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Posts posted by Eskimohorn

  1. The second he made contact with the linemen he was fucked. Screenshots are incredibly deceptive cause the gif shows he never latches on for more than  half a second, and never pulls him sideways

    Blackwell didnt just slip on his tea. He was held to prevent him from following the RB. Is the video also deceptive? Once you grab the back of the numbers and tug jersey thats a hold. You pretty much know its a hold when the Edge player cant move in the other direction. If a ref sees a hold like in the gif, they usually call it.
  2. It’s abundantly clear some of you aren’t viewing the gif.
    Broughton trips on his stunt. Olineman puts out his hand on him to keep him down and even lets him up
    You can’t see #63 hands until the end unless you have an ability to see through their left guard, left tackle, Broughton, and Blackwell. After watching the video highlights it’s more clear.
    Blackwell and LT initiated contact, LT attempted to latch on, didnt, and then pushed him back

    Just watched play w Blackwell. Blackwell engages, LT gets hand on back of jersey. Blackwell is frozen (is getting held or did he have a stroke?). After running back releases, Blackwell finally gets free because LT lets go. Just saw a holding penalty like that on SNF.
    • Hook 'Em 3

    We have four crises that firearms exponentially make worse…

    Domestic Violence
    Gang Violence
    Terrorism (mass shootings due to political, quasi-political reasons)

    These are all uniquely American problems and the reason why we (by far) lead developed nations in violence.
  4. I have considered making up a bunch of blue hats with Make America Good Again on them, but I don't know about possible copyright problems, and I really don't want to copycat the assholes, even if it is to put them down.

    American NAZIs used it back in the 30’s. Think you’re good on common use. I’m not a lawyer. You may wish to consult with David Komie or Thomas J Henry.
  5. You know that Murphy and Sweat have been amazing, when there is a whole thread on Surly and not a single person bitched about their play. That is more impressive than winning  the Outland Trophy

    I’d be down for some Surly Awards with NIL tie-in, maybe cross promotion w Surly Corporate Sponsor

    The Surly Certified BAMF Awards, sponsored by David Komie
  6. I promise this will only help Burr’s career.  At this stage in his material; he relies almost exclusively on cranky middle aged guys.  Not angry because they feel men are being emasculated, just grumpy overall with little things.  But also to appreciate his contemporary material, you need a fair amount of critical thinking skills and objective observation.  
    middle aged.  Smart.  Cranky.  He pivoted his material around the exact moment most of us pivoted socio-politically against the the traditional norm of getting less self/deprecating.  Instead we need to laugh more at the foolishness of our demographic and nobody does it better than Burr.  And oh yeah, we got cash to burn on shows, albums, and his movies.  
    bill’s a great mirror and he and his wife are gonna be just fine cash wise as a result. 

    Maybe he’ll mix into his act the death, kidnapping, and rape threats he and his wife will be getting now and forever. He’ll probably see being anti-woke is different than being anti-fascist. One is fun and games and they threaten you with pink dildos. The other is dildos threatening acts of violence.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 1
  7. A Pyrrhic victory. Not only did we lose two of our best players, we also continue to get exposed as an undermanned, undercoached team squeaking out victories.

    Its a good problem to have, but we’ll be on the outside looking in the playoffs. I no longer have confidence we’d beat OU in Arlington.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Fuck You 2
  8. I find it difficult to believe he got shitcanned for being an asshole, rude, or irritating. He’s the star. I’d surmise a lot of rich actors are assholes on set and they are tolerated.

    It’s something else. Either he did something sexually, paid off the victim and got a nda with an agreement to leave, or he made a comment very unPC that created a microaggressions storm.

    Its an ensemble cast. Lots of children on set. He’s expendable and got fired. There is no indication there was any criminal complaints, but just a pattern of behavior over years.
  9. Oklahoma's "little brother" is almost as bad as ours....almost.

    Not in the same ballpark. They’re not even Cousin Oliver (Tech). Hell, I’d drink a beer with Okie Lite fans any day of the week. They’re the reasonable ones in that state.

    But they’re not aggy. I know aggy. I’ve been to Pyle Field. They’re no aggy.
    • Hook 'Em 3
  10. Watched their third TD. Red Zone crossing rout. Middle of the field vacated. Defenders almost crossing each other. Two defenders bunched on one. Three defenders bunched on tight end, who was near goal line, towards north/northeast. It was horrifying.

    Maybe this was a. bad example but it looks like our back seven just stepped on the field and barely knew what to do. My assumption is that they’ve been taught not to defend grass, especially in red zone.But it looked bad.

    If TCU’s QB gets into any sort of rhythm, we’re in for a long day. They should not even bother running the football.

    We’ve been very fortunate to go against some dogmeat offenses and backup QBs. TCU, Tech are definitely capable of knifing thru this bunch.

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