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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by kevwun

  1. It depends if they know where they are going.  For the players shopping for a new team, it makes sense to announce publicly on social media to drum up interest.  It can also help start a bidding war.  If they are getting recruited in to the portal by a school, the paperwork getting filed is the only thing that matters because they already know where they are going.

  2. Red Bull must officially be a big happy family again.  Fernando and Sainz announcing new deals on back to back days is about as solid proof you can get short of a Max press conference.

  3. He won't, but it's gonna take 40 pitches to get through the first.  He's gonna be at 100 pitches by no later than the 4th if that.  Gonna be a position player pitching game.  I remember when they made the other team do that.

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