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WelfareBuysMyWeed last won the day on October 17 2024

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  1. I apologize for what I said and regret saying it. In truth, Michael Taaffe humbled me with his words and grace. I am a miserable, suicidal wreck from failing health with enormous amounts of resentment and wanted to hurt those around me with my words to make them feel like I do. It was a cry for help mixed with self-loathing and Michael Taaffe was a good enough person to make me realize i don't have to be like that. I wanted to apologize for what I've said and I'll take my leave of the board to avoid hurting others.
  2. I would pay good money to see somebody dig up the bones of the dead dogs under the stadium and arrange them into the shape of "27-25". And then leave a stack of topped over lincoln logs next to it. And castrate Johnathan Manziel.
  3. I'm not saying anything, I am not the author of the article.
  4. https://www.sacurrent.com/arts/tickets-for-saturdays-texas-longhorns-aggies-game-now-selling-for-1-million-36158955
  5. I just saw a pair of tickets for the aggy game on the 50 yard line are going for $2.25 million. Imagine paying literally millions of dollars to see fucking aggys instead of going down to your local mcdonalds instead. Holy shit.
  6. I was thinking I didn't think I had ever posted in the abortion thread before,but figured I must have just forgotten. But anything I would have posted in there definitely would not have contradicted my "pedophiles should be butchered and fed to dogs" mentality.
  7. This is legitimately the stupidest shit i have ever read on this board. Drink bleach.
  8. OH man why the fuck did I click this topic, I am so furious now. Torture every fucker that was posted in this topic to death IMO. They deserve to suffer. Disgusting vile monsters not fit for this world.
  9. Well I mean they could be struggling to fill 40k stadiums without actual literal success like bitch 12 teams such as UH, but I do believe the claim was that they were indistinguishable. I was able to distinguish between the conference full of losers without a national championships from the conference full of losers with national championships pretty damn easily. Does ISU offer a class in "spot the difference? Maybe they should. Well first of all, their national championships don't count because of reasons. And secondly, why measure TV ratings when you can brag about selling out exponentially smaller stadiums? Why make billions when we could make.... millions?
  10. This was one of my favorite things about Sam Ehlinger: He used the horns as a fucking taunt. He threw that shit up as high as possible while staring down opposing fans. My favorite time he did this was against OU the first time when he stood in their endzone by himself with the horns up, without moving, for a good 2 seconds, mean mugging the crowd. What a badass.
  11. 10 out of the 18 teams in the Big 10 have at least one national championship in their history. 13 of the 16 Big 12 teams have never sniffed a single one. Now forgive me if my math isn't Ames, Iowa-level of excellence, but ((8/18)*100) = 44%, and ((2/3)*100) = 66%. Why... those numbers don't seem equivalent at all! Meaning there is definitely SOMETHING that distinguishes the average Big 10 team from the default mode of the Big 12 (hint: success, viewers, actual competency). EDIT: Forgot the mormon's adorable micro-MNC, so added 1 more to the Bitch 12 championship total
  12. That was the Big 12 championship game I thought
  13. I love how the crux of this post is "these things, they take time" as though we don't have like 60+ years of data points backing up the current Bitch 12 members being complete losers. But yeah, if they're bad for 1 or 2 more years, boy howdy will UH's reputation dive. 🙄
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