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Posts posted by kevwun

  1. 5 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    Makes one wonder....how many times in the past has something like this happened.

    LBJ had a similar setup.  When people wanted something from him, they would buy ad time on his radio and tv stations.  Occasionally there would be commercials broadcast in Texas on his stations for things that weren't actually available for purchase in the state.  One of the major papers was about to break the story on it all while his was VP.  Then Kennedy was assassinated and they dropped the story.

  2. Say you're worried the local pd isn't patrolling enough in your neighborhood and it may not be safe from a local gang.  Is the answer to fire the whole department and then not replace any of the officers?  What exactly do you think the gang is going to do when no cops are around?

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, XR4ticlone said:

    America didn't MAKE ANY PROMISES...

    The Obama Administration is still madly in love with Iran and it's deal...I'm sure they're 100% in place on THEIR deal.

    See the American PEOPLE didn't make a promise.  WE make promises via TREATY.  

    Why don't we have an IRAN TREATY?  Because it was a shitty deal and no one other than a lame duck, muslim loving, dip shit and his leftist lap dogs wanted this POS.

    Even Jon Podesta said it was a joke and Iran would get nukes from the deal...and the money?  Well, the money's all gone.  😡

    You clearly know more than James Mattis.

  4. Immediately imposing sanctions and using inflammatory language in the announcement guarantees they're going to start up their nuclear program again.  They are ensuring a bad outcome which I'm sure is the goal.

  5. 2 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    you get rid of rouhaini, who will you get next?

    A nice civil war that ends up being won by a group of fundamentalist assholes or a brutal strongman.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Jhawk said:

    Just like when war with NK was imminent.

    Like I said, I will be the first to bash trump if we go to war.  But we are not at war right now.  We have not stated that we are going to go to war.  There is still a lot to be done for this to play out.  You never know... Iran might denuclearize and unify with the old islamic republic with their friends in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Mauritania.

    How is China gonna solve this problem?

  7. That wasn't meant as a serious strategy, but it's the only thing that hasn't been tried in the Middle East either because of self-imposed restraint or lack of military capability.  Everything short of it has failed.  I hope we don't have the stomach for that kind of war anymore unless it's a matter of survival.

  8. We can solve it if we carpet bomb them in to submission like Germany and Japan.  You literally have to beat the civilian population in to submission.  I don't particularly have the stomach for that when it's a war we started.  Precision strikes and occupation just create a really determined resistance movement and Iran has twice as many people as Iraq.

  9. Nothing will make the Iranians crave Democracy more than us killing a few million of them.  Were some of you in a coma during the Iraq war?  This shit does not work in the Middle East.

    • Like 2
  10. What exactly do you think is happening right now?  Bolton is a warhawk.  Trump ignored the advice of Mattis and pulled out of this deal.  He is most definitely working his way towards a war.  

    • Like 2
  11. Either we attack first or goad them in to it.  It really doesn't fucking matter.  We're still fighting a pointless war.

  12. We got to Temple Church 30 minutes after it closed.  Still a cool little secluded spot in the middle of the city.  We hit up some awesome old pubs on Fleet St. instead so it worked out ok.

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