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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by NeverMarryAStripper

  1. 1 hour ago, Pam Cummings said:

    One thing ive always wondered is why is it even legal to drive one of these vehicles in every day traffic anyway? Why do we invite people to do stupid shit then act surprised when they do stupid shit? Roads have speed limits yet we allow vehicles on them that can do 180 mph.....because why? What is the point? If you want to play with your rich people toy isnt there a rich people place to do that, where normal every day people dont have to put up with it?

    Because it's important to them that everyone around them knows how rich and important they are compared to the unimportant scum-like peon that everyone else is.  Also, they have a small penis.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. 7 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    Hey, don't judge!  They also go to the HEB and Trader Joe's in my neighborhood.  There actually are gyms and yoga studios right across the parking lot from both of those grocery stores and to be fair, I think at least a few of them actually come from exercising/doing yoga.  Not that I'm keeping track (narrator: he was), but I make it a point to do shopping at one of those stores mid-day when I know classes are getting out /csb.  I mean, it's insane.  It's like an ass-competition in there.  The two targets near us aren't that well-stocked with MILF's thought, must be a supply chain issue.  

    I think of that scene in "Godfather II" where Hyman Roth tells Michael about Mo Greene.  How he invented Las Vegas and there's no sign or plaque in his honor anywhere in the city, not even a street named after him.  And I realize, I don't know to thank for yoga pants, but there should be a shrine built to him. 

    Yoga pants are a double-edged sword


  3. 8 hours ago, troph said:

    He’s determined not to be left at home when momma (my wife) goes to tennis. Sitting outside the front door waiting. 

    he never goes to tennis, so when he was left behind with his spare human (me) he laid in a pile of her pjs to pout. 



    So your wife just leaves her dirty clothes on the floor?

  4. The Homesman.  Great cast staring Tommy Lee Jones and Hilary Swank.  John Lithgow, James Spader, and Meryl Streep make appearances.  It was well made,  but it was very slow and I’m not sure what the point was other than the Nebraska Territory was a shitty place to live 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Blotto said:


    This was the broad married to Sergie Brin that Elon was rumored to have banged. Jr trying to tap into that sweet google money. From what little I've read, she seems reasonably  capable, at least she's not a fucking moron like Rodgers


    Trump will probably make fun of her tits. 

    To be fair, Trumps's tits are bigger

    • Haha 4
  6. 4 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    It’s becoming crystal clear that by the end of the year, she’ll be a $1000 a night escort.
    I’m in. But not for pleasure, only to degrade her…which I’m not sure is even possible. But we have to try.

    $1k seems kind of steep for her

    • Hook 'Em 2
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