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Everything posted by Domedriver

  1. Don’t touch my happy, it’s engorged!
  2. Sark, Blow some fucking Carbon off of our Longhorn cylinders and run it up. Rice is intelligent enough to understand and rationalize it. It’s ok. Rice Rice and ethnic ass and all that aside. Run it the fuck up!
  3. Casey’s problem is he plays so well they only let him play a half. I hope he gets at leasrpt half of the 3rd. Sit Bijan, run Ro)o and KRob and hang a 70+
  4. Do we git some more go juice and fuel a party in the second half or do we show academic curtesy in the second half. It will tell us much about Sarks gas peddle. I say floor it and answer the question of why does Rice play Texas? To git it’s ass kicked and make Texas better!
  5. Ok now bubble wrap Bijan and run RoJo and KRob for 100 each!
  6. Casey’s problem is he wins so much fast he does get snaps! To have such a problem makes my brain ache.
  7. It’s hard to sense empathetically over Galindos blathering, but my sense is Casey is going to do well and win big. I can almost feel how much he has been waiting for this day. my heart wants to be happy. 🤘
  8. When I was 7, in 1967, my father retired from the Navy and moved the fam from DC to Austin to go to work at UT’s ARL as a scientist in underwater acoustics. I didn’t even know what football was until I started playing sandlot with the kids in my neighborhood. One of my friends down the streets older brother played for DKR and he indoctrinated me into all things UT. having the magic of 1969 cemented my allegiance and having my Boy Scout Troop park and usher for home games , I got to go to every home game from 1971-1975. Went to UT in 1978 and graduated and did grad stuff thru 1986. Went to every home game with student tickets, but climbed into two games as my tickets were bared due to unpaid shite. I climbed the stadium and was arrested on UT’s 100 birthday. Did a Texas Monthly photo shoot climbing DKR which lead them to fill in all the climbing cracks during various stadium upgrades. Saw Ricky break the record. Been to 14 OUSuxs games. Including 2005, and went to the Rose Bowl to see VY’s glory. Have shook Big Earls Hand and bought Ricky beers. I bleed Burnt Orange!🤘
  9. As broken hearted as I was about last night, I am known to be a bit of an empath with sensing skills that were refined during years of terrifying traditional rock climbing and years of big game business meetings where being able to sense things like customer needs, or the security of a hold, or the soundness of an anchor, meant life or millions. I sense two things here. 1) the team reacts and feels different when Casey is at the helm. It’s almost the mood of our OL, it’s feels better when he is driving. 2) Sark gets it and can and will feel it too. rice will show whether I am full of shit, but I have been watching Texas Corches since 1968. My sense says Sark is going to win here. I would bet my house and wife’s savings if I had one or the other.
  10. I am a SarkesiaHorn. I fully support Sark and all of you who want a bite can bite my ass. He is going to win here, I have watched Texas Corches since DKR and Sark gits it. Unite and support this team and we will win. Oh, and Casey should haz starts against the owls.
  11. Spoilt in thinking this shit is easy and we can’t just have a magic cure for all that Mack, Charlie, an the Turtle did to us. Sark needed this data point. I am a SarkisaHorn! I think he is the guy.
  12. I love Card and see his ceiling is the sky, but Casey looks better under fire. Our OL has issues and Casey works better for us during growing pains. Sark gets it. You watch.
  13. Bunch of spoiled shits around here. Growing pains. Sark will fix it, but Casey looked better under fire.
  14. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😄🤣😂🤪❤️😘🤘 hahahahahaha a win for the ages! PooooorFuckeyes. Poooooor Fuckeyes! Hopefully Aggie goes down too! we needs to haz maximum focusness and discipline against smelly pig today!!!🤘
  15. Lot of Texas hate at Game Day at Iowa State. They are really butthurt!
  16. She is beautiful! Just like her grandmother. A Texas Rose!❤️
  17. It was 1969 and I was a young boy recently moved to Texas when my father retired from the Navy and went to work for UT at Austin Research Laboratory. Back then pig was in conference, Aggie was a joke, OU rivalry was not as ferocious as our hate for pig. Plus one of my best friends was a huge pig fan. 1969 was war! Randy Peschal came and spoke to my Cub Scout Pack and talked about that game and the catch. I got his autograph. don’t worry my hate of OUSUXs is like the heat of a billion suns.🤘
  18. Rooster told me to go to the team sales door to buy chalk and tape for our rockclimbing. He supported us as Texas first Rock Climbing, Mountaineering team and we always sought to make him proud! they knew us and sold us stuff at cost or below. Thanks Rooster!🤘❤️
  19. I learned to hate pig before I ever learned to hate OU. I want us to go up there to piggy land with the will of Freddie Steinmark and Jim Bertlesen. Randy Peschal and James Street. We should open in the Wishbone with BRob, KRob, and RoJo, and see if Card can run a Wishbone! Willingness to eat pork is only after it’s cooked!
  20. Ha, Joey Freshwater corching via zoom on a bad Mississippi internet connection!
  21. Sark neds to remind our players to keep their helmets on all game!
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