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Everything posted by JGrayDBU

  1. only Thursday and two of you assholes copied my prediction and exact number of points scored by OSU. Really? I guess I should be flattered, but I really do try to pick something nobody else has picked. No rule against it, but wow.
  2. DS fan here. I remember when he was with the Cowboys he heard enough about how he didn't tackle. All true of course. So finally one game he decided to show everybody he could tackle. He came up quicker than anyone thought possible and made a tackle, in the backfield for a loss. I really liked his interview one time when he told the interviewer on punt returns he just wanted everybody to get down, and out of the way. He didn't need/want any blocking, just get out of the way. How many TDs did he score on that Monday night game? I think he scored 2 returning kicks and one interception or something. 3 total is what I remember. Truly the origin of the term "shut-down corner".
  3. Ok St. 45 Texas. 35 catches 32/307 yards
  4. Looked it up. Points per game allowed in conference play....78 in 4 games puts us the #1 defense in the conference at 19.5 points per game, just in front of....Iowa State, which has allowed 79 points in four conference games.
  5. So, I started thinking. PK's philosophy is obviously to make the other team beat themselves. Think about it, since our zone coverages were not anywhere near the star wide receiver, we relied upon two extra defenders, the sideline and the Iowa State receivers dropping balls. We're sitting here unhappy about 3rd and 4th down conversions, but PK is somewhere happy because his strategy was successful! The other team dropped numerous balls, their receivers had to go to the sideline after catches, and they only scored 21 points. Their QB cooled off after hitting 10 of 11 passes to start the game. Iow, I suspect he sees no reason for his strategy to change. Rush 4 straight, no stunts, soft zone, keep everything in front. The other team will make enough mistakes to keep their score low. Scoring average for the last two games is 10.5. Even in the losses the point total is not too bad. This guy is not only NOT changing, he is probably expecting a raise and a contract extension! Good grief.
  6. if OKst comes out with their A+ offensive game, they can put up 800 yards, and as somebody said earlier, don't ever punt. We're coming up to a bye the next week, so Sark could go ahead and relieve PK if GP will take the reins. Also, don't forget the refs will be giving all possible calls to OSU.
  7. great game! Looking forward to seeing Caleb's arm now.
  8. and Ewers coming off his worst game, wanting to prove something, I hope this results in a huge Ewers passing game.
  9. I can't get over how TCU defense backs actually play close to the receiver. is that legal? Are we sure?
  10. wish our DBs played that close to receiver.
  11. he's in...2nd OT coming.......
  12. TCU surprisingly back to a tie.
  13. This OSU offense will score about 50 on our D.
  14. If we had a decent D on 3rd and 4th down, the 11 I predicted for ISU would have been very close. Our RB combo has to be one of the best in the Big12. Stay healthy, get Rojo more attempts, and they could help keep opponents off the field. Keep opponents off the field, improve a tiny amount on 3rd and 4th down D, and probably only lose 1-2 more games.
  15. Well, I finally hit on one. This game was as even as it could be. I didn't see any attempt by our D on several fronts. a. not covering receivers closely, has been a problem for how many years? b. no stunts by defensive line at all, same path to QB every time, and c. nobody covering the middle of the field on the QB scramble for a TD. Is there another fanbase that knows they cannot afford to let the other team go to 3rd down? Cain's drop was offset by #8's drop. Critique of our offense: 1. I think our star tight end was injured so that limited choices on the goal line at the end. but if you are an OC with a brain, you have to change things up, offer something else. I think that is where the old-fashioned screen to Bijan came in. Get KRob in there as well. 2. Whitt needs throws his way big time. Great player. 3. Rojo needs to be on the field much more. needs 10-15 carries a game.
  16. 3rd down coming. . I give it Rojo...if he doesn't get it give it to him again. Istate is gassed.
  17. 1st down and game is over. need play action pass.
  18. forget 3rd downs...we need a turnover!!!!!!
  19. This drive should be PKs final chance to keep his job.
  20. yeah, no kick here. not with 3rd and PK defense. #4 needs to get the ball on a slant.
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