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Posts posted by Eskimohorn

  1. Think it deserves a bump with it streaming now.  Took 2 nights and it was perfect doing it that way.  Was very well done imo.  

    Pretty sad and emotional, especially being from that bumfuck state and never learning about this or Black Wall Street.
    A must watch especially with it on streaming…  A story any American should know.  I’m sure reading the book is better but here we are.  

    One misstep I saw was the line DeNiro had about people forgetting this incident. And the FBI guys said they’d always remember or something like that.

    The book concludes that the American criminal justice system was widely abused to strip people of their rights and property, especially against minorities. This story was not an isolated to Osage County.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. TG2 ended well but Maverick is one of the best and most likeable characters ever on film and it’s great that they’re gonna give us more of it.  Whoever made/wrote the sequel—and I’m sure Cruise had a lot of input—didn’t fuck around with bullshit story lines.  They gave us what we wanted.  Simple but not easy.  If TG3 is more of the same it’ll be awesome and bring cinematic joy to a billion people.  And yeah it’ll make a bunch of money.  This is a good thing. 

    Maverick was kind of a hot dog for much of TG. I see it now and root for Iceman. Maverick gets people killed. Didnt learn his lesson.

    In fact, in TGII, certainly he was killed instantly when he commandeered aircraft and ejected going mach speed. The rest of the movie is a last second dream as he falls to earth.
    • Fuck You 1
  3. The original TG was a monumental film in 1986, far superior in quality and action than its contemporaries. Every part of production was exceptional. It was cutting edge and changed the industry.

    That youthful and fashionable actors were showcased cant be lost. Dialogue no longer resonates, but I do think there’s something to Tarantino’s commentary about the different layers of TG, as a story about coming to grips with homosexuality. “Don’t write a check with your mouth that your butt cant cash” and “flying by the seat of your pants.”

    TGII did not change the world like TG did, except remind audiences and executives that there’s more to cinema than greenscreens, universes, and capes.

  4. I remember some chud -- maybe it was Aaron Rogers, dunno -- during the lockdown went and tried to say that Fauci didn't know what he was talking about, and said something like "I've read like 5 books on the subject, more than most people" like those 5 books were supposed to be impressive.
    My roommate in college wound up getting the highest MCAT score in the nation, he was literally one of the brightest medical minds in the nation. Every medical school opened it's doors to him. That motherfucker *DEVOURED* books in college. Like, in addition to his text books, he'd just read everything he could get his hands on. In my time at Texas, I must have watched him read 200 books on general medicine.
    These people's "research" is a drop in a bucket compared to the actual research real medical professionals do. 5 books wasn't even a semester's load of work for my roommate, let alone something he'd hang his hat on as being an expert.


    Aaron went to Berkley and must’ve hated everyone
  5. We have seen countless examples of armed police cowering in the face of a suicidal shooter with an AR-15.

    And, guess what? That would be most people’s response when being fired upon by a hand-cannon.

    As one Colorado teacher (who was able to prevent a school shooting) described, it was her combat training and experience that allowed her to properly function.

    The truth is that civilians have no business playing military unless they are properly trained for combat or “well-regulated” - to put it in 18th century terms.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. Mass shootings include:

    >Gang wars
    >Maybe some crimes of passion (could include collateral damage)
    >Planned terror attacks

    On this thread and in the media, the planned terror attacks take up a lot of space. They’re done by individuals varying from cold sober to short-term mental crisis to mentally unstable to completely insane.

    We can guess the partisan breakdown of terrorists, but I’m in the “who gives a shit” crowd on terrorist motivations.

  7. Gotta be honest, I wrote all of that while on uppers, but still believe what I’ve said, generally. I’ve never seen either of those shows — even as TV became much more ambitious starting with The Sopranos, I just haven’t had much interest in it aside from the aforementioned, Mad Men, etc., — but I’m guessing Jonathan checks some of Christopher’s more overwrought literary tendencies, or maybe both of them check one another. Idk. Again, just my opinion.
     I still maintain that Chris Nolan is otherworldly visually talented, but just doesn’t quite have the flesh of a great (or probably even good) writer. So few do, though, and we — in the Anglosphere, at least — are in an era of journalistic snark, literary sincerity (unfortunately maybe thanks to David Foster Wallace), and fantastical fixations, most likely because of the shifting digital sands that so few (if any) can really make sense of just yet. That, or increased anxiety and hysteria (and narcissism) brought on by a slowly declining empire. Again, just my opinions.
     From what I know about him, he seems amiable and sincere. A genuine family man. Unfortunately, great artists are most often the opposite of that, at least when they create their best work(s). Again, just my opinion.

    Are you AI?
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  8. Pretty sure I saw one of the weapons the killer used was a shotgun.  
    Hospital considered me a “multiple gunshot victim” when I was on the wrong end of someone’s negligence once.  Would bet it’s the same situation.   The hospital also mislabeled the size shot (even though I told the doctor several times, YGIFS here’s your caliber joke tee’d up) and it caused a bunch more confusion at both hospitals.  Think I still had 14-15 in me still at the time. 

    So, it could have been worse?

    • Haha 2
  9. Costner was excellent in No Way Out. Perfect in Bull Durham.

    Post Dances with Wolves he’s been pretty wooden.

    I love Harrison Ford, but post The Fugitive he’s phoned it in. Add him to the list.

    Both guys relied on charisma and it fades with age and stardom. They are such huge stars, they have to act to act like a normal person.
  10. And still a fantastic actor whose been nominated many times so not sure he fits in the thread.
    Anyone saying Ethan Hawke I guess ignored his career from 89-early 2000s.

    Shee-it! Penn’s best work (Spicoli in Fast Times and Kleinfeld in Carlito’s Way) werent even among his 2 Oscars and 3 other noms. He pretty much nails every role.

    Rich Eisen was interviewing the actor Clancy Brown (Shawshank) who acted with Penn in Bad Boys (1983). He was shocked he wasnt a surfer dude.

    Spicoli might be the finest acting performance of all time.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. Caught this last night and was rather underwhelmed.  Poor character and story development in general. Toward the end of the film the tragedies just seemed to start piling up as if they were just random events rather than examining what caused them. Also, Efron's hair bugged me. The Ric Flair guy was a disappointment but I thought they generally did a good job with the wrestling nostalgia.  I think that's where the film falls flat in trying to balance the cool old school wrestling shit with the Von Erich family tragedies.
    But the worst thing in the entire movie...

    by far was the Von Erich brother afterlife scene. That was just bizarre.


    The dad conditionally loving his kids based on their athletic acumen in a sport where you had to use drugs and sacrifice your body was pretty in your face why there was a “curse”.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. Three points about Ashli Babbitt that her defenders have made:
    1: "She was unarmed." 
    She was wearing a backpack. How was the security force supposed to know that she didn't have a gun or a bomb in there?  
    2. "According to her husband, "Ashli was merely expressing her opinion."
    Fine. So was the security officer who shot her. 
    3. "It was an unlawful killing"
    Well, since the other rioters instantly stopped trying to enter the building after her shooting, it seemed pretty lawful to me. 

    Lots of words for a death of a terrorist.
    • Hook 'Em 3
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  13. Biden should blast him over and over again. "What's he afraid of?"  "America has had four years of both of us. He's afraid to compare our economic records!"  etc....  I mean, it's the easiest, most direct, low-hanging fruit there is.  

    If there is a debate, I hope the moderator asks:  Mr. Trump, for four years you've said the last election was stolen, will you cite the specific evidence you have for that position?

    Just flat out. Make him produce the exact evidence on the spot. He can't. 


    “…At first I was up in Michigan and Georgia. The biggest lead in history. Nobody’s ever had a bigger lead. Then the democrats in Detroit, Philly, and Atlanta found ballots and people say there were problems. Huge problems caused by Chinese ballot boxes. The economy was perfect. My phone calls were perfect. The best economy in history. And it was stolen by Obama and Hilary. Were you better with me or with sleepy Joe? Not Sleepy Joe. We built the wall. And Joe tore it down. Open borders…”
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