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Posts posted by GenXer

  1. 2 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I prefer to ask election deniers if they also deny all their down-ballot victories.

    I also say something to the effect of “shit, I wish they were a lot better at rigging the election and weren’t so incompetent. If they could do that then the turtle and lindsay wouldn’t have gotten re-elected in 2020.”

    This is a subtle way of suggesting they’re full of shit while playing to their belief that Dems are incompetent.

    Without fail, I always get a nod and a grin.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Hookah Horns said:

    Interior design is not the same thing as interior decorating. Source: interior designer girlfriend. 

    One of the things that triggered my ex was when someone, generally on tv, would pronounce “decor” as “daycor”


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  3. 11 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

    I have it on good authority that all Surlsters have come to the idea that moving to Colorado will solve all woes. Who are you and what did you do to GenXer?



    • Haha 3
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  4. I happened to get on instagram about an hour ago, and John Moreland was live streaming. He played a new song from his new album; the album dropped during his live stream.

    The song he played was the title track, visitor, on the new album.

    I downloaded the album, and it’s damn good.

    It’s all really good but a few standouts are

    The more you say, the less it means

    Will the heavens catch us

    Blue dream carolina


    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, Jhawkmvp said:

    There have been a lot of studies about what liberals and conservatives respond to. Basically conservatives respond to fear. Immigrants are coming to rape and kill your family, teachers are turning your kids LGBTQ, democrats want to take your guns, etc. Liberals are more motivated by inclusion/bringing people together.  Probably when we were tribal they both served a purpose. More liberal members of the tribe want to bring in new people and ideas, while conservative tribal members were like be careful, maybe this guy is not going to help us. so the tribe was selective in what they brought in rather than accepting all and maybe destabilizing on risking the tribe by bring in the wrong people/ideas.

    I saw a survey a couple of weeks ago that showed Biden/Trump and who people would vote for based on the issues and what they had said about them. Most were pretty dead even, but where Biden crushed Trump is when they told the voters what Trump and Republicans have said about Social Security vs. what Biden wants to do with it. Biden jumped out to like a 15 point lead. Abortion is the same, they need to hammer that and play up the coming for birth control stuff, no exceptions for rape/incest/life of the mother - what if that is your wife or daughter?  If you can make more conservative people fear something more than the fears the GQP is spreading you have a chance to bring in some votes. Trying to message conservatives or conservative leaning voters with messages of hope or positivity will not resonate with them like it does more liberal voters. You have to make them fear something.  Probably how you can reach some family members/friends in the Trump cult if you know the fear buttons that might motivate them to turn against him.


    This is great information.

  6. 3 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    Well, I'm in the restroom about to get dressed and head to my daughter's open house at school where I looked forward to her project on women in politics.  Super proud of her project.  And I see this shit, so I call while I'm getting dressed.  I actually get Rep. Libby (funny to me because there's a Ms. Lippy at her school as in Billy Madison.  But I ask her that while they certainly had freedom to assemble and even carry weapons...how can she say they didn't do anything illegal.  She defends and repeats her position and commentary as posted in this video.  So I ask, even if you ignore their crimes in the macro sense, "You do realize they were actually found guilty on hundreds of counts for committing illegal activities, war crimes, crimes against humanity, etc. at Nuremberg."  The fucking cunt's reply was, "I don't know what Nuremberg Court means.  Sounds made up by you to try to embarrass me and yourself."  

    This happened today.  By an elected official.  In a swing state.  Today.  I'm not saying everybody should have an intricate knowledge of the Nurburging.  But when you're a state-elected official talking about Nazis, maybe do 30 seconds of homework you fucking shitheap.  There were literally dozens of them found guilty or pleaded to crimes and illegalities.  which is a polite way of saying found guilty pf crimes against humanity.  So maybe start there bitch and then lecture us on the right to peacefully assemble to worship fascists.  

    Jesus, dude. She studied theory of color and lighting in her heavy interior design coursework. You think that curriculum has any time for trivial subjects like the trials of the largest assortment of genocidal conspirators of the 20th century?

    I can’t imagine how this assortment of great GQP thinkers has no issue with right wing authoritarianism.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, TexasEd said:

    Don't arrest me for burglary because I need to burgle some more to pay for my defense counsel.

    Don't strip my medical license for malpractice because I need to charge more victims, er patients, to pay for my other bills.


    Dr. Ortiz is intrigued by this request to the court



  8. 9 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:


    She’s an anti-vaxer, interior designer, and stages homes for real estate agents.

    Much more qualified for the gig than the democrat she beat who went to west point, graduated with an aeronautical engineering degree, served as a helicopter pilot in the army, was a board member of the local airport and owned a construction biz.

    Sigh. Maine is at the top of my list when I move out of texas.

    • Rage+1 8
  9. 2 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:


    “I danced and everyone was amazed”. I’m sure they were; geriatrics have the dopest moves.

    ”they don’t teach you nothing good”. Double negative there. So I suppose they teach you good things according to your drunk ass.

    Trump painting in background is perfect. I wonder how many of those ridiculous propaganda pieces are hanging in that dump.

    This has got to be performance art.

  10. 41 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    I’ve told my mom that “when you’re on the same side as klansmen and neo-Nazis, you’re on the wrong side.” It didn’t move the needle.

    She was, however very much bothered by a story she’d heard about Joe Biden boasting that he graduated in the top half of his class when he actually didn’t. That was serious business.

    I hadn’t heard about that one so I googled it. Lo and behold it was a story from 1987 that Fox News dug up and no doubt repeated to her over and over again every night during prime time for a week or more.


    But, it’s cool to call Biden out cause trump has never made bullshit claims

  11. 59 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:



    39 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I live in a world where tatted up racist rappers drive around in the open with a Donald Trump fuck doll.

    That meteor is WAY overdue.

    No Ragrets

  12. 1 hour ago, VivaNaranja said:

    God I fucking hate Troy Nehls. I don't get it. Fort Bend voted for Clinton, for Biden, they rejected his dipshit brother for sheriff. How did we send this twat to DC? I know Richmond and Rosenberg are pretty redneck but Sugar Land is just... not Nehls.

    This douche is my rep:


    Well if your district looks anything like mine, that might answer your question. Apparently, the wise texas state legislature believes my voting interests align more closely with the exoburbs of texarkana than our county seat of mckinney.


    The term gerrymandering came from a politician drawing named Gerry making a district that looked like a salamander.

    My district looks like salvador dali made a surrealist excavator that grew a mechanical dick that it’s trying to self pleasure and a tail covered in genital warts.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  13. 3 hours ago, C-Man said:

    Thanks for the heads up on this. My wife and I are now thinking of popping down there. Looks like you just show up. Can take chairs/blankets and coolers with drinks/snacks. (Wonder if that means booze.) BoH at 7, though, which will be tough to get down to in time. But it also means getting back at a more reasonable time. I've seen Lukas Nelson enough and don't feel the need to stick around for him at 9.

    What part of dallas are you in? I’m in far north dallas near the tollway and bush. The tollway with its one lane exit onto 35 through the mavericks’ parking lot is a masterclass in bonehead design.

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  14. April schedule 

    Shows are clustered. Wife will be irritated.

    Band of Horses is putting on a free show in waco at indian spring park on friday. I’m gonna try to make it but driving from dallas on a fri afternoon will be a shitshow.

    Black crowes on sat in irving

    Read Southall band and Glorious sons at HOB in dallas on apr 11

    Social distortion in irving on apr 18

    John Fullbright at kessler on apr 19

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