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Posts posted by Dolemite

  1. 1 minute ago, bolverk said:

    There are no really good parallels that I can think of (KJU = dear leader/god), but opening the society and economy of a repressive nation didn't seem to go very well with Gorbachev. Of course, the USSR was never nearly so repressive after Stalin nor China after Mao as North Korea. Both of those countries had a defined apparatus to choose their next leaders. North Korea has nothing of the sort. It's basically a dynastic, almost feudal, regime with no counterbalancing bureaucracy to ensure stability.

    Years ago I use to get my hair cut by a Korean lady. As a child, she escaped from North Korea along with a dozen or so others. They had to travel up a stream in the dead of night, in freezing weather and pass underneath a bridge, where NK guards were posted. One of the women in the group had an infant. The mother knew and understood that if her infant made any noise what so ever that it was to be immediately pushed under the water and drowned. 

  2. Kim doesn't have much choice. HIs country is in ruins and his chief benefactor, China, has told him its time to change. Why did they tell him that? Because Trump is leaning on them with tariffs.

    Even if he had a choice it's not logical to keep going down the same old path that his father and grandfather went down. It didn't get them anywhere. Why would he think it would be different for him?

    My experience has been that people generally do what is in their perceived best interest. Surely Kim would rather be the top guy in a prosperous country than in the hell hole he currently operates in.

    We will see, but I know one thing. Fucking Trump will get his way, one way or the other because he always has. Its how he operates. Unrelenting, and insufferable. 


  3. Just now, David Dennison said:

    You do realize he asked the Republican controlled Congress to authorize military force in Syria, right? Please tell me you know that.

    Asked permission from Republicans to fulfill a promise he made? So pitiful. 

  4. 35 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    You only agree because you support Donald Trump.

    But if Barack Obama makes moves toward peace, hoooooo boy.

    Like when he rid the middle east of chemical weapons held by Syria?


  5. 1 hour ago, Caracara said:

    I think peace is in the air. And possibly reform.  That's my opinion.  It's an ideal worth taking a new, non-lethal tack for.

    I agree. He saw the life his grandfather and father led. A life where they were constantly on guard for potential threats on their life. Living in isolation, having to suck up to the Chinese etc.

    Little Kim seems like the type who sees the benefit of joining the world community. Cutting ties with Iran etc, and I think that is where he wants to go for the future. 


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  6. Lmao at Schumer and other Democrats trying to derail the NK negotiations. Do they know that there is no coincidence that all of this is taking place a few months before the Nov elections? Do they not realize where the public sentiment lies regarding NK? 




  7. Quote

    President Trump's Middle East peace team, senior adviser Jared Kushner and special envoy Jason Greenblatt, will travel to Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia next week to discuss the next stages of the peace effort and the crisis in Gaza, a senior U.S. official tells me.

    Why it matters: The official said Kushner and Greenblatt want to discuss lingering questions they have as they finish drafting the peace plan, including the optimal time for launching it. The U.S. official added the trip may include other stops as well, but does not include a meeting with Palestinian officials — who are refusing to meet following Trump's decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

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    From the U.S. official:

    • "The peace team didn’t ask for a meeting [with the Palestinians] for this trip. The Palestinian leadership will know Kushner and Greenblatt are in the region and if the Palestinian leadership wants to meet, Kushner and Greenblatt are ready to meet."
    • "The administration wants to launch the plan when the circumstances are right, and Kushner and Greenblatt want to hear the parties’ thoughts on that. The administration has not set a date yet for launching the plan."

    U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman is visiting Washington this week. The U.S. official stressed that contrary to several press reports, Friedman was not summoned to Washington to talk about the peace plan but was there for regular meetings. "Ambassador Friedman wanted to catch up with Kushner and Greenblatt before they head to the region", the U.S. official said.

    It just never stops with Trumps.



  8. On 6/10/2018 at 11:12 PM, NateHitch said:

    Ok, guess I'm talking to myself but there has been some really interesting shit regarding this in the last few months/year. Tip of the iceberg but hopefully it starts rolling downhill


    Sent from my LG-H820 using Tapatalk


    I haven't paid too much to it either because, deep down, I really can't believe that it could be really widespread. However just as you have,  I have been reading a lot of crazy stuff lately too.

    God help us if it is as widespread as some say.


  9. 12 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    We made a deal and broke it with Iran.

    We made a deal and broke it with Libya.

    We are trying to make a deal with NK, but our word on these deals is pretty worthless.

    Iran knows how to make nukes already.They made a deal to stop.  We broke it.  Nukes are closing in on a century. They aren't some secret. 

    We had no deal with Iran. Nothing was signed.

    Iran doesn't have the missile technology and has been counting on NK to provide it. 

    Trump will put this agreement (if made) into a form that will be ratifiable by the Senate and NK will have a legal document to count on.


  10. 1 minute ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Lulz. We've dishonored two nuke deals already. Nukes aren't going anywhere, but the conventional DMZ could go away. 

    You don't understand the connection between Iran and NK.

  11. 8 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    We are really going after the wrong thing. We should let him keep the nukes for MAD and press him to demilitarize the border and stand down his forward troops that are entrenched above Seoul. That's how you end the war. 

    Nukes and missile technology have to go because of the Iranian connection. NK has to be settled before Iran can be dealt with. 

  12. On 6/5/2018 at 11:23 PM, Chewbacca said:

    CBD oil does not necessarily need to have THC in it.   Some does,  some doesn't.  And aren't you in CA?  It's legal,  yo.

    Lots of people in CO have seen amazing results with CBD oil treatment for seizures.   Can't hurt to try it. 

    Friends brother has a daughter with epilepsy. CBD Oil has worked wonders for her and he highly recommends. 

  13. Quote

    (CNN)President Donald Trump on Saturday said he wanted to see the elimination of trade barriers between the United States and its closest allies amid tensions over the Trump administration's move to impose steep tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from the EU, Canada and Mexico.

    Speaking during an impromptu news conference at the G7 summit in Canada on Saturday, Trump said his ultimate goal was the elimination of all trade duties.
    "Ultimately that's what you want," he said. "You want a tariff free. You want no barriers. And you want no subsidies. Because you have some cases where countries are subsidizing industries and that's not fair."


  14. 41 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Good at projecting American democratic values across the globe and inspiring others to reject the evil of tyranny and oppression.  You want to know why our European allies loved him, that’s why.


    They loved him because he let them rob us blind. Although it was through stupidity and not some grand plan Barry came up with

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