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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Covri

  1. Google fat head pizza dough. It’s made from cheese and actually tastes pretty good and is super low carb. You can find some low carb pizza sauces or make your own or go non traditional with sauce. You bake the crust then you add sauce and whatever toppings and it tastes like pizza. That was something that helped when my wife was pregnant and wanting to order pizza every other night. That and the real good pizzas in the frozen section, crust is made from chicken and it’s solid as well. I like the supreme to help mask the chicken flavor a little more.

  2. If you’re really trying to do low carb as a weight loss than I’d recommend you stay away from substitutes that are like carbs e.g. low carb breads, deserts with artificial sweeteners, diet sodas, etc. The occasional almond flour biscuit is one thing but you should be focusing on changing your eating habits not just substituting fake carbs for real carbs. 

    Hard boiled eggs and plain Greek yogurt are a good breakfast for those that like to eat on the go or at work. Cooking meat and green veggies dinners and using leftovers for lunch are the way to go imo. Pan sauces from butter or cream can living up anything. Cobb salads are a good lunch option as well. Or burgers or sandwiches wrapped in lettuce.

    Almonds and cheese are good snacks. The right beef jersey is good too, but be careful most these days are not low carb.

     Here are two recipes I like to make. The soup in perticulor is a go to, i leave the carrots out most times. Wife doesn’t like them and it’s unnecessary carbs at that point.



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