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Carl Spackler

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Carl Spackler

  1. On 8/7/2018 at 3:54 PM, MAROON said:

    how has this not been posted yet?




    See post #32 above. 

    Godfather III was never going to come close to I and II, but casting her just made it that much worse.

  2. 2 hours ago, Machinator said:

    This isn't a defense of Nebraska, but this phenomenon of weak noncon scheduling is more prevalent than it should be.

    I don't disagree with your observation about weak nonconference scheduling being widespread, but Nebraska's 2020 schedule ratchets that up to a level of embarrassment that we seldom, if ever, see.  Personally, I like to see a three-game noncon schedule that consists of one cupcake, one middling/respectable team, and one top-level/elite program.  I think Texas typically falls within those parameters.



  3. Nebraska's non-conference schedule in 2020:  Central Michigan; South Dakota State; and Cincinnati.

    I don't think I've seen a more pussified non-conference schedule in my life.  Nebraska fans should be embarrassed by that shit.


  4. After watching this episode, I now have a much better understanding of why Cleveland has sucked for so long.

    Nick Chubb has got to be wondering what he did to deserve being drafted by Cleveland.  Mayfield gets the red carpet treatment.  Chubb gets stuck waiting for his bags and talking with "fans" who don't know who the fuck he is. 

    +1 on the Drew Stanton comment above.  Fuck that guy for acting like he's some hotshit vet.

    Feel sorry for Hue Jackson -- losing a brother and mom within weeks is rough.  But that guy is not an NFL HC, and he's definitely not the guy to reverse decades of Cleveland suckiness.

    Jarvis Landry's speech cracked me up, and the guy is legit out on the field.  But I agree on shelving the whole "bless them" bit.  Sounds like a hackneyed effort to emulate Ochocinco's "child, please" rap from several years ago.



  5. 53 minutes ago, DanRydell said:


    They’re 10-10 while missing Bryant and Morrow for much of that time with 14 of those games against >.500 teams. Settle down.


    Maybe somewhat of an overreaction,  but I don't think anyone can honestly say this team has been playing champion-level ball lately.  And it's not particularly attributable to missing Bryant and Morrow.  (Bote and Strop have been stellar in their roles.) The team in general simply isn't hitting on all cylinders.

    The Cubs are 10-9 since the break, mainly against teams that are either shitty (Royals and Padres)  or barely above .500 (Bucs and Cards). You can try to spin that however you want, but the numbers don't lie.  Chicago has been mediocre since the break.  They need to break out of the funk soon because the schedule this month is relatively easy on paper -- it's an opportunity to put some distance between them and second place. 

  6. On 7/21/2018 at 6:24 PM, RomaVicta said:

    Siege of Jadotville on Netflix. Great story about Irish UN troops in the Congo in 1963 holding out against a large army of mercenaries. The heroism was downplayed for political reasons.

    Very, very solid movie. 


    + rep for this.  I had never heard of this incident.  Read up a little bit on it before watching the movie.  Terrific little film.

  7. Team has looked like hammered dog crap since the break.  Barely splitting at home against the worst team in the NL?  That ain't gonna cut it.  Struggling with the Royals.  Hitting like crap with RISP.  Fuck this noise. 

  8. Under $30 bourbons and ryes.  (Note:  I never see Weller 12 or OWA under $30 anymore out here, so they don't qualify for me.)  I like all of them and it's difficult for me to come up with a ranking.  But here goes anyway . . .

    Evan Williams SB

    Henry McKenna SB BiB

    Elijah Craig small batch

    Eagle Rare 10

    OGD 114

    Knob Creek

    Buffalo Trace




  9. 4 hours ago, huge said:

    And some under $20.  I was on the OGD 114 last night and finished the bottle.  Need to get another.

    It wasn't that long ago that I could get OGD 114 under $20.  Not anymore.  Now it's $25+ out here.  Still not a bad value, but not the killer deal it formerly was.

  10. 6 hours ago, CooterBrown said:

    These are quite good non traditional hot sauces.


    I tried the Blue Top garlic hatch flavor recently, and it was alright.  I didn't like it well enough to buy again, but that curry habanero or the lime jalapeno might be more my speed.

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