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Everything posted by Rockethorn1978

  1. As long as they win on the field I don’t care what they wear.
  2. Clearly photoshopped. Looks like the cardinals anyways.
  3. Like I was honestly thinking it was gonna be a shift like the Astros changing uniforms years back to the H and the orange and blue.
  4. Oh I care way more about on the field. But from that one pic it doesn’t even look like a big change at all. Or not enough for them to make a big deal like some huge improvement is on the way. Maybe the other 3 will be vastly different.
  5. It’s the same color scheme just change the font. Can’t see the helmet but looks like the exact same logo on the side? Oh well. I’d rather the Texans hit a grand slam in free agency and the draft than winning the uniform contest.
  6. That’s what I get for getting my hopes up. Maybe they’ll up it if Urquidy is out.
  7. It’s March madness so fuck all the rt sucks stuff, I can get back into that if we lose. I’d love to catch fire(and we have the shooters that can) and make a run. Would be fun. Let’s go!!!
  8. Hoping for an early game so I can skip the full day of work. I hate when we get the late game on Thursday or Friday at 9:10. Fuck that.
  9. What would be people be worried about a Virginia? I mean obviously we could lose to anyone but they aren’t as good as years past and still can’t score. Plays good defense though. I know nothing about Colorado st and what they might do against us. It’s all about matchups.
  10. I like our matchup. Could have been way worse. Virginia would be my preference and not some 3 point shooting machine team of mid majors.
  11. Damn if we had just won a game or two we could have ended up a 5. Oh well. I like our chances to move to the second round against Barnes.
  12. We need snell so I’ll have the sadzz if he doesn’t sign.
  13. Best 3 weeks of the year. I love selection Sunday and filling my bracket out in pencil, been doing it since I was 12.
  14. Yea weird they have us out completely
  15. What the fuck happened to mussleman and Arkansas? Talk about a drop off into the abyss in one season?
  16. That’s one way to make a splash and get rid of a qb. Old jerrah!
  17. 10 might be a better spot though anyways. 7 isn’t that much different than a 8/9 and I’d rather play a 2 than a 1. I talked myself into it.
  18. So we locked in at a 8/9? If we end up a 10 I’ll be pissed but not surprised at the committee doing something like that.
  19. As a white man I take offense to that.
  20. Yea but now I can’t blame the conference!!!!!!!
  21. On have the choice I’d choose to win next weekend fueled by a pissed off loss tonight.
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