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Posts posted by GenXer

  1. 14 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:



    Isn’t this like an automatic contempt of court or something? The juror has to be excused now right? I mean the juror may hold a grudge against a defendant that confronts a juror.

    This seems really big. Am I missing something?

    I did serve on a jury a couple decades ago on a trial for two counts of aggravated assault. That’s the extent of my legal and courtroom experience.

  2. 10 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

    The state of Texas is a beautiful woman that you fall in love with, then you wake up next to her, and she rolls over and the back of her head has this hideous attached fetal twin, and it's alive and spitting blood, pus, piss, the runny shits, and jism all at the same time while clacking its stunted limbs like a crab, and on one grotesquely misshapen finger you see a ring. An Aggy ring.

    "Don't mind him, hon," she purrs, "that's just Aggy."

    This analogy isn’t quite right. Thirty seconds after you met said beautiful woman, aggy would’ve been screaming that he went to a&m to get your attention because aggy can’t stand getting zero attention.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. 9 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    There is also a notion that he might plead at the 11th hour or ask the jury to convict only on the misdemeanor level false documents charges without the connection to the other crime, that makes it a felony.

    Perhaps the defense wants to wait to see if the jury pool results in at least one likely maga that will result in a hung jury.

    There’s probably chatter on truth social that will self identify potential jurors to the defense team. It’s probably something subtle like looking at trump while masturbating furiously.

    • Haha 1
  4. 22 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Can you imagine the daily calls between Trump, Devin Nunes (Truth Social CEO) and the Truth's CFO/Investor lead? You know Trump is screaming at them in regards that he's unable to sell his shares and their stupid rules are costing him hundreds of millions.  "I had $6B in value a few weeks ago, and now it's worth ______.  F you!  Fix this!"

    Of course, their reaction is to issue more shares to the insiders, most likely without a lockup, screwing over the other shareholders like ol' Jerry at Oklahoma Four Seasons tree trimming.


    From a CNBC article:

    There is little chance that Truth social and its DJT stock doesn't end in a massive SEC investigation. Unless Trump gets elected.

    The quarterly conference calls with analysts should be interesting (assuming DJT has them)

  5. 33 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I dated a girl in HS whose best friend was a cheerleader.  She ended up cheering for the Rams and Raiders and at one point dated OJ, although none of us knew about that  I was watching trial recaps late one night and to my surprise she was on the witness stand.  She was the first person OJ called after he "didn't" kill Nicole and Ron.  That was unnerving.  She actually saved the answering machine tape and they played it in the courtroom.

    Then she became an attorney and entertainment executive.



    I can only imagine how many stories she could tell over a night of drinking 

  6. 3 hours ago, RDCanecutter said:

    Seeing as how it's been 8 years of "we oughta do x y z to grift them," with no actual grift, I'd say nobody on here is that person.

    It would be interesting to consider the possibility of providing a value-add product and app to the maga market. I mean, you’d have names, addresses, phone numbers, and social media usernames for hardcore maga.

    Imagine what you could do with that data. One might be able to profile users in swing states that are conspiracy minded and do a targeted information campaign to shift their allegiance to a conspiracy embracing third party candidate.

    Hypothetically speaking of course.

    • Drool 3
  7. 1 hour ago, RDCanecutter said:

    Damn, sorry to hear that. Could you travel to Canada and pick it up cheaper there?

    I'm supposed to restart an immunotherapy course that insurance is being wobbly about. Might ask my doc if I can get it cheaper out of pocket at a clinic in the Bahamas, or maybe the Yucatan. Who knows what would actually be going in my arm, but I'd be on vacation.

    I live in dallas and need a new vial every month. That kind of travel just isn’t sustainable.

    There’s lots of variations of insulin. Some long lasting (24 hrs); some short acting (a couple hours). Some have been around for decades; others a handful of years. When the dems said “we lowered insulin costs”, it’s not that simple. Maybe for one type of insulin for old people only. There’s work to be done but I’m not hearing about it much these days.

    The shit I’m prescribed is expensive. I just want to be able to shop around. Everywhere.

    • Drool 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, Goredho said:

    Yes. I’m well aware of what Colorado is doing. They care about their constituents.

    I’ve had several text conversations with my texas rep, Mihaela Plesa, about what colorado is doing. She disregards my input as it’s not something that is at the top of her list.  It’s frustrating but also understandable as she is likely focusing on women’s reproductive rights. Picking her battles.

    In the primaries a few weeks ago, I had two lengthy discussions with the republican primary candidate, Steve Kinard, about what Colorado is doing. He was not aware of it but was pretty enthusiastic about the idea. I sold him on the idea. I wouldn’t be surprised if he included it in his platform.

  9. 13 hours ago, Pancho said:


    Meanwhile the bill introduced 3 years ago that would allow people to purchase prescription drugs online from Canada gathers dust. GQP should embrace this bill because competition.

    I was quoted $5000 to fill one of my two insulin prescriptions a couple weeks ago because my insurance company wouldn’t cover it. But why would they? For profit healthcare is best.


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  10. 10 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    Tha fuck did Elvis do? Cause he stole music styles from Black folks?

    I saw this and my first reaction was elvis and hawking but no hitler? Weird meme.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 27 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    I bet a fun thing would be to go way back in time to where there was going to be an eclipse and tell the cave men, "If I have come to destroy you, may the sun be blotted out from the sky." Just then the eclipse would start, and they'd probably try to kill you or something, but then you could explain about the rotation of the moon and all, and everyone would get a good laugh.

    Naw. You’d be the god half the world worships. Books would be written about you. And grifters would profit in your name. 

  12. 1 hour ago, CooterBrown said:

    It’s been out a bit but Kim Gordon’s new album is amazing. No 70 year old should be releasing shit like this.

    I haven’t listened to this album or anything, but my first impression of this song and video is that it’s one piece of a story told within the album. I listened to the song and thought “are these lyrics her shopping list?”

    As the song progressed and given the title “bye bye”, I wondered what is she fleeing from? What is her destination?

    This is art.

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