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Posts posted by DCA_HORN

  1. This has got to be the last year that Woosnam gets invited back, right? It's been 30 years since he won at Augusta, he had back surgery 15 months ago (causing him to miss the November Masters), and has only made the cut twice at Augusta this century.

    I know the "lifetime" invitation for past champions is not always honored. They love to have you at the champions' dinner, but once you can't break 85 they're going g to step in & politely stop you from embarrassing your legacy.
    Hes 63, so 1 or 2 more years.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. It's a damn shame more people don't watch this show. Pretty fucking good, and the British actor playing Franklin is talented as fuck. America's getting their ass kicked in acting wtf.
    I'm not watching that. Interviews nearly killed band of brothers and the wire for me.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Got my second Moderna at 515 yesterday. Through last night and this morning, just had sore arm and a little headache. Was supposed to watch a movie doubleheader with the kiddos this afternoon. Kicked in hard, second movie replaced by 150 minute nap. Just super sore everywhere, 101.3 fever, blahhhh. Nap helped a bit

    Wife got J&J yesterday morn, had chills last night and feels hungover with a miserable headache today.
    Yep, I got second moderna yesterday at 4. Was fine this morning and thought I'd be good to go. Somewhere around lunch got super tired and body aches.
  4. I’m on finance side, so not leaving behind a ton of stock or anything like that. I’d be getting a pay increase.

    Since I switched into O&G I’ve only known bad/OK times and the disaster of 2020. The days of early 2010s at $100 were before my time, but would prefer to not miss them if that’s where we are headed in six months
    Do you enjoy the industry? If you're on the finance side the actual work will be similar but with a different widget. If the money is even close, go with what makes you happy.
  5. If a 4-piece fried chicken with beef fat French fries ain’t Steel Shank worthy, there ain’t much that is.

    Never realized that it was only $7 at Bill Miller. That’s a very bad thing.
    I haven't been to a bill Miller since college. They must be the only chain that still use beef fat for the fries. No wonder they are so good. Stupid heart association and corn lobby.
  6. So, an addendum. The guy driving the car in front of us (that we were smashed into - did a fair bit of damage to us, not much to him, and he’s a good witness for us) was headed to the same game as we were. We traded info, he was very kind and sympathetic.

    So, once we got here, I called and invited him and his friend up to the box we’re in (we’re guests of administration) to buy him and his buddy a beer. He’s an assistant coach at Giddings High. A good dude, making his way through a coaching career, just moved to Texas a year ago. We visited for a good hour. Talked about life in Texas, family, and what it means to be successful. And how important it is to put good stuff out into the universe, with no expectation of anything in return. And how he has a great opportunity to do so as a coach of young men.

    He’s a good guy. Made a new friend. Giving him some family advice on how to spend a good weekend at the beach with kids (they’re from Indiana). I’m trying REAL hard to keep putting good stuff out there (I’m trying REAL hard to be the shepherd). Just because. I don’t know how else to do it. Even though I’m pretty fucking pissed at the universe at the moment.

    So....I don’t know if it’s a ray of sunshine. But it’s something. I’ll take “something” right now.
    I've been avoiding this post for at least six months. I've always thought of you and goll, Mac, Cajun, troph, etc as the elders
    /deacons of shaggy in whatever form it's currently in. I know it's been a rough few years but keep on doing what you do. You are a good man and always pays it forward. Things will be fine. We have a reasonable man in the white house. Pandemic is winding down. By all accounts you have a great family. Take a deep breath. Have a 30 year old scotch. Horns are in the actual tournament in 3 hours. It's going to get better.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. Ah that makes sense. I thought you meant as far as actually catching fish. I guess that's why I've avoided those things. I've done the fishing with clients that are the people you are describing. When I'm on the water I want to be with people who know how to fish and act accordingly. I'll drink beer and all that when we get back but not interested in fishing with bobber "fishermen" on the water.

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