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Certifiably Surly
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NeverMarryAStripper last won the day on May 19 2021

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20,858 Surly 1%

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About NeverMarryAStripper

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  1. Just make all of the pre-boards sit in the back rows and deplane last. That will clear it up in a hurry.
  2. A couple of gallons of round up could probably cure your neighbor yard problem
  3. The movie versions of that end quite differently
  4. I thought they implemented that a long time ago. Every rally that I've seen of his looks like they kept the attendance to a minimum
  5. I had a friend in middle school who tried to use one of those Charlie chip cans and water hose to make himself a diving helmet. He almost drowned in his pool
  6. My ex and I were foster parents, but we didn’t crush any of the kids. We did adopt two though. It seemed to me that the screening was pretty thorough.
  7. Watched the first episode of Those About to Die. It did not seem very good to me. Visually it was great, but the dialog seemed off. I love Anthony Hopkins, but he didn't make a very good Flavius. Hopefully if will get better when the gladiators start killing each other so I'll try another episode or two
  8. The brown invasion has stretched our infrastructure past its capacity obviously
  9. If there is a news camera at her funeral she’s likely to jump up out of her coffin to get in front of it
  10. So in Texas any dipshit can go to a grocery store vending machine to get the ammo to shoot up an elementary school, but watching porn while jerking off is illegal.
  11. The special election, if one is called, would only be for the remainder of her term, so basically about 5 months. The Democratic Party gets to pick who replaces her on the ballot in the general election in November.
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