. Ripped it right off of its base. Out of spite (I suppose), the whole light pole cam crashing down on the roof of my convertible leaving a pronounced bow in all the roof hardware. To make matters worse, the four concrete encased bolts that anchored the light pole opened up the bottom of my car like a can opener. The Suburban driver fled the scene. HPD wrote me a ticket. City of Houston sent me a bill for about $10,000. My insurance paid the bill. Only had liability coverage though, so my car was a complete loss. Actually, I sold it for $3,500 to a guy who deals in wrecked vehicles. No profit. 


  6. On 5/14/2021 at 2:22 PM, Bernard said:

    Well, I guess I'm fucked. Just finished 30 days of One-Meal-Every-Other-Day. And walking six miles a day (most days). Dropped 25 pounds. Feel great. Plan to continue. Need to lose about 50 more. 🙂


    Down another 10 pounds since the above post. Up three notches on my belt since the start.


    • Hook 'Em 4
  7. 7 minutes ago, Zone Read said:

    I vaguely remember getting tickets through Wheeler to the Tulane game in New Orleans, maybe around 2003 or so?  I think he organized some deal where you got some pretty decent seats, hospitality suite and some other stuff I don't remember.  Am I remembering that correctly?

    Not sure. I was at that game, but with a different group of friends. Fun weekend. I recall one of our guys was too hung over on Saturday to even get out of bed. He couldn't even rally for the 2:30(?) kickoff. We slid his game ticket between his cheek and pillow. He showed up at the Super Dome in the 4th Quarter.


  8. 5 hours ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    I don't know how much money it was (I think something like maybe $500 a head and he had 100 people so maybe he walked with $50k- I don't remember the exact amount),

    The OSU bus trip has officially become an urban legend. I can assure you, the total actual losses involved were no where near that number. More like $1,000-$2,000 IIRC.


  9. 5 hours ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    @Bernard used to roll in that crew and I'm sure some others- Bernard- did you ever hear what happened with him or know anyone who was still in touch after the OSU bus debacle?

    I'm friends with Bob to this day. He's doing great. He been living a very domesticated, small town life for a decade plus now. He's 180-ed from seeking the spotlight to shunning it. He owns/runs several successful businesses. 

    I've heard his version of the OSU bus story, which adds many other details than were publicly discussed. No doubt it was a giant clusterfuck. I really don't remember all the deets, so I'm not here to contradict anyone's version of the story either. I'm sure some folks directly involved in the situation rightfully feel like they got jobbed, but I don't believe any of their money went to line Bob's pockets. Bob has his share of shortcomings, just like the rest of us. He's never been short on cash though. He's full of big ideas, but the execution is sometimes lacking. His intentions were always good.

    The last great Wheeler boondoggle I participated in was relief caravan to Moore, OK after the F5 hit in 2013(?). A dozen or so caravan-ed there to help out. We spent a whole day moving what remained of a smashed house out to the street literally brick-by-brink, bucket brigade style. Incredible amount of work. Homeowner was thrilled. We uncovered a few items he was really hoping to find. Was it fun? Yes. Was is well organized? No. Did we help people? No doubt. Did we spend hours being confused and uncertain and spinning our wheels at times? Yep. Typical Wheeler event. I'd do it again in a second. 


    • Hook 'Em 2
  10. 1. When in a fight, hit first and hit hard.

    2. Been to Texans road games in Dallas, New Orleans, Tennessee, Miami, San Diego, San Fransisco, Chicago, Green Bay, Buffalo, and Kansas City. Wore gear. Cheered loud. Very few issues.

    Almost came to blows with some Chiefs fans in the parking lot before a game. A few of them playing catch thought it would be hilarious to "accidentally" throw their ball multiple times into our group who were standing around eating and drinking and talking. My buddy picked up their "errant" ball and punted it over a fence and down a hill and onto a road, which actually was hilarious.

    Some Bills fans a few rows away were talking shit in the first quarter of the game, but then STFU before too long. That would have been an awesome game for fisticuffs since we were sitting in the Bills friends and family section. The Bills QB's grandad was sitting a few seats to our left and Bill's OL / former Longhorn Mike Williams' family was sitting directly behind us.


  11. 2013 seems pretty young for the scrap yard. How many miles? Condition? Sounds like you got a cash price from someone who plans to tow it over to Manheim or Copart and sell to dealer who will fix the tranny and flip it.


    As touched on above, scrap car prices are more like $200-$300. Those cars get bought by guys who remove the tires, wheels and catalytic convertor, then drop off the rest at LKQ (or similar) who will harvest more parts before putting the carcass in the crusher/shredder before shipping it to China or other scrap metal buyers.


  12. 13 minutes ago, F250 said:

    Isn't this just yo-yo dieting?

    It sure seems that way. Hopefully I have a better maintenance plan this time around. 🙂

    I disagree that fasting for weight loss is unhealthy. I agree all the shit food and beer I ate/drank to gain the weight was unhealthy. I guess 50% is still an F though. 🙂


    • Hook 'Em 2
  13. Tried to edit the above post, but ran out of time. He's what I wanted to add...

     In 2018, I lost 70 pounds between New Years and St. Patrick's Day via fasting. Lost another 20+ pounds over the next several months too. Felt great. Then football season came around. And copious amounts of beer. And parties. And travel. Etc. Over the past few years, I gained a lot of that weight back, but is that fastings fault? I ate a lot of shit food in a large quantities. Now the scale is headed down again. Hopefully this time I'll have a better maintenance plan. 🙂


    • Hook 'Em 2
  14. 2 minutes ago, destroya said:

    And based on your experience does that fasting lead to long term, sustained weight loss?

    Yes, based on my personal experience, extended fasting leads to sustained weight loss. You WILL lose weight. If you mean maintenance, once you've reached your goal weight, no. At that point, a new, weight maintenance eating plan must be employed.


  15. Thanks, washpark. If I die, i'll let you know.

    I once went 27 days during which I only ate two salads. One salad on day 10. One salad on day 20. No issues. Felt great. 48 hour fast is nothing.

    I don't want to get in link posting battle, but surely you're aware I could post plenty of links quoting medical doctors outlining the benefits of fasting, right?


    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. On 5/13/2021 at 9:15 AM, F250 said:



    Starvation is not a valid method for losing fat and increasing your health. Dropping 12 pounds in less than a month is not a good idea either, it's actually pretty fucking terrible.

    At your size your Basal Metabolic Rate is easily over 2,100 calories with a full blown sedentary lifestyle. You are not even getting half of the required calories for your body to properly function.




    "American College of Sports Medicine RecommendationsThe American College of Sports Medicine takes BMR requirements seriously because of the potential dangers of insufficient caloric intake. Subsequently, they endorse a minimum net daily caloric intake of 1,200 for women and 1,800 for men. Factors such as age and height affect the exact number of calories a person needs per day however, so these numbers truly are only a guide."


    Well, I guess I'm fucked. Just finished 30 days of One-Meal-Every-Other-Day. And walking six miles a day (most days). Dropped 25 pounds. Feel great. Plan to continue. Need to lose about 50 more. 🙂


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