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Doc Daneeka

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Posts posted by Doc Daneeka

  1. It's been 13 years of depression following this program buddy, ain't nothing new.
    We could win 10 games next year and be well on our way to getting back to where we want to be, or we could be looking a new coach. I would much prefer the former than the latter because I'm tired of losing but nothing would surprise me and I have no emotional attachment to coaches.
    I do think it's funny to look in this thread and see the goalpost moving in both directions. Some have the minds made up in one direction and nothing anyone could ever say or do will change their minds. Those are the ones who come in after wins even more upset than after losses because wins invalidate what they already predetermined to be true. Others come in here after losses justifying crappy performances on the field or headsets without the ability to accept that coaches can suck. The point of my previous post was to point out the fact that the comparison between coaches and programs at various times in a coaches tenure is a useless exercise because there are a million factors that make up a football team and their performance. One could say that Sonny Dykes career record prior to TCU is useless because of the shape the programs he took over were in (Cal, Louisiana Tech, SMU), and they would have validity in that argument. Just like the people who point out that Steve Sarkisian took over a 0-12 Washington program would have validity in their argument.

    I see a Texas team that’s much better than when Sarkisian got here. He’s weeded out a lot of those who needed to be weeded out. He’s seemingly recruiting necessary components. The program appears to be going in the right direction.

    However, his team hasn’t finished some games. He talks about complementary football, but with rare exceptions, it seems to be either/or. There’s a lot of youth, which may or may not explain some of the inconsistencies.

    This team, on for four quarters on both sides of the ball would be as much as any other team would want to deal with. This team, not on can lose to fucking Tech’s backup’s backup QB.

    The optimist in me says that experience, depth, and time in the system is going to lead to steamrolling people.

    The battered fan in me says the ass-whipping first halves are fool’s gold.

    So here I am.
    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Haha 1
  2. In my personal opinion. Worthy and maybe Majors are the only two players that don't look like they got better after year two under Sark. Everyone seems to have either been coached up, or put in a better role for their skillset. Couple that with NFL looking prospects in the trenches, a strong rb room, and solid recruiting classes and I am holding out hope. We haven't recruited this well since early Mack. There looks to be an ideology that we are following, not just grabbing at high starred recruits who we don't need or don't fit the system. 
    I’ll hold nothing against Worthy if his portal rumors are true. It sounds like the incoming portals would more than offset the loss.

    I think it’s pretty indisputable that there’s been development and that the trend is in the right direction, even if some think the process is too slow or not managed as well as some other head coach would have done.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. it's pretty funny.  Belichick is only a good coach 'cause of Brady....but Sark sucks even though he's had a child playing qb.  Herman was a good coach and the players played bad....Sark is a bad coach regardless of how the players play. My narrative is correct and the rest of you are wrong.  Also, here's Sarks record as a coach which proves he sucks (disregard he was a raging drunk that entire time and even got a winless Washington team to be respectable and ultimately a roster that was damn good).  But look how much he sucked a USC for......a season and a half.  
    Sark may suck....he may be damn good.  Give him some time, smoke a joint, and relax.  

    And all the calls for Ehlinger to hero-ball it even though 95,011 people knew what was coming, only to have it fail, well, we don’t talk about those.
    • Hook 'Em 3
  4. Just once in one of these threads it would be nice if someone somewhere would say they changed their mind based upon the posts of others. I don’t think it’s ever happened in the history of online forums. 
    Have I changed my mind? No. 

    No one’s post about their opinion of Sarkisian is going to make me change my mind about him. His performance will dictate that.

    What would be nice is some kind of statute of limitations, though. Almost certainly Sarkisian will be fired at some point unless he dies or really is the man and wants to go out on top.
  5. Yeah dude - and this team is top 5 talent wise in the entire country. I've also been on record saying that. This team is incredibly talented. Where have I said anything about _this team_ not being turned over? I was bitching about people being like "a coach needs 4 years to get his people" that's stupid and it's not even true here. 

    Having top 5 talent, even presuming that to be true, isn’t the answer if it isn’t distributed where it needs to be.

    If you’re starting two freshmen on the OL, have non-existent edge pressure, have a patchwork secondary in the Big 12, and a QB who appears to have forgotten how to throw the football, “top five talent” doesn’t tell the entire story.
  6. The reason I'm so pissed off in this thread is because I really WANT Sark to be the dude. I honestly do. I have stated several times, if he could just get into Head Coach mode instead of Run the offense mode during the game he would likely make that jump. It seems like even after watching film he's in fucking denial and actually thinks he's right and the players are just fucking up and not executing so he's not going to change, he's going to try to "work on it in practice". What he doesn't get is that winning the game is more important than calling the right fucking play - this is the problem with sark. 
    He would rather be right with his playcalling than win the game.
    Head Coaches at an elite level do not do this.

    This is what it seems to come down to, imo. It’s like he gets tunnel vision on what he wants to, rather than on what he needs to do or what the game situation is calling for.

    I don’t know if he does or it’s something else, but it has that appearance.
  7. A bunch of you in this thread simply can't for whatever reason wrap your mind around turning almost an entire starting 22 over in a single season through the transfer portal and high level early enrollee talent. It's wild to me. It's been done right in front of your faces with people who are at significantly less high profile schools with significantly less money available from the people who really love those schools ready to go.
    Sarkisian turned over the roster, just not in the way you wanted.

    Maybe building a roster and trying to plug some gaps with the portal is his preferred method, rather than churning free agents constantly.

    That something is possible, presuming it was, and better in the short term, presuming it would be, doesn’t mean it’s the only way to approach the problem of putting experienced depth on the field.
  8. Not in the college ranks, I don't, but I understand why many do.
    I just think Sark's a pussy. He needs a top tier DC and should probably hire an OC, too, so he can focus more on game and clock management. Rather than squatting on the sideline, looking over his play sheets.

    I don’t think Meyer’s sociopathic hardass approach would fly any better in a portal world than it did in the NFL. I suspect we’ll never know.

    I’m fine with Sarkisian as OC/play caller but it does risk tunnel vision.

    I don’t think Kwiatkowski got stupid on the flight to Austin, but I where that a lot of people here aren’t big fans.
  9. No change if we didn't have an agreement in place with Urban.
    I'm of the mind that even a colossal douche like Herman can recruit to UT with NIL money in pocket. It really shouldn't be hard. I'm actually surprised Sark is able to sell his offense to recruits as well as he does.
    So far, he's only proven it works with a talent advantage.

    You don’t see Meyer as a massive bullet dodged? I definitely do.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  10. Mine was 8-4, but I didn't anticipate blowing double-digit leads to the likes of Tech and Okie Lite. TCU game was a shit-show. 
    I don't think Sark's the guy, but we're gonna give him at least one more year anyway. The BMDs don't wanna admit they fucked up.

    If Texas had lost always-close, hard fought death struggles instead of beating someone’s ass but not finishing, you’d be more satisfied?

    Losing big leads sucks. I’d rather be in position of trying to hold a big lead than not being able to get a big lead. The losses still suck.

    Edit: Who was your choice instead of Sarkisian? Who would it be now?
  11. I didn’t make one because we are so incredibly inconsistent. The team quit for 6 games straight last year because they were so mentally fragile. Even this year, they’re inconsistent from half to half.
    We haven’t played up to our potential in several games, and that falls on the head coach. Sarkisian CAN get that turned around, but his window for doing so is drawing closer. 

    I don’t disagree with that.

    Texas, right now, is a much better team and is much better positioned than when Sarkisian walked on campus.

    We can complain about the speed of improvement but not that there is substantial improvement, imo.

    I’m not saying he’s definitely the answer. I’m saying I don’t think it’s demonstrably shown that he isn’t, either.
    • Hook 'Em 6
  12. This isn’t the 1990s and Texas isn’t Michigan State. There is WAY too much money involved to tolerate mediocre seasons if our goal is winning championships. Mack Brown was signed fo $750,000 or something like that. Home game tickets when Mack got to Austin were $20/each, with no required donation. And then NIL. Donor/sponsors/boosters have invested so much time, energy, and money into giving this program all the advantages we can, so the stakes are much higher than ever before. 
    Our program will completely implode (if you don’t count 2010-present a perpetual state of implosion) if we try to ride 5-7 win seasons for long. 

    What was your preseason prediction for Texas’ record?
  13. You did when you interjected Saban into the discussion.
    Saban is not analogous. 

    No. As I said, it was to illustrate that Saban worked to achieve a level of success he’d not demonstrated in the previous decade.

    That isn’t to say Sarkisian is, or will be, Saban. It’s to say that coaches can improve.

    I’m sorry you can’t see the difference.
  14. Completely delusional. Based on what? A close loss at home to the worst Bama team since 2008? A blowout win over the worst OU team in 25 years?
    …our football program sucks because BMDs continue giving the keys to unproven (or in this case, already proven mediocre) coaches and try to justify their bullshit until they can’t anymore. It’s madness. 
    Sark won’t sniff the playoffs here.

    Based on a missed safety call, a missed field goal, or a missed sack against Alabama.

    Based on having a better plan for holding on to the ass whippings Texas was administering to Tech and Oklahoma State

    Based on being able to compete even rudimentary passes to make TCU play defense more honestly.

    You disagree. Fine.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. It doesn’t matter, Sarkisian IS NOT Saban and never had the sort of coaching success that Saban already had by now at smaller weaker programs. Quit trying to compare the two.

    I’m not comparing the two. I’m pointing out that Saban didn’t pop from Zeus’s head as a fully formed coaching juggernaut.

    It would take very little adjustment, growth, or roster improvement for Texas to be in the drivers seat for a playoff spot, even now.

    But, sure, the improvement from his first season to this one must be as good as Sarkisian can get.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  16. Are we back to the idiotic “BUT NICK SABAN” bullshit?
    because if you’re using a sample size of ONE out of thousands of collegiate HCs to try to prop up your argument, you’re making a singularly, spectacularly, utterly inane argument.

    What other path of the “year two success story” do you find more appealing?

    Sarkisian might not be the guy. I wonder WTF is going on sometimes.

    That said, he oversaw massive turnover of a roster that was rotten when he got here. Then throw in the entitled players, focused on issues other than football. Look at the improvement. The incoming recruiting class (which hopefully can hang on to a couple of stragglers). The guys who are looking to portal in.

    There’s still a lot of youth and weak spots that are largely beyond his control at this point in his tenure, NIL notwithstanding.

    Even with some tactics that seem questionable, with solid P5 QB play despite all the other issues across the two deep, Texas is probably a playoff team.

    There are people who know more about actually playing football, QB in particular, than everyone on this board combined who seem to trust him.

    Even on this staff there’s at least one guy this board wanted burned at the stake before the end of last season whose unit has markedly improved despite the widely acknowledged personnel shortages. Yes, yes, I know everything good and pure about the Texas defense comes from Patterson and everything questionable and weak comes from Kwiatkowski, but at least consider that it might not be so clear cut.

    This Texas team would crush the throat of the one Sarkisian inherited.

    But, yeah, Sarkisian might not be the guy. He is far from perfect. I’m not sure that looking at results he got at a different time in his life, with different issues and less experience and exposure to how an elite program functions, is any less inane than an argument that he’s already topped out.

    We’ll see.
    • Hook 'Em 6
  17. Today on "The Horn" Chad Hastings, one of the more semi-intentionally reasonable Aggies in the world, couldn't help himself and said something like "yeah, there were some empty seats", weather, yada yada yada.  "Some".
    To his credit, he did shame the corps turds who shot off the cannon when the 2 UMass players were kneeling in the back corner of the end zone.

    I hear the Oakland A’s have “some” empty seats, too.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 1
  18. We lose pretty much all of our production on O next year. Hopefully that portal WR can ball, a kid playing HS ball right now can step up and the back out of Florida sticks.
    And Worthy portals.

    Those portal WRs and Neyor have a chance to be formidable. The OL should continue to improve. #5 won’t be replaced any time soon. Roschon will be missed.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  19. I think you might be bad at critical thinking or actually making arguments based on facts. Texas with this exact roster and someone who doesn't turtle in the 2nd half and let's this team be this team is likely undefeated or at worst a 2 loss team with those 2 losses coming from an OOC opponent early in the season returning the majority of their starters and QB1 going down and the other from a playoff bound #4 ranked team. 
    Some of you forget how fucking bad the loss AT TEXAS TECH AFTER LEADING BY 17 in the 2nd half and giving up 6/8 4th down conversions. They ran 99 FUCKING PLAYS from scrimmage. It was so absurdly fucking stupid against an absolute dogshit team. Go watch the fucking game again. It's an embarrassment to the coaching profession to let a team that bad stay in the game for that long and eventually lose in a glorified high school stadium that seats 64k.
    Don't even get me started on the OSU loss in Stillwater where we threw the fucking ball 49 FUCKING TIMES WITH THE BEST RUNNING BACK IN THE COUNTRY WHICH THEY HAD NO ANSWER FOR AND SCORING 3 WHOLE MOTHER FUCKING POINTS IN THE 2ND HALF. 
    The TCU loss was fucking stupid and we got cute game plan wise against something that should have exposed TCU, but didn't. We "schemed out of the game plan" which means we practiced all week for shit we didn't do in game with a young QB who we asked to throw 39 times and ran the best player in the country 12 times. 
    Some of you want to blame the players, like what the fuck games are you guys watching. What fucking planet are you on? 

    You might be really good at claiming I wrote things that I didn’t.

    What you said could well be true, but it doesn’t make what I said false.
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