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Burnt Ends
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ClubWhatever last won the day on December 25 2021

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  1. I have no idea if I've ever heard a Kid Rock song before.
  2. Horschels prep and ball address when he putts is ridiculous. All that herky jerky shit and then he yanks a 3 footer. Well, duh. There's a reason why you are the only player in golf history who will ever do that routine.
  3. In 30 years you'll be dead. What does it matter.
  4. Shane Beamer talks like a coach who fans want fired. Basically giving 20 reasons why they don't suck. Oh and by the way we were 5-7 in my third year.
  5. Bevo is either the world's best or the world's worst doctor.
  6. Tech makes offers like chemical companies. Yeah I know our product causes cancer and the plant is located in a horrible place, but think of the money.
  7. It's IT. Horseshit ploy to get more NIL out of cheap ass LSU.
  8. This thread might be worse than shit eater thread
  9. Is blocking allowed in soccer? Maybe Uru needs to set up 10 man wedge.
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