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Posts posted by NeverMarryAStripper

  1. 12 hours ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

    do know what "basically" means, right? Like when I say you're basically a eunich, I do not mean you quite literally have no dick, but rather that your tiny dick is similar to that of a dickless person.

    A eunuch is a castrated male.  Bevo is a eunuch.  My dog Sebastian is a eunuch.  They both have dicks.

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  2. 32 minutes ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

    that's not true. The rules say top 5 conference champs get an auto bid, and that the top 4 seeds get a bye. It says nothing about winning your conference guaranteeing you a top 4 seed.

    Not true.  Top 4 conference champions get a bye



  3. Just a PSA for all of you people that have big dogs and keep a poop bag holder clipped to the leash with one of those spring-loaded clips.  Beware if your dog unexpectedly takes off after a squirrel.  Those spring-loaded clips can be hell on your fingers as they whiz through your hands



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  4. On 4/9/2024 at 9:50 AM, Samson's Wig said:

    I've considered spearheading an Austin secession movement.  I haven't found any precedent for a city seceding from a state (although some states allow a city to secede from a county), but I'd like to see how the rest of Texas enjoys paying for their public schools (and other programs) without having the citizens of Austin as a whipping boy and piggy bank.  I would likely require federal funding of some kind, and the city would become something along the lines of D.C. I think somewhere around 25% of their budget is funded by the feds.  We wouldn't need that much as we wouldn't be housing their infrastructure.  I don't think it would be a hard sell for the majority of Texans, who spew vitriol at Austin with every breath, as they've been trained to do to keep the entire charade going. 

    Taxes wouldn't go down in this scenario, of course, but at least they'd stay local.  All a pipe dream, but a fun one to indulge in from time to time.

    Well, here is the text of the joint resolution by which Texas was annexed into the US and which allows the formation of up to four additional states "by the consent of said State". The Texas Triangle of DFW, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio currently comprise about 68% of the population, so they might have the votes to create a new state.

    No. 8. Joint Resolution for annexing Texas to the United States.

    Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress doth consent that the territory properly included within, and rightfully belonging to the Republic of Texas, may be erected into a new State, to be called the State of Texas, with a republican form of government, to be adopted by the people of said republic, by deputies in convention assembled, with the consent of the existing government, in order that the same may be admitted as one of the States of this Union.

    2. And be it further resolved, That the foregoing consent of Congress is given upon the following conditions, and with the following guarantees, to wit: First, Said State to be formed, subject to the adjustment by this government of all questions of boundary that may arise with other governments; and the constitution thereof, with the proper evidence of its adoption by the people of said Republic of Texas, shall be transmitted to the President of the United States, to be laid before Congress for its final action, on or before the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six. Second. Said State, when admitted into the Union, after ceding to the United States, all public edifices, fortifications, barracks, ports and harbors, navy and navy-yards, docks, magazines, arms, armaments, and all other property and means pertaining to the public defence belonging to said Republic of Texas, shall retain all the public funds, debts, taxes, and dues of every kind, which may belong to or be due and owing said republic; and shall also retain all the vacant and unappropriated lands lying within its limits, to be applied to the payment of the debts and liabilities of said Republic of Texas, and the residue of said lands, after discharging said debts and liabilities to be disposed of as said State may direct; but in no event are said debts and liabilities to become a charge upon the Government of the United States. Third. New States, of convenient size, not exceeding four in number, in addition to said State of Texas, and having sufficient population, may hereafter, by the consent of said State, be formed out of the territory thereof, which shall be entitled to admission under the provisions of the federal constitution. And such States as may be formed out of that portion of said territory lying south of thirty-six degrees thirty minutes north latitude, commonly known as the Missouri compromise line, shall be admitted into the Union with or without slavery, as the people of each State asking admission may desire. And in such State or States as shall be formed out of said territory north of said Missouri compromise line, slavery, or involuntary servitude, (except for crime,) shall be prohibited.

    3. And be it further resolved, That if the President of the United States shall in his judgment and discretion deem it most advisable, instead of proceeding to submit the foregoing resolution to the Republic of Texas, as an overture on the part of the United States for admission, to negotiate with that Republic; then,

    Be it resolved, That a State, to be formed out of the present Republic of Texas, with suitable extent and boundaries, and with two representatives in Congress, until the next apportionment of representation, shall be admitted into the Union, by virtue of this act, on an equal footing with the existing States, as soon as the terms and conditions of such admission, and the cession of the remaining Texian territory to the United States shall be agreed upon by the Governments of Texas and the United States : And that the sum of one hundred thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to defray the expenses of missions and negotiations, to agree upon the terms of said admission and cession, either by treaty to be submitted to the Senate, or by articles to be submitted to the two houses of Congress, as the President may direct.

    APPROVED, March 1, 1845.

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  5. On 4/12/2024 at 4:26 PM, DDD Dad said:

    Got this today. Wondering what sort of response I should roll out. 


    I would have replied "if I had 30 seconds I'd just wack it to some porn, oh wait"

  6. 3 hours ago, Upgrayedd said:

    School bus struck by what exactly?  The sovcit driving?  Hail of gunfire?

    The school bus was struck by a bullet.  The news reports seemed to indicate that the bullet that struck the school bus passed through it and hit the woman that was injured.

  7. 3 hours ago, mdleast said:

    I thought it was tremendous - one of the more visceral movie experiences I have had in a while yet also takes the same, somewhat detached perspective as do its war journalist protagonists.  As others have noted, it is clearly and intentionally non-partisan as you can't figure out what exactly are the "sides" that the warring groups have taken (or even, during some encounters, who are on which side).  Especially after having seen it, I extra role my eyes at those criticizing it as being "divisive".  I don't see how anyone but the snowiest of snowflakes sees it as somehow "attacking" their side.

    Because snowiest of snowflakes describes about 90% of the U.S. population

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  8. 24 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    I hear you and agree that Scotus is a disgrace. At least a few conservative justices are a disgrace. And by that I mean almost all of the conservative justices are a disgrace.

    You are off the mark by believing that everything is for sale, and all courts are like the Supreme Court of the United States. A small example is I just read an opinion by the Louisiana Supreme Court which had to have been a gut punch to them politically. The legislators passed a law saying no matter how long ago it was, you can bring actions against bad priests and other sexual predators. In conservative red Louisiana, there is no reason for these elected GOP justices not to jump into that constitutionality challenge and gain points for the next election.

    But the court examined the matter, and I think correctly ruled that it improperly brought to life causes of action that were dead, and that you would be depriving the defendants of the rights contained in their decades long expired status. 

    That’s a lot of words to say that they stood on principle and the rule of law, and disregarded their political leanings and an easy politically favorable different outcome.

    I was happy to see it.

    We will all live to piss on Trump ‘s grave. 

    If the majority of the defendants were drag queens instead of Christian pastors and youth ministers I bet the ruling would have gone the other way

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