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Everything posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. and colorado state just had the lead on Colorado lmao get fucked big 12
  2. Mack Brown would have retired after that BCS title game had we not lost. Alabama caused all this Mack Brown malaise. Fuck Alabama.
  3. Bama looks entitled, soft, and undisciplined.
  4. This is nothing like Notre Dame. We struggled and squeaked out a win vs a bad ND. That's not at all what we did to Bama. We beat the shit out of them, and then put their ass to bed. If they're bad, so be it, but we spanked that bad team. They were not our equals like that bad ND team was. Enjoy this. This is long-term college football narrative shit. Blue Blood pecking order shit. Fuck Alabama forever for what they did to our Program. This is the favor being returned.
  5. I hope bama fans are booing their TVs right now. Boo the Crimson Tide. Boo Nick Saban. You are awful now.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wave_interference Alabama's Program-destroying punch was just effectively cancelled out by our own Program-destroying counter punch. The universe is now back in alignment.
  7. They tried, but they went to raid the transfer portal too late, all the big QBs had been taken. They went shopping after their spring game. They rode what they had too long.
  8. he looks just like Garret Fucking Gilbert. This rules.
  9. Remember when Mack Brown abandoned the offensive system which re-wrote UT record books to chase Bama's pro-style offense? Time is a flat circle.
  10. God I'm tired of this Ass Wrath commercial already
  11. I hope every Bama fan's stomach is in knots. I hope they are sweating bullets. "Are we broken? Is this our new normal?" Tick Tock on the Saban era. fucking realignment
  12. It started right before the rain delay, when it was raining super hard.
  13. Alabama looks insanely undisciplined this year. This is the worst coached Bama team since Saban got there.
  14. One of our assignments was like, "gain 5 followers." So I just made 5 new accounts and followed myself. I legitimately felt like I was wasting my money taking that class, lol.
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