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Posts posted by Eskimohorn

  1. Exactly.  The guy was a socio/psychopath first and foremost.

    I’m going to say he wasnt a sociopath in the clinical sense. They don’t repress because that would mean denial and sacrifice. Commonly they are charming, habitual liars who care only about themselves. If gay, he’d be slaying it, while gleefully lying to his church friends and family. Probably would attempt to convert some.

    Rarely will they off themselves except in murder-suicide of someone who really pisses them off or symbolizes what they hate. If caught, they would like to stay for the victory parade.

    I’m leaning towards Aspergers spectrum with a mix of abuse and religious repression, then add a dose of online radicalization.
  2. all-time:
    1. Perkins
    2. Malone
    3. Garnett
    4. bowen
    5. draymond
    6. Celtics Rondo (dont know why... love him now)
    7. Mutombo (mostly cuz he booted the Sonics in 94)
    current flopping all-stars:
    lebron / wade / harden

    Perkins, Kendrick or Sam?
  3. Just looking at the 2002 incident:

    Normal adult notices Sandusky and boy going at it in shower. Initially, doesn’t know what’s going on, makes themselves known. Either by force or de-escalation protects child. If totally flummoxed, immediately calls 911

    Normal adult hears report of incident above. Immediately, tells first adult to notify law enforcement (not the admin). There’s little ambiguity here.

    It’s not rocket science folks. Not only did JoePa know, he was clearly an active participant (if not the architect) in the cover-up.

  4. I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what terrorist attack was prevented because of information we got through torture. When our servicemen have been tortured it was to get them to make false confessions and to condemn the war effort. Remember that one guy who blinked "torture" in Morse code as he read his statement condemning the war in Vietnam? 
    People will say anything to make the torture stop. That's why what they say isn't reliable. Why is that so hard to grasp?

    Its not hard to grasp. FBI had interrogators with much more experience getting information legally. They were benched in favor of CIA’s enhanced interrogators by people that wanted to make a name.

    But, unless we had sick fucks experimenting in torture, these CIA operatives were all new to this. Probably learned theory by studying Argentine fascists, who learned their trade from the NAZI’s.
  5. if you're curious about what he has to say, listen to the interview.  If you just want to dig into your black and white "Paterno covered up kiddie rape, the end" narrative, then don't bother.

    Tim Curley was planning to alert Child Protective Services until he spoke to JoePa, then decided to keep it quiet, after a report of anal rape of a boy. They then promoted the person who reported it to Joe, but didnt intercede to stop the rape either physically or calling the cops.

    There are also reports Joe knew back in the 70’s, 1998, 2002. JoePa repeatedly covered up rape. The End.
  6. The problem with those charitable gifts is that government is much better at distribution of those dollars at a national level, rather than a configuration of random churches.
    Eh, I could go on, but nevermind. Just keep on keeping on myopically

    Americans rejected extreme poverty in Cities and Appalachia back in the day. They rejected children working, women dying in sweatshops and elderly dying in the streets. Make America Great Again, like in the 1880’s.
  7. Slightly off topic, but here goes: Spin off the football and basketball programs from the parent university. Make those sports completely separate, for profit business entities that use the university brands and trademarks under license. Same colors, logos, uniforms, etc. Pay the players. If they want to attend classes, so be it. If not, who cares. No more NCAA. No more amateurism. 

    Creates more problems than it solves.

    How about we instead reform the NCAA, ensure all athletes get 4-year scholarships, better health coverage, decrease practice times, ensure athletes attend real classes.
    No it doesn't. 
    Here's a little follow up-
    I know who Kanye is
    know about his tweets
    have seen the trailer for A Quiet Place and understand the premise of the movie
    In my OPINION it wasn't a funny sketch. 

    • Like 1
    I guess I am out of touch because that wasn't funny at all. 

    A Quiet Place is a horror movie currently in theaters where the monsters hunt by sound, so the people must use different forms of communication to avoid detection.

    A Kanye Place sketch uses A Quiet Place as a setting where these survivors are unable to keep quiet due to the outrageous quotes by the rap singer Kanye West. Mr. West has been in the news for saying and doing unusual things in the media.

    SNL uses pop cultural references to set the scene, but it also satirizes pop culture itself by showing that, even in the face of annihilation, society cannot resist this form of news entertainment.

    The forms of comedy used include:
    cultural satire
    pop references

    Does that help?
    • Like 1
  10. 1. Secretive grotesque actions of 1 guy: He had been caught multiple times. 1998, 2000, 2002
    2. Paterno knew about the 1998 & 2002 incidents. He wasn't aged and barely sentient then. 
    3. The Alumni continue to suppor the innocence of Paterno 
    4. Go Fuck Yourself

    There’s a report that a kid went to Joe about being molested back in the 70’s.

    Also, it took years for the Pennsylvania justice system to indict Sandusky. Years.
  11. Why argue with Tahoe-it’s their glory age. There’s gotta be some precincts 95% GOP in Alabama. Its on lockdown there. Took a pedo to lose, barely. He’s proud of his work and tries to sound all reasonable to the eggheads, stoners, dweebs, losers, geeks and jocks on this site.

  12. Newish here, SKJ. Not sure if you shared, but I'd be interested to know what the heck is going on with this post. Former LEO? Military?

    He was an English teacher. Coached baseball in the Spring.
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