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Posts posted by Eskimohorn

  1. Biden should blast him over and over again. "What's he afraid of?"  "America has had four years of both of us. He's afraid to compare our economic records!"  etc....  I mean, it's the easiest, most direct, low-hanging fruit there is.  

    If there is a debate, I hope the moderator asks:  Mr. Trump, for four years you've said the last election was stolen, will you cite the specific evidence you have for that position?

    Just flat out. Make him produce the exact evidence on the spot. He can't. 


    “…At first I was up in Michigan and Georgia. The biggest lead in history. Nobody’s ever had a bigger lead. Then the democrats in Detroit, Philly, and Atlanta found ballots and people say there were problems. Huge problems caused by Chinese ballot boxes. The economy was perfect. My phone calls were perfect. The best economy in history. And it was stolen by Obama and Hilary. Were you better with me or with sleepy Joe? Not Sleepy Joe. We built the wall. And Joe tore it down. Open borders…”
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  2. This was meh. Spending 10 minutes each on 18 sequential events of his life doesn’t really make a good narrative. Maybe the 4+ hour director’s cut that will be coming to streaming will make something out of this mess.

    I enjoyed it, but cant disagree with the criticism:

    1) Very english looking french people and perspectives
    2) Uneven - 1st guillotine scene had some sort of Edith Pioffe scene, then some period music, then a few modern pieces. Im not a stickler for period music but back and forth was odd
    3) Too ambitious. Just like you said. Focusing on less would have been better. Could have started at Austerlitz. Badass general, eratic personal life, divorce, spiraling, etc.
  3.  “The Texas Department of Public Safety’s Violent Crime Task Force will be ending operations in Austin Dec. 23, a source tells KXAN.
    It’s unknown why the task force is ending effective Saturday, though believed to be funded through April 2024.
    The Austin Violent Crime Task Force began in March as a way to help the Austin Police Department during staffing shortages. DPS said its primary goal was to curb both violent crime and traffic deaths.“
    Look people I am not the Rainey Street Ripper. It’s impossible. But if I were I would be thinking…  

    This just means less stop and frisks for people of color in Austin.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. I haven’t been to dirty 6th at night in 15+ years. I almost want to just to experience it based on this thread and see what it has devolved to.

    One does not simply walk into 6th street after dark. Its black gates are guarded by more than just cops on horseback. There is evil there that does not sleep, and the Great Elon is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ass and dust, the very air you breathe is a cannibis fume. Not with ten thousand bros could you do this. It is folly.
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  5. Except they who realize that is they way it must be run. Hate stayed hidden until it became acceptable. 
    When the hated mention the chickens coming home to roost, they get vilified for the mention, as if they are the ones perpetuating hate. 
    Now, the chickens are doing their damndest and those who could have done the most to tame the hate engine (by dashing it instead of ignoring it) are trying to understand how to get control and get back to hidden hate. 
    It's likely too late.  Contingency plans (fight or leave) are probably going to be initiated in our lifetime. 

    Let me understand, you got the hen, the chicken and the rooster. The rooster goes with the chicken. So, who's having sex with the hen?
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  6. Not voting at this point is complicity.

    In communities of color, it takes longer to vote usually and hourly workers also have harder time taking off work and traveling to polling locations.

    In rural counties, the wealthy usually live closer to the polling locations, which are few and far between.

    And, we have very few contested elections, so it seems it’s never worth it.
  7. Taking my 8 year old football obsessed son to the game this weekend as a surprise, he’s going to be bummed if Stroud is out

    In 1982 my dad took me to a Rockets game at the Summit. That team finished like 12-70.

    I was thrilled to death to see Terry Teagle, Allen Leavell, and Chuck Nevitt lose by 23 to the Nuggets.

    Shaggy Fake Parent Advisory Tip: Suck up and grow a pair son.
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  8. “Do I look like I’m going on vacation, sir?”
    SIAP, but I hate that fucking commercial more than famine or cheerios. I’ve never pondered physically beating a woman into a body cast until watching that commercial and that whiny TSA glutton. If I could jump through the monitor and start pummeling her, I’m convinced that the rest of the cast would start cheering me on. 
    That broad was in the opening “rule of thumb “ scene in The Boondock Saints. 

    Comedian Brian Regan had a nice bit like this, except it was funny as hell:

    I was gettin' out of a cab at the airport and the ddriver goes, "Hey have a nice flight!"

    "You tow!"

    "You too, you have a nice flight too, in case you ever fly someday."
    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. Jesus, what happened to this city. Covid just threw this place for a loop. 
    How a place gets more "affluent" as judged by home prices and income but then also gets more seedy will always mystify me.

    Affluent includes landlords from around the world who lease to tourists or leave homes vacant. It also includes residents who own multiple residences in town.

    The “poors” live in the outskirts with extended families. There’s also gang tourism with knuckleheads from Waco/Killeen, San Antonio, and Houston dealing drugs, racing cars and doing smash and grabs. Then they hang on dirty sixth.

    Also keep in mind the majority of students in Austin ISD are at or below poverty level. We’re property rich/student poor and send hundreds of millions back to the state’s general fund.
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