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Posts posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. 9-3.  Agree that Beck gets stripped of play calling duties after we beat Maryland 19-3 and have 200 yds of total offense and a defensive touchdown; Dicker gets the game ball.  We'll lose a couple close ones that we shouldn't because the game somehow turned into a shootout after Boyd brain farts a couple times.  

  2. 25 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    Anybody ripping on Klatt is a buffoon. He’s a good analyst and decidedly against the SEC bias and states as much. Some of the dipshits on these boards want nothing but burnt orange sunshine or they lose their shit. 


  3. 8 minutes ago, Bevo14 said:

    On paper, this is is the best overall team we've had since 2009. If the O-line doesn't suck, they should be able to win the conference and maybe go to the playoffs, but it's a little hard to believe after the last 8 years.


    • Like 5
  4. I’m having cocktails by the pool today because it’s a great fucking day to be in Austin.  

    Manhattan 3 down the gullet and OU still fucking sucks.  Put you’re goddamn purses down and let’s go win some mother fucking football games.

    • Like 3
  5. Surly 1%'er post coming up.

    Long story short, Mrs. FromTheMailRoom has decided she wants a higher end, large boat.  This is something completely out of my wheelhouse, so I need a little guidance.  She want's something 75 ft+ that has a motor and not a sail.  Something with 2+ cabins in case we wanted to stay on it overnight and needs to be freshwater.  

    Does anyone have any experience with this?  She said freshwater but I think putting it on Lake Travis is a terrible idea.   Does it make sense to have something like that in the gulf?  Is it something best to go through a manufacturer for or is there some type of brokerage that could possibly locate one?  What kind of things should I be looking for?

    No you're not getting pictures of my wife.  


  6. 7 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    We get that refrain. Everyone boys it. I'm just not that optimistic that we're going to show anything of the sort IN the spring game to make him feel that way. 

    I also think it's naive to think that he can't fall in love with Ohio State this weekend. Urban is a cunt, but you know what he's still a pretty good coach and recruiter. 

    Fuck.  Why am I agreeing with you?  Still.


  7. Has anyone seen this retarded ordinance requiring all homes in Austin city limits to have all windows and glass doors to have screens?  I know how this will go.  

    1. Sensible councile members get out voted when the ordinance comes up for vote and it goes into effect.

    2. Homeowners struggling with affordability bitch enough to get the city to subsidize their screens.

    3. City realizes they don’t have enough in the coffers for the program.

    4.  Taxes get raised for other homeowners to subsidize the program.

    When we will be be able to get these fucking idiots out of office?  Holy shit are they ever overreaching with this one.

  8. 20 hours ago, BurntOrangeSatire, LLC said:

    I still remember that 2008 game at Tech where that OLineman or maybe DLineman came out with somewhat similar face paint. I remember thinking 'what a fucking idiot to come out looking like that... but this does not bode well'. 

    Pretty sure that was Brandon Carter and I think he was an all American that year.

  9. On 4/9/2018 at 6:27 AM, pearlandhorn said:

    316.6 as of Friday afternoon.

    Hard to believe I’ve let myself get this bad. Started low carb lifestyle change and exercised over the weekend. Just stepped on the scale. 311.1 as of Monday morning before work. I would imagine 3 pounds of that is water as I’ve been pissing like a racehorse. Apparently that’s normal. Felt like total shit last night but powered through and feel OK this morning. I’m training my body to burn stored fat rather than carb intake.

    I have to tell myself that this gets easier and it has over the course of 3 days. Keep on the right path and I can see the rewards.

    Fight the good fight man.  It gets easier when you get into a rhythm.  If you have the time in morning, walk for 20-30 min and slug a cup of coffee.  Jump starts the metabolism for the day.  

    Also, grab an active men’s multi if you can.  Muscle tech platinum is only $13 on amazon prime and lasts 30 days.

  10. 41 minutes ago, clapclapclap said:


    Green-haired turtle that breathes through its genitals added to endangered list


    It sports a green mohican, fleshy finger-like growths under its chin and can breathe through its genitals.

    The Mary river turtle is one of the most striking creatures on the planet, and it is also one of the most endangered.

    The 40cm long turtle, which is only found on the Mary river in Queensland, features in a new list of the most vulnerable reptile species compiled by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL).

    Despite the turtle’s punk appearance – derived from vertical strands of algae that also grow on its body – its docile nature made it historically popular as a pet.

    Gill-like organs within its cloaca – an orifice used by reptiles for excretion and mating – enable it to stay underwater for up to three days, but it was unable to hide from the pet collectors who raided its nests during the 1960s and 1970s.

    Rikki Gumbs, co-ordinator of Edge reptiles, said: “Reptiles often receive the short end of the stick in conservation terms, compared with the likes of birds and mammals. However, the Edge reptiles list highlights just how unique, vulnerable and amazing these creatures really are.” 

    He added: “Just as with tigers, rhinos and elephants, it is vital we do our utmost to save these unique and too often overlooked animals. Many Edge reptiles are the sole survivors of ancient lineages, whose branches of the tree of life stretch back to the age of the dinosaurs. If we lose these species there will be nothing like them left on Earth.”


    So basically it's the Guy Fieri of the turtle world?

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