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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by kevwun

  1. Blankenship is much crazier than Trump without even a hint of charisma.  Imagine Milton from Office Space reading cue cards.  That is Don Blankenship in front of a camera.  That he may be the GOP candidate in West Virginia is orders of magnitude more mind blowing than Trump.  His mining company's negligence got miners killed and he went to prison for it.  He is clearly insane and is an absolutely horrendous speaker.    Anyone of those things should have kept him from ever being a serious candidate.  Somehow he has a chance at winning though.  You can no longer safely say anyone running in a Republican Primary has no chance of winning.  Common sense, general human decency and probably the laws of physics no longer apply.

  2. Another thing working against them is that most seed is trademarked now and you can only buy it from the the big ag companies.  Most of the crops grown here are hybrids so they don't produce viable seed even if you wanted to save your own.  That means Monsanto and the other companies have to plan in advance to have enough seed on hand to meet the demand.  This shitshow is easy for everyone to comprehend also.  Trump fucked farmers because of his big mouth and everyone will know it.

  3. So in 2014, China bought about 65% of the US soybean crop.  2016 was the last year I could find data on and it was only dollar amounts.  China bought 1 billion worth of soybeans. This one is gonna bite him in the ass real hard.



    Farmers aren't going to care about liberal tears when they're losing their asses.



  4. I am not a Shakespeare fan because of the way it's written.  It gets tedious thinking about every single sentence to figure out what it means.  This show is doing the same thing.  The dialogue between the Shadow King and Oliver towards the end was gibberish.

  5. A few weeks ago the lady in front of me is putting the stuff in her basket on the conveyor.  Then a friend or relative walks up with another cart and pushes past me like I don't exist to start putting some stuff in her cart.  Then they have a lengthy discussion about who was buying what.  I was so amazed watching it happen that I didn't even get pissed.  That they thought what they were doing was in any way acceptable blew my mind.  We had been in line for awhile, so this wasn't a case of someone running to get something they forgot.  They just decided to re-arrange the contents of their baskets while one of them was in the process of checking out.

  6. The nomination process would go faster if he stopped nominating actual morons. After trying to slip in a couple of people who can barely read a book much less caselaw, congress critters got kind of leery about rubber stamping his judge appointees.

  7. Only thing that you can buy OTC that I've found that works for me is Allegra-D.  You have to get it from behind the counter and it has to be the D version.  It's like a dollar a pill, but at least it dries me up.  The other version of Allegra they well without the decongestant is worthless for me.

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