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Ghost of LL

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Ghost of LL

  1. I would love to see John Hickenlooper get the Dem nomination.  He's definitely running, and I always like Western governors.  They bring an aspect of libertarianism that you don't see with the coastal Dems, and which I think is needed to build a winning coalition.

    I'd really like to see him paired with Doug Jones on a ticket.  Southern senators in the VP spot seem to be de rigueur for winning Democratic tickets over the past thirty years (Gore, Biden).

  2. 7 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Only one of the two sources was said to be a Mueller interviewee according to Reuters. This strikes me as more leaky than what we've seen up until now. And it comes coincidentally with more direct attacks on Mueller since Trump mentioned him by name in an angry Tweet not too long ago. Maybe it's a coincidence. Maybe it's not. 

    The second source is introduced in the third paragraph thusly: "Another issue Mueller’s team has been asking about is how and why Republican Party platform language hostile to Russia was deleted from a section of the document related to Ukraine, said another source who also requested anonymity."  It doesn't say specifically that that s/he was questioned.  But the only thing the source talks about is what "Mueller's team has been asking about."

    There is no reason to infer that such a source came from inside the OCS.

  3. 16 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Trump supporters start attacking Mueller, the Mueller camp starts leaking. 

    I don't see how you reach that conclusion.  It appears that every "leak" comes from the witnesses who have been questioned, not the investigators doing the questioning. 

    I say that for two reasons.  First, every story is careful not to say that the source is inside the OSC; it always says something along the lines of "according to one source familiar with the investigation" or "according to sources with knowledge of the investigation's direction."  Second, we never learn anything about the investigation until after witnesses are questioned about something. 

    The Reuters report is a case in point, as set forth in the first sentence: "Investigators probing whether Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russia have been questioning witnesses about events at the 2016 Republican National Convention, according to two sources familiar with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s inquiries."

    So--the sources are "familiar" with the "inquiries"--i.e., the questions--and not the underlying evidence.  And once again, we only learn about what the OSC is investigating based on what they "have been questioning witnesses about."

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, wildcat09 said:

    Don't know why this didn't work last time. In addition to the obligations that were personal to Trump in the agreement, this seems like a killer.

    That's interesting.  I've never had to research the issue, but that seems pretty damned on-point.

  5. For a reasonably priced hotel, you may want to think creatively.  A number of pubs still have rooms above them.  The Culpeper on Commercial Street in Whitechapel is an example.  You're above a pub, so it might be noisy in the evenings if you want to have your window open.  But in December, that's not going to be an issue.  It's £120/night, and breakfast is included.  Perhaps best of all--it's about a block from the East Aldgate tube station.

    • Like 1
  6. Heitkamp has insane positives in ND.  That’s a state in which you can literally meet every voter, and over the last six years, she has.  Multiple times.  Senators from states like that don’t lose for that reason, and I don’t expect her to do so.

    McCaskill is a political Houdini.  She has no business winning.  But until I see otherwise, I assume she will.

    Donnelly is in a tough spot.  I don’t know how he keeps that seat. 

  7. Well, that makes a lot more sense.

    I'm actually really interested to go, given its history as a resort frequented by royalty during the late-19th - early-20th Centuries.  There are supposed to be some great Belle Epoque buildings, including the Hotel du Palais.

  8. So as to get this back up and running, Mrs.LL and I are going to be in Spain at the end of April.  We have three nights in Madrid, two nights in Elciego, two nights in San Sebastian, and one night in Bilbao (and one night in London on our way back).

    We have dinner reservations at Botin in Madrid--Imma going to need one of those roast suckling pigs.  But otherwise, we haven't booked anything and welcome suggestions.

    As far as sights--we figure we need to hit the Prado and the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid.  But isn't that it as far as "must-see" sights?  After we knock those out, we can spend the rest of the time in bars, right?

  9. 1 hour ago, Bateshorn said:

    I just wish the stats nerds could get their shit together.  One day it's "HOLY FUCK, IT'S A BLUE TSUNAMI!!!"  the next its "Lol, GOP redistricting means the dems need to win by 100 million votes nationally just to get the house to 218-216."  Like make up your fucking mind.

    I think the real challenge they're having is that the gerrymander is broken.  The gerrymander in Texas and pretty much elsewhere is built on the assumption that college-educated whites are going to be a Republican constituency.  If that's correct, then the gerrymander ensures that the Democrats do need to outpoll the GOP by quite a lot in order to take the House.  But if college-educated whites are not part of the Republican coalition anymore, then the gerrymander is broken and we don't know by how much the Dems need to outpoll the GOP in order to take the House.

    And right now, we don't have enough information to know.  From the polls, we have some indication that college-educated whites are breaking for the Dems, but I think they'd like to have more evidence of that at the voting booth before making any bold predictions.

  10. 13 hours ago, Reese Bennett said:

    Yes, and there is a chance she could serve as President if the Russian stuff ends up being so bad that you can't reward Pence.

    Which brings up an interesting Constitutional issue: The Speaker would be allowing the impeachment process to move forward when it may ultimately make the Speaker the President. I'm not sure I like that for either party. Of course, there is no Constitutional requirement that the Speaker be a member, so theoretically, the House could elect anyone as Speaker right before the impeachment of Trump and Pence, make them President, and then go right back to Pelosi or whoever.  All that said, I'm sure before it happens the Repubs would jettison Pence and have Trump appoint a new untarnished VP on the way out.

    It could get interesting.

    I think the real constitutional question is the fact that the Presidential Succession Act may be unconstitutional.  The Constitution grants Congress the authority to "by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President . . . ."  U.S. Const. Art. II, sec. 1, cl. 6.  

    "Officers" are people who are appointed by the President.  Id. at Art. II, sec. 2, cl. 2.  Officers can be removed from office by impeachment and conviction.  Id. at Art. II, sec. 3.  In short, "Officers" are members of the executive branch, not the legislative.  So it's contrary to the plain language of the Constitution to insert members of Congress into the line of presidential succession.

    And I really hope that this discussion stays on message boards and never has to be litigated, because that would be a huge fucking mess.

  11. 10 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    Still don't get the crumb cake joke... 

    It goes back to her comment that the tax bill provided nothing but crumbs to most Americans.

  12. On 3/25/2018 at 9:23 PM, Washpark said:


    Favorite spot but not best bbq. most creative and don't think the place gets enough love. I believe this place is the most interesting bbq place that I have been and would easily be the top spot that I would recommend to people. Love the sides and great cue. Every meat is good / interesting. This is new age BBQ



    I know I'm going to hear shit for this, but the brisket frito pie is phenomenal.  

  13. Henderson: Hazel's Country Cooking is right on the main intersection in a crappy two-story strip center.  For lunch, Hazel does a buffet that isn't particularly fancy, but it is magical.  The time I went, there was this link sausage with the strangely smokey-sweet barbeque sauce that instantly transported me back to my grandmother's kitchen.  She served me the exact same thing when I was a kid.  I swear, I hadn't thought about that dish in thirty years.  

    San Angelo: Concho Pearl Ice House is a great stop if you're heading to New Mexico from Austin.  There's a backyard playground for the kids, so they can burn off some energy while the grown-ups get a beer.  The brisket-stuffed avocado is outstanding.

  14. 15 hours ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    Hardwood Arms was really fantastic.  And, it's on the west side of town, so on your way from LHR.  

    I'm reckoning that we're going to want to drop our bags off at our AirBNB, and there are a couple of pubs within a block of that place that are reasonably highly rated on Yelp.  But I may make it over there for lunch one day--especially if I can find time to go to a Fulham match at Craven Cottage.

  15. 2 hours ago, G650 said:




    Do you have a preference on silhouette? Know anything about structure? Some knowledge? None?

    The Row and other British tailors fall into a few categories. One end is A&S, with minimum structure, and the other is Huntsman or Richard Anderson, who are full military tunic cut. There's a lot in between as well. Chittleborough & Morgan are probably the best finishers, tend to the structured side. I think Michael Brown has them so that's a bit of a knock though. Poole is the oldest and has the most relationships with British heritage products and organizations now ( Guard costume, Yacht clubs, even did all the textiles on the new Aston Lagonda concept). Norton fairly trendy, but solid with Patrick Grant leading them. Gieves is a fucking shell of themselves.


    Off Row, Timothy Everest is fantastic, did all of Ralph Fiennes Bond stuff.

    I thought I had some knowledge, but it turns out I don't.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    Ann Coulter is woke now, too?  Didn't see that coming.

    She's pissed about the spending bill.  Give her time--she'll go back to him.  She always does.

  17. Looking for a full-bespoke tailor.

    The Sunday roast will be perfect--clear customs, head into town, sit down to lunch around 2:00 while my AirBNB is getting ready.

  18. For a tailor.  I need a new suit or two, and I'll be in London in October.

    And I'm also interested in the Sunday Roast phenomenon--is that a lunchtime thing, or is it a supper thing?  My flight gets in right around noon, and that would be germane to my interests after an intercontinental flight.

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