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Everything posted by JGrayDBU

  1. good grief! What a total head fake. I thought the FG at the end of the first half would spur on the Seahawks. Instead, turn out the lights, the party's over! SF looking like Super Bowl champs from here.
  2. Except that Brown did NOT totally commit to the idea of pumping up Colt's stats. My favorite what if topic. Because Mack was too busy being a "gentleman" to other teams by not running up the score, he started McCoy in the 2nd half of the game against directional Florida school in November, and McCoy was there to HAND OFF in the 2nd half. This was Mack's golden opportunity to get GG some playing time against real live competition with the first team. GG obviously needed that half of football so the 1st team receivers could get used to his fastball, much faster than Colt's ball. I, along with others, predicted GG would need to be ready. He wasn't, but more importantly the receivers were not ready for GG's ball.
  3. Even though I saw limited games live, there were enough signals to me that the problem is that the WRs did not give 100% effort. X against OSU in end zone of course, but does anybody else remember the first pass from Q against TCU? Went right through the WR hands, had to be X. Then of course the end of game possible heroics against OSU, when he threw a sharp laser ball that hit our super duper TE right in the chest!, and promptly became an int. Q's body language after the first pass against TCU was "here we go again, do I have to catch the ball for them?" It's more or less either lack of repetition or whatever that is disrupting the confidence Q needs, combined with WRs who don't give a damn. Alamo Bowl Q 2nd half when completing short to intermediate passes had confidence to put the ball where it belonged. Somebody's got to step up and make a play from the WR position.
  4. I can't believe I'm still awake for this stuff, but now we have a game!
  5. I like this, lots of orange, a McCoy, a Shipley, even a McCullough. Don't remember anything Edorian did at UT, just remember the name. Was he one of the overrated guys who never played?
  6. re: red flags....how come this? I can sit on my couch and not watch even half the games but because of watching the OSU game live and reading all of you internet experts, I can absolutely know 98%+ that Xavier Worthy cannot see the ball into his hands on a long pass, AND tell someone in the room last night the cat cannot see and NOT be surprised in the slightest when Worthy drops 2 long passes in a row?????????!!!!!!!! And the coaches that are paid millions of dollars cannot address this situation??????? Someone please try to address this. Hyperbole, but It appears they do not want to win games.
  7. I appreciate that insight. It does make me wonder just exactly what were the instructions for that play? I would think a good special teams coach would have called timeout to make sure every player knew exactly what the instructions would be. Do you ask your d to catch that ball? I can't imagine a special teams coordinator asking that of his defense. One interesting bit of trivia is that I believe Jitter Fields was the other DB back there and he evidently yelled "you" to Craig. If that is true then the call was to catch the ball? Hard to believe.
  8. I disagree and agree. The decision to leave the defense on the field was a very solid decision, imo. There was no reason for Georgia to punt the ball with about 4 and half minutes left in the game, unless they were psychic and predicted Texas would fumble the punt. This was a typical windy Cotton Bowl, and the instructions should have been given to get away from the ball. There was no reason to try to field the punt. About two to three first downs from the Texas offense and the game would have been over. I read years later that Akers tried to get Curry to face the media right after the game, but he just couldn't do it. And that was just Craig thinking he lost the game. It would not have entered Craig's mind he lost the national championship when he dropped that ball, because Nebraska lost to Miami that night.
  9. Plays are different from decisions, imo. You cannot control the play. You(the coach) can make the correct decisions. In real time, I predicted the 2009 mess. GD/Mack already had a history of making Colt injury prone by dictating a stupid battering ram decision. If you are going to use Colt as a battering ram you better damn well have a back up QB ready to go. So here comes 2009, and the ball that GG threw was a bullet, completely different from Colt's ball. The first team needed live snaps against a real team with GG. The D1 team to use for this strategy was the directional Florida team in November. We had a 30-0(I think) half time lead. GG should have come out beginning of 2nd half against Florida whomever with the first team throwing everything in the playbook. Nope. Colt was handing off. Then in the 4th quarter GG was handing off. Dumbest decision, most easily anticipated situation in the history of football at Texas. With just one half of live action, GG and receivers would have had enough confidence to handle the Alabama situation. It's the dumb coaching decisions that annoy me much more than Craig Curry and Blake Gideon dropping balls.
  10. Akers was the guy trying to be dragged into the new style of football wrt the forward pass, but he just wouldn't quite do it. There was supposed to be some kind of disagreement about who got credit for the famous Robert Brewer QB draw that beat Alabama in the 1982 Cotton Bowl. Then in the '82 season, the passing game was working. It is my understanding that Akers would never give up control of the play calling. He was trying to be a micromanager on offense. I get it if that is your specialty, like a Chip Kelly. But Akers was a DB. Akers was a defensive guy, but he wanted to take credit for the offensive good plays, while not taking credit for the bad plays, while at the same time putting about 90% of the really good players on defense. Prime evidence of this was the 1983 season. The best defensive talent ever seen on the 40 acres. I mean if you go back and look, we had a backup defensive player drafted. Then look at the offense. The running game was totally reliant upon a superman freshman, Edwin Simmons. As soon as Edwin went down with an injury the running game became a D+ at best. Nobody good at RB left, because Fred's philosophy put way too many of the best players on D. TCU game. Our defense outscored our offense and TCUs offense, with 2 TDs. Then look at the QB room. Fred couldn't decide which QB to stick with, so ended up throwing his hands up and starting Rick McIvor, the rocket-arm QB against Aggy. McIvor struck gold, showed off his arm, threw a bunch of TD passes, and Akers fell in love with the idea of Rick. For the Cotton Bowl, if Fred had come out of halftime with Morschell as QB the entire 2nd half, we would have won the game scoring at least one TD and one FG or two FGs. Wouldn't have been pretty, but Georgia was 100% jacked up to stop Rick. 15 to 10 or 16 to 10 final would have given us another NC.
  11. Anybody else have this reaction? I flew back into Texas for the holidays on Sunday, Dec. 18th at about 5:00 a.m. Needed a screen replaced on a MacBook Air. Went to Best Buy, intelligent dude said go to Apple Store. Went to store next day, Fort Worth store. Nice guy tells me price and says expect it done by end of the week. No problem, until I get four emails from Apple telling me I need to contact them ASAP...and it was way too early to expect completed work. When I finally got through, because Apple store doesn't open until 10, and Apple support didn't tell me that, just let the phone ring, ring, etc. Apple store finally answered and said they made a mistake in how they processed the repair. I went in early this morning, waited in line outside the store for 25 minutes,(yes there was a line) and by the time I explained and someone allegedly checked, the computer was reportedly "in route" to the store. B.S.!!! An hour and 20 minutes after I left the store, I got an email saying the computer was ready. 100% obvious to me the computer was ready before the store opened, they just lazily didn't have it ready until after I left. Turds! Or, my unannounced visit motivated them to get the computer ready? I think not! And talk about disorganized. When I returned to pick up the computer there was no line, just a bunch of people going wherever. A really nice lady in a wheelchair yelled for people to come to her if they needed to register. I ran up there, got registered, and then kept showing apple employees my email from apple that said the computer was ready, and they finally got tired of that and finally brought my computer to me. Yes, I am on old pain in the ass, and I look older than 58. (I am a young 58)
  12. re: drugs, nurse practitioner said I am now diabetic, at 6.5. She wanted to put me on metformin, with the disclaimer that diarhea was a side effect, but only lasted two weeks..ouch! talk about motivating me. I protested, noted that my research shows that drug is for people who have tried diet and exercise, but no luck. I plan to lose 15 pounds by April 1...am currently 244. I am told fiber is my friend. I can cut out cokes, and limit pasta, not totally give it up. I will fit as many frozen green veggies into my luggage as I can. (I travel back to bush Alaska on Sunday.) I get to attend a conference in Anchorage in late January, so I can load up again on Brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, etc. I was drinking way too many mountain dews. How often can I eat a serving of Lasagna? it's homemade, more sauce and cheese than pasta. Should I heat it up and throw away the pasta? I plan to work out twice a day...if you count playing pickle ball as working out. very sedentary life since July, and way too many sodas. This is going to be tough, but I can do it. Talk about motivation! I will see nurse practitioner in early April.
  13. interesting info. here. I live out-of-state, but no vehicle in Alaska. Only auto, no homeowners. Two cars live in Texas (with full coverage, a 2022 Hyundai Kona and a 2016 Hyundai Accent). 3 drivers on the policy including me. One is a 24 year old son. Renewal with Germania was scheduled for January 9. Germania raised the rate from about $3200 for the year to over $5000 per year. The broker told me she would requote it and expected a more reasonable number. Nope. So she went looking and the best she had was Progressive, at $1173 for six months. Wow! I am sure this is a low ball quote that will go up significantly in July. I like the idea of an entire year quote at one time. Hartford quoted me slightly better than the Progressive number, contingent upon me joining AARP(I am 58) Not enough savings for me to dump my broker...probably $40. I will look into Hanover.
  14. I have also been reminded that my niece attended School of Mines for a couple of years, long enough to build up $120,000 in debt. Gave up attending during COVID. She allegedly wants to be an engineer, and is now living rent free at her aunt's house in SA, working as a shift supervisor full-time at a truck stop. She might be debt free by the time she retires.
  15. How is my $70 million stadium looking these days? I was part of the serious opposition to the most expensive stadium, PER SEAT, in the history of North America. 70$ million divided by 12,000 seats!!!! I left McKinney in 2018, and sent a goodbye email to the superintendent of MISD. He was so happy I was leaving he responded to the email with a positive message.
  16. I don't think after our offensive struggles in the 2nd half the entire season you magically play 4 quarters of football, but I do give us a decent chance to put 2.5 to 3 quarters together of quality offensive football. 3 quarters might lead to 42+ points, which is still not enough considering we literally struggle to guard the green turf in the secondary, especially in the 2nd halves. 4th quarter lead for us has to be at least two touchdowns.
  17. four quarters of football? From us? Have you guys watched the games this year?
  18. Nevada senate race? This might be a key. I think we're headed for 50-50 again.
  19. This is the post of the week. The Big 12 gave us the week off, in their minds. They actually called a few penalties against our opponent the other day. The standard was set by OSU. The frogs will have 0 to 2 penalties called against them all game, and of course 0 offensive holding calls. Add to that we literally cannot cover against green turf, that leaves our D having to create 3 more turnovers than TCU to win the game. I don't see that happening.
  20. TCU - 28 Texas 27 yards 444 Best memory of TCU game in Austin. Freshman in high school "Euphonium Fever Day" 1979. Free tickets to the game for us euphonium players, probably 200 of us, miserable cold wet weather. We played halftime with LHB, "The Way We Were". but the highlight was before our part of halftime. The Frog dancers wore white tops.....in the rain.....no rain ponchos.... no covering...so the Frog band finishes playing for the frog dancers and the LHB Sousaphone player gives a standing ovation.. I mean jumping up and down excited....and his buddies were laughing at him. I just wish I had pictures of the frog dancers.
  21. I totally disagree about deep balls becoming more catchable. Just with the eyeball test, the long balls are not any closer to being caught. The closest one to being complete I remember was the OSU game, And it seems like we are throwing away more downs than before.
  22. The over-reliance on throwing the deep ball is the major problem, imo. Someone said QE can throw a deep out better than just about anybody. If that is true, then the coaching staff has rocks for brains. I didn't see any deep outs yesterday. I saw at least a half a dozen throw it deep and hope X catches it, and none of them were completed. I like the highlight shown where QE did check down and threw to a player on a shallow crossing pattern. I would like to see mostly crossing patterns, deep outs, button hooks, square-ins,and old-fashioned screens to RBs. If someone is in love with the deep ball, let him throw one per half, to keep the D honest. In fact X can run himself silly all game with that because on one occasion it seemed as if there were three Kstate defenders back there with him. The really good news is that the final three opponents would expect half a dozen long balls, so they should be playing deep. It's already on film, so the rest of the field is open. I'm not a fan of the stop and go, if we haven't completed a short pattern, which we mostly haven't. With our quality running game, there is so much out there that is probably wide open, it is a shame QE/coaching staff has reduced us to throw it long and hope Way, way, way too often.
  23. Thanks. Even though I didn't win I like to look back and look at what I wrote. This team is very predictable at this point. When I said 21-0 lead, that perfectly matched the halftime lead. The Rojo comment was nearly spot on as well. After Rojo fumbled, he might've had one more carry. I am very happy I was incorrect about the winning team. Our coaches are getting very close to over doing it with Bijan. He was fresh off a bye-week, yesterday, so it didn't matter. I look forward to more Krob and Rojo going forward. The offense has to learn to fake to Bijan and throw the other way. Guaranteed there are plenty of wide receivers wide open going across the field, when you fake to Bijan.
  24. Because of the history of blowing leads, it seemed obvious to me that the defense was very intense in the 2nd half. For the most part the d contained Deuce in the 2nd half. My takeaway is that the players outfought and overcame the weak schemes developed by PK. How many fumbles did the d cause? So, the d knows they will be handicapped by their DC's schemes. I predict doom for next week, because the offense cannot overcome the schemes and play calls from their 2nd half play caller. Obviously PK needs to go, but I have no idea how to fix the offense. There has got to be a way to convince someone to have QE throw short patterns instead of so many long throws. At this point any throw other than a super long route has a decent chance of success. I wonder how many plays we wasted tonight vs. how many we wasted against other teams. No improvement in wasting downs imo.
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