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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by bad_teammate

  1. 23 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    It's not the cops job to tell Starbucks it is being unreasonable.  It's their job to enforce the law.  I don't think they erred on the side of "just arrest them."  They were asked to leave willingly by both the owner and officers.

    What if the law says that a private business cannot kick people out for being black and the "they didn't buy any coffee" is an obvious pretext given that white customers were allowed to stay without buying anything?

    Which law should the police be enforcing?

    (The one that benefits white capital, of course!)

    • Like 1
    • Fuck You 1
  2. I genuinely laughed when she said that the refugees in the Astrodome were better off and that it was all working very well for them since they were poor anyway. The disconnect between the dynastic class in America and the lives of regular Americans is astonishing and it's hilarious when a Bush or Kennedy has a "let them eat cake" moment.

    I'm sure she was a very good mother and everything, of course. Her sons seem like decent boys.


  3. 1 minute ago, Amobie said:

    Making a claim like that requires you to actually provide evidence other than "look it up".

    I think the conspiracy theory that Alex Jones is getting paid by the Russians is giving too much credit and importance to Alex Jones.  Most people view him as a nut so having him be associated with a candidate only hurts that candidate.  The guy has been talking about the government bringing about a plague through vaccines, Lizard People and the NWO for 2 fucking decades.  Why would they pay HIM of all people to associate with someone they wanted to see win the presidency?

    Because you're completely wrong about having an association with him being something that hurts a candidate.


  4. 5 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

    This is one of those alt-right twitter guys who wear eye shadow?

    And got busted on a dating site while his wife was pregnant. Sex pests all around.

  5. 15 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    As a mostly white person, I’m embarrassed that you act like the Irish should be included in our club.  Or that the bog jumpers should even be included in our species.  


  6. 10 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    I'd love to hear all the stories about how you didn't support Mr. Clinton or Mr. Obama in those little exercises.

    Not really interesting stories, but I have opposed every single UNSC-unsanctioned US intervention in the Middle East since basically forever. I don't even really like the UNSC-sanctioned ones.

    Obama and Clinton were murderous war criminals like the Republicans they were sandwiched by. #NoHomo

  7. lol so Comey's entire goal was to try and undermine Hillary's presidency as she assumed he was going to win but he fucked around and help Trump win now he feels guilty because he's a towering nincompoop fuckwit



  8. 2 minutes ago, formermav43 said:

    Is that what you think you’re doing here? Oh Lord.

    Not really disagreeing with me, are you?

    CR was obviously not a high-brow place of astonishing insight and necessity, but it is where things were exiled when they challenged the most basic-bitch level of centrist political and ideological thought. Politics for people terrified of politics.

  9. 4 minutes ago, cmontexas said:

    We all know damn well this thread would last about 5 minutes on current events before pussies started crying for it to get moved to politics

    Bada/Current Events/Daily Texans is basically a place for exurb-mentality centrists to talk about things of no consequence and never have to address difficult ideas.

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