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Everything posted by Dahobbs

  1. Jesus, is Louisville going to complete another pass?
  2. Michigan will have more points than Iowa has yards of offense.
  3. I have no idea what Louisville is trying to accomplish.
  4. Inaccurate throw,? It hit his fucking hands. These receivers blow.
  5. Going for it on 4th and 7 is a sign of severe disrespect.
  6. Yeah, these people are bitches. We have a pretty good shot now. Be better if we get more help, but definitely in a better situation than with Georgia winning.
  7. Walk me through this. We had no shot of taking the SEC spot if Georgia won. We absolutely would have needed fsu or Michigan to lose. Now, even if we get no further help, at least we have a chance. Yeah, Alabama might get selected over us. I'll take "might" over no chance of us getting selected.
  8. Better than not having a chance at all.
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