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Posts posted by Dolemite

  1. 8 hours ago, David Dennison said:

    Barry was our JFK, though.

    I love that guy. I wish I could vote for him again. He wasn't perfect, but he was damn good.

    He was great getting around banking laws for sure.

  2. 17 hours ago, GRHorn said:

    US President attempts to further enrich hostile nation and its banks, while lying about it.



    “In other words, the Obama administration: (1) told Congress it would not allow Iran access to U.S. financial institutions; (2) issued a special license allowing Iran to do exactly that; (3) unsuccessfully pressured U.S. banks to help Iran; (4) lied to Congress and the American people about what it had done; (5) admitted in internal emails that these efforts “exceeded” U.S. obligations under the nuclear deal; (6) sent officials, including bank regulators, around the world to urge foreign financial institutions to do business with Iran; and (7) promised that they would get nothing more than a slap on the wrist for violating U.S. sanctions.”

    I guess the pallets of cash weren’t enough...

    That is why there were pallets of cash.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    That entire album, outside of "She's a Rainbow" is Exhibit A for this thread.

    Jump back Jack, 2000 Light Years from Home" is one of my favs. 



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  4. Quote

    In recent years, physicists have played with the timing in the scheme. For example, last year a team showed that entanglement swapping still works even if they make the projective measurement after they've already measured the polarizations of photons 1 and 4. Now, Eisenberg and colleagues have shown that photons 1 and 4 don't even have to exist at the same time, as they report in a paper in press at Physical Review Letters.



  5. Quote

    An observation made by the CMS experiment at CERN unambiguously demonstrates the interaction of the Higgs boson and top quarks, which are the heaviest known subatomic particles. This major milestone is an important step forward in our understanding of the origins of mass. Physicists at the University of Zurich made central contributions by incorporating sophisticated data analysis methods that allowed this benchmark to be reached much earlier than expected.


  6. I don't know who McCarthy was or is or what his motives may have been but the "guy" in the video above and certainly the guy in the Amazon piece seems to be telling what he feels to be the truth.

    And btw, who is Brian Dunning anyway? Just some guy who makes money off of telling people "the truth" so that they feel better about themselves?  Is he right sometimes? I guess. But, why believe him over Walton in this case?



    If you know Brian Dunning at all, it's probably as the host of "Skeptoid," a podcast that debunks pseudoscience. Recent episodes have discussed UFOs, aliens, and free energy machines.

    But for the last few years he's been fighting eBay and the FBI in court over allegations that he cheated the auction site out of $5.2 million in an ingenious "cookie stuffing" affiliate marketing scam.

    Yesterday, he gave up that fight, and pleaded guilty to wire fraudin a California federal court. He faces 20 years in prison.



  7. I found out about this guy while watching a video on Amazon. In the Amazon video, he gives a more emotional testimony. Obviously not a happy camper and he seemed more reluctant and less open than in the below video which was made in 2013.

    "he Travis Walton UFO incident was an alleged abduction of an American logger by a UFO on November 5, 1975, while working with a logging crew in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest near Snowflake, Arizona. Walton reappeared after a five-day search. The Walton case received mainstream publicity and remains one of the best-known alien abduction stories. Skeptics consider it a hoax.[1][2][3][4][5] Walton wrote a book about his purported abduction in 1978 called The Walton Experience, which was adapted into the film Fire in the Sky in 1993, written by Tracy Tormé.[6]"





  8. On 5/29/2018 at 9:02 AM, bernorange said:

    If you examine descriptions first person experiences of acid trips (or, really any strong hallucinagen), temporal lobe seizures, sleep paralysis and alien encounters, you will likely see a good bit of similarities. 

    Mental/Physical manipulation by aliens in the abduction process likely utilize similar pathways in the brain. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Don Johnson said:

    Let's remember Stan isn't completely innocent either.



    I thought of that when I made the comment. Stan likely regrets doing that while, Phillip and Elizabeth would do it all over again if they had to. 

  10. 9 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    I was hoping Phillip and Elizabeth got bullets to the head as the final end game 


    They deserved bullets to the head for all the people they murdered and for the lives they ruined and for what they did to Paige who is fucked. Henry with Stan's guidance will be OK. 

    Stan is the one that I feel really bad for. He lost his best friend and betrayed his country. What could be worse for a man like him?

  11. Quote

    After months of back-channel talks between Kim Kardashian and Jared Kushner, the high priestess of reality television is coming to the White House. By late afternoon on Wednesday, Secret Service agents will wave Kardashian and her attorney through the southwest appointment gate to the West Wing, where they will meet Kushner to discuss prison reform before he walks with them to sit down with President Donald Trump, likely in the Oval Office, along with White House counsel. According to a person familiar with the meeting, Kardashian plans to ask Trump to pardon a woman serving a life sentence without parole for a first-time drug offense. (White House staffers have joked about who will get to accompany her to the West Wing, and what they should wear for the occasion. The White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment.)


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