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Posts posted by Eskimohorn


    Trump’s a fucking idiot, but fuck Mexico. What the U.S. does on our side of the border is none of their fucking business


    For every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction. They sit next to a foreign power with an unstable leader who repeatedly says he’s going to shake you down, while repeatedly spreading propaganda against you. Then he sends the military and continues to promote the border wall that will you impact your security and environment.


    From their perspective it’s a wall of shame. Their leadership will be sent on their ass if they yield to the racist Trump. Oh, and by the way, there are killings on both sides by feds.

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  2. e6a8a455f6094e5f7b77829345ddae44.jpg

    I designed this on Custom Ink. We could set up a group order or a campaign order.

    The campaign order is nice because Surly wouldn’t have to buy and sell anything. Custom Ink will print the designs on custom shirts then as long as a minimum is met, they ship em out to the buyers. Profits depend on sales goals and prices, which Surly would set.

    Designs would have to be copyright-cleared and PG-rated.

    • Like 1
  3. I think what you did here is the best way to approach films. Let the film be what it is.
    I think the majority of those who are pissed at The Last Jedi are so because they wanted it to be a very different movie from what they got and, if they had walked into it just letting what was on the screen be the movie, they'd realize that this was not merely a good Star Wars film, it's the first one of the lot that actually had something non-trivial to say about the human condition, something interesting, something true, and did so in a very effective way.
    It's rare that a movie attempts to do so, and among those that do, it's rare that they do it so well. And among the Space Opera/Space Fantasy genre, it's basically unique. Hard SF of course has done so for decades, but Star Wars, and the films of its legacy and ancestry, have never had anything to do with such things. They were born in pulp and pretty much always stayed there.
    I'm also old enough to remember how divisive The Empire Strikes Back was. And we pretty much considered it the weakest of the original trilogy, until after a good half-decade or more had passed and we looked back, re-watched and realized, "Wow, that's the one that ties it all together."

    Your conclusions are all wrong. Last Jedi had a crappy plot, introduced crappy characters and its commentary about the human condition were crap. And even if you liked what it had to say, because the story and characters were weak, it did not do so in an effective way.

    And I don’t know who you hung out with as a child, but we all loved Empire Strikes Back except that it made me cry.
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  4. Conservative talk radio and FoxNews drew the battle lines for the last 20 years. It cuts both ways though. Both sides think that the other side is getting something over on them. If you're a D, you're programmed to think that the D leadership is weak-kneed and that the Rs get away with everything, and vice versa. Just my  perspective, but it seems that the Rs suffer a little more from this inferiority complex, and they seem to buy in more to their leadership being feckless.
    Now that the Rs have a party leader in DOTUS who will own the libs all the time, it's all out war, and they will support him no matter what b/c it's payback time. The same will go for the next D president and the next D house & senate leaders.

    The old both sides perspective.
  5. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is an amazing movie and better than the book, which is also good.

    Lord of the Rings: Fellowship and Two Towers

    The Secret in Their Eyes (Argentina)

    Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Swedish)

    Inception was a whoa movie

  6. Sadly, 2/3 of the American people are going to learn more about basic economics due to trumps stupid trade war

    Fixed it.

    The other 1/3 will learn that the Japs and immigrants are to blame. We went through a horrible recession based on phony Wall Street investments and they blamed democrats and poor people. The best bad solution to prevent a total collapse of our economy -bailouts- also galvanized the Republican base. They’ll learn nothing.
    • Like 2
  7. There Will Be Blood was excruciating slow paced. Still haven't managed to watch it start to finish. The Aviator is 20 minutes longer, has a more complex story and still seems like a shorter film. Cast Away moves at a quicker pace fer Christ's sake.

    And you left out the Fast and the Furious
  8. Absolutely. And I'd love to hear, is it just me or are others noticing a decline in the number of what they consider "great" movies?
    Looking at just the best picture nominees my greatness count peaked in the 1990s. Decline began in the 2000's and really dropped the last 8 years. Going back further 80s were less than the 90s, 70s more than the 80's, 60s and 50s down but still more than the 2000s. I'm 47, so the peak for me happened in my late 20s to early 30s. Is it my age?
    If I'm channel surfing I'm gonna stop and watch Road House, Smokey and the Bandit, etc. every time. But they're not GREAT movies. (Point Break is though) Revenent to me, meh. It's sooo beautiful, incredible cinematography, shot with available light, but the story, meh. Same with Mad Max. Visually engaging, but overall ehhh.
    Wolf of Wall Street, meh. The first time Scorsese did this movie, Goodfellas, it made my great list. Even the 2nd time he did it, Casino, is close. But, now it's just formulaic as hell. Yeah I'm gonna stop surfing and watch it, titties and some great lines but not great level movie. And this is why I wonder if it's me getting old. If you're younger and haven't seen Goodfellas and Casino, then Wolf might be great.

    I do think your movie Gran Torino is superb
  9. Can you quantify that please, with good examples?  What is your definitions of “good investors”?  Does that mean residents who have lived there for years?  I’d be happy to stay here and pay taxes if Code Next would let me convert from a huge house to a four plex, live in one and rent out the other four.  Density.   They won’t do that though.   I’ll have to move out, and my old house will be taken from someone subsidized by government.    Is that what you really want?   

    I’m telling you what’s driving real estate prices.
  10. yikes, jumped $75K, but somehow Code Next will make Austin have affordable housing, not reducing the insane property taxes...got to have those artists on the engineering projects!

    The number one driver of real estate values in austin/san antonio is tourism and global interest in this area. The AirBnB’s let more people from around the world lease space at seasonal hikes for longer period of times whether they live here or not.

    I’d say it doubles price increases based on what I’ve seen in Austin and San Antonio with annual values increasing about 20%.

    CodeNext changes will make it a more efficient market giving investors higher margins in a more streamlined regulatory environment.
  11. You will be able to pay $2,500 for a Chinese made one soon enough.  They won't move production over here.

    One episode of Shark Tank would show people what investors think about the profitability of manufacturing in America.
  12. If they paid a settlement, they didn't lose a lawsuit. 

    Did some refreshing on the IRS “scandal” which is emblematic of the the disfunction in our democracy.

    Really it started with the Citizens United ruling and democrats like Chuck Schumer complaining about abuse by political groups abusing 501c4 status following the ruling. IRS targeted tea party groups, as they would if a bunch of socialist blue dogs started to pop up. But FOX News jumped on it and made it the scandal of the century. Official Investigations didnt turn up anything, years go by and the Trump administration settles. Now, FOX reports their conclusions are verified.

    Keep in mind the confusion of the CU decision has opened the floodgates from individuals, factions and nations around the world to influence our elections. And IRS staff in the crosshairs make these types of investigations unattractive.
  13. Seinfeld was an almost perfect show. I have only one issue with it: it's on the episode with the cat fight, Kramer has to fire Raquel Welch to get a Tony, etc. 
    Elaine asks why guys like cat fights and Jerry responds that while they're rolling around, they hope they'll kiss. My wife asked me if that's true. I told her not exactly- I hope that when they're rolling around that a boob will pop out. That's my only minor issue with that show.

    In the roommate switch, Jerry could get both and he backs down - says hes not an orgy guy with robes. Always pissed me off. I get it, but they should have had Jerry say he declined but in the subtext confirm “yes.”
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  14. That's an extremely subjective question and even if it weren't great is an ill-defined term. So prepare for an annoyingly long diatribe, but hey you asked
    If I were trying to run a movie blog rating system it would go something along the lines of:
    Acting Quality + Story Quality + Technical Quality = Rating, and also Rating + Subject Matter  + Personal Enjoyment = Personal Value to Me
    Take one that people have mentioned above, Inception. 
    Acting: Hardy good, Cotillard, Levitt and DiCaprio decent, Page was distractingly bad as usual and everyone else was passable.(3 of 5)
    Story: Big boost for being original, bogs down a bit at times, interesting but shallow philosophic underpinnings  (4 of 5)
    Technical: Pretty amazing visuals and effects, Sound work was top notch (5 of 5) 
    Rating = 12 of 15 = 80%
    Subject Matter: I like Nolan's brand of creativity, didn't have much beneath the surface though (3 of 5)
    Enjoyment: Didn't regret seeing it in IMAX opening night, but also have yet to feel the urge to see it again (3 of 5)
    Personal Value = 18 of 25 or 72%, definitely above average, but certainly not great by any means
    For me a "great" movie is something that has a high rating and has subject matter that appeals to my mind or heart AND I enjoy (or enjoy breaking into with friends and/or fellow viewers). There's lots of Best Picture movies that I'd say are highly rated, but few that I'd say were great. Also I can agree that the subject matter's relevance to me might have no impact on someone else or even detract from a movie's rating.
    A little known Irish movie a few years ago called Calvary is something I would call a GREAT movie.
    Acting: Top notch across the board, from both pedigreed actors and no names. Brendan Gleeson deserved more attention. (5 of 5)
    Story: Intense, Not formulaic or cliche, funny, deep, and a well crafted plot that didn't flinch or give up the ending, (5 of 5)
    Technical: Well shot, beautiful cinematography and scenery, nothing groundbreaking, but nothing that distracted in the least which I appreciated (4 of 5) 
    Rating = 14 of 15 or 93%, and I'd argue most people who did see it wouldn't rate it too much lower
    However when we go to the second metric.
    Subject Matter: I'm annoyingly Catholic, I train people at Catholic Parishes to prevent, recognize, and interrupt abuse situations, I lived IN a small Irish Community establishing and training Irish for youth programs and worked extremely close with both Irish Priests AND people who hated anything to do with the Catholic Church. Also I now work managing a community for the formerly Chronically Homeless here in Austin and I deal every day with profound brokenness both in my residents, the people who volunteer and work with us and myself. All this background connects me on a visceral level to this film and it's themes, and ideas. (5 of 5, and higher if I could)
    Enjoyment: The in movie experience is a little raw (although deeply funny at times especially having my Irish experiences), however it's one of my favorite movies to show new friends and then right after have cut the bullshit let 's jump in the deep end conversations to digest the movie and talk about what it means to have shit going on in your life and how to help each other through that. (5 of 5)
    Personal Value = 24 of 25 or 96%
    For me that puts this movie at almost perfect and truly "great", but for a lot of people that second metric would depress the value a great deal bc they don't give a shit about any of the subject matter and would be at best depressed by the movie and they probably don't want to discuss it so even if it was well rated they wouldn't give it a "great" treatment.

    Excrement. That's what I think of Mr. RCRanger03. We're not laying pipe. We're talking about movies. How can you describe movies like American Bandstand? "Oh, I like Ladybird. I give it a 42, but I can't dance to it."
  15. If his goal was to torpedo the site, he’s a diabolical genius. If he thought he’d make money, he’s a moron. It’s going to be a money and time suck.

    He’s like a new landlord of a tenement building where all the units become abandoned, ransacked, urinated and shat in. Only then did he realize that all the tenants were recovering crackheads being tempered by the old landlord.

    Now he’s left to clean up the mess, and renovate down to the studs. Even before he tries to get new residents on an island where everyone hates your guts for stealing from the old landlord and disrupting the flow of methadone.

  16. Probably wanted to be as far away from Trump as possible.  

    Opposite is true

    Another former Trump employee told the New Yorker that black staff were hidden from Trump when he visited the casino with his wife. “When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” said Kip Brown.
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