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Everything posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. Those aren't Big 12 championships, they're conference championships, unless you think we won the Big 12 in 1942, 1943, 1945, 1950, etc.
  2. I actually saw The Day After when the Berlin Wall fell. It's fall made my parents go back and watch a lot of cold war movies, and they were never shy about showing me stuff that was intense (I saw Robocop in theaters when I was like 4 lol). That movie is probably what made the soviets stay in my mind as this awesome (in a literal sense), terrifying force. They always fascinated me, in the same way a caged shark does.
  3. I wonder what all this feels like to Sark. Given interviews, he's clearly feeling it. He outright says he is aiming to be on the level of DKR or Mack Brown, i.e. a generational coach at UT. I feel like compared to many other coaches, I've heard more about Sark's very long struggles to get here. I can't imagine what this excitement feels like for him, to see his life's work coming together at the right time, the crescendo looking like it'll line up with one of the most critical periods in school history. What does it feel like to become a legend in real time? To watch a legacy cement and know that people will talk about you even after you are dead. Especially when you're doing it on a legit second chance after you fucked it up the first time. I can't imagine the swing in validation, from the lowest point in your life, to quite literally achieving your life dream. I sincerely hope Sark becomes what he wants to become and takes us to the top with him, I want some good stuff to happen to UT football. I am a flawed person, I have had bouts with addiction in the past, and everyone feels inadequate sometimes. I love redemption stories, and flawed heroes. I see in Sark a person who isn't perfect but is still striving for greatness. It inspires me and makes me want to be better than I am.
  4. aggy are the most projecting losers on the planet, so they'll probably just say that he'll transfer to oklahoma or something like their highly rated qbs do. Whenever they look for faults in UT, all they see is their own.
  5. I gotta admit, soviet deep dives grip me. Chernobyl was goddamn awesome. Along similar lines, the movie "The Death of Stalin," which is a comedy, is also awesome, for the same reason I liked Chernobyl and the soviet parts of For All Mankind. I love seeing what life was like for average people behind the iron curtain. I was too little to really remember the soviet era, I was in kindergarten when the Berlin wall fell. So it's like this period of history that aesthetically looks familiar to me, but is still alien. Like an alternate timeline society or something.
  6. Here's to adding '24 to the list next!
  7. I hope Star City puts on display just how fucking abysmal life in the soviet union, how unqualified most of their leaders were. I think they'll dig into that, because they got into a little bit in Season 4 with Margo's Handler, how she really was not the technical peer of those at NASA or Helios and how that made dealing with the USSR so much more difficult. I'm hoping for something like Chernobyl, a deep dive into the nepotism that drove the soviet union and how it made for a miserable, terrible life for the actual citizens.
  8. I don't want to suck off Arch too much here, and I feel the need to clarify that I deffo want Quinn to start and appreciate whole-heartedly how Ewers has lead Texas back to national relevance and understand how much of that is specifically on Quinn Ewers himself proving to be a legitimate all-time Texas QB. But if I'm feeling honest here, I feel like the tipping point for Texas football was when Arch committed. It's not that Arch himself turned Texas around, but rather his commitment was a "Grow the beard" moment for the football program. That is the singular point when news about Texas football flipped from the default news being disappointment, to being on the upswing. It felt like the moment UT Football got it's mojo back, like Arch committing coincided with the malaise being slapped out of the program. It honestly felt quite a bit like Ricky Williams winning the heisman, in how Texas was able to spring board off the good vibes energy emanating off of Arch's commitment and turn it into something worth getting excited about. I feel happy for the current students in Austin, because UT Football being great was an enormous part of my college experience and made my run at UT feel completely magical, like some of the best memories of my life. I'm happy a generation of new longhorns will get to experience the fun that comes when Texas is a force in college football.
  9. I remember during the late mack brown and charlie strong years, watching our offense be so insanely completely dogshit for an entire game. We'd have whole games where we'd maybe sustain one drive, with the rest of the game being 3 and outs. It's honestly unbelievable how quickly Sark transformed Texas on offense. We have explosive playmakers all over the offense.
  10. Whats funny is he didn't really get to show off the other part of his game: the mobility. He honestly is a mobile QB. A ton of yardage in highschool came from when Arch would improvise on a broken play. Not just running and picking up yards, which he can also do, but also buying time to let players get open after the play is busted. Flag Football rules in the spring game for the QB basically eliminated this part of his game, but it's a big part of his offense. Meaning he has even more to show off once real games begin.
  11. Isaiah Bond too. His TD catch was fucking beautiful. A huge portion of the 75 yards was after the catch.
  12. Their fried mushrooms were fucking tits. I used to go to Players after every UT basketball game.
  13. Im so fucking amped, im walking in circles in my backyard. I havent been this excited about texas football since i was a student during the vy years. We are so fucking stacked and set up for years to come at the most important position. Our title window is officially open. I remember the anticipation and excitement leading up to 05, you could feel it all summer long building up that something great was around the corner. Texas plays michigan on my birthday. Im seriously considering springing for a ticket now and going. I went to ohio state in 05 and it was a harbinger for the most unforgettable sporting year of my life. I wish summer was over right now.
  14. Sark is worth his weight in gold for the QBs hes got on campus. What a fucking turn around from the previous decade. I honestly wish I could have seen what Sam Ehlinger could have done under Sark's tutelage.
  15. I can't remember the last time I saw a spring game crowd so full. On TV, the stands looked almost like a normal game on the lower decks. And anytime they showed the crowd, everyone looked straight up giddy. What a great day for the horns.
  16. We should go out and get some more of these "perfect rating" QBs. They seem to work out great for Texas.
  17. Absolutely. I watched just about every game of Arch's senior year with the Greenies. Arch is a fucking gamer, he has "it," he one of those guys who really can meet a moment and turn it on when he needs to. There were quite a few games where Arch put the greenies on his back, a number of game winning drives from him, and that one time he had like 300 yard passing in the first half alone (the game where he broke Eli's passing record at the school). Anybody who seriously thought Arch was nothing but hype based on his name never watched him play, the way he held himself today is definitely shades of him in highschool. That said, today is by far the best I've ever seen Arch look. He was always good, but today he looked legit great. He clearly took a step from last year to this year. That sark lands guys with work ethics like Arch is like a chicken and egg situation. It's a great situation to be in where we can sit around and honestly debate about whether its the innate ability of the kinds of players we bring in now, or Sark coaching them up, because either way it means we've got white-hot talent on the team right now and are set up for the long haul.
  18. I know it's not a real game, and I know lots of the development comes from simply being in the program for a year, but the improvement arch showed from last spring game to this one has to be one of the best endorsements of Sark's ability to grow a player as you can get. I get the feeling Sark is going to basically have his choice of qbs so long as he's here at Texas, they're going to be dying to play for him. Especially if Ewers gets drafted super highly. Sark puts QBs into the NFL.
  19. Lead this victory for the white team, Arch!
  20. I love this team so much already. Bring on the SEC!
  21. one of the most satisfying showings from a player in a spring game I've seen in a long time. What a day for Arch and for the future of our Texas Longhorns.
  22. that's not true. The rules say top 5 conference champs get an auto bid, and that the top 4 seeds get a bye. It says nothing about winning your conference guaranteeing you a top 4 seed.
  23. I love seeing stars all over DKR. Not just on the playing field, but NFL stars and people about to go super high in the draft. It feels like night and day vs the past decade-ish. Like someone flipped a light switch, and suddenly Texas was Texas again.
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