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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by bad_teammate

  1. Politics - the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.

    Police actions are the executive branch of the government governing the country. There is debate about it.

    bing bong so simple

  2. Why buy a drink they don't want? White customers there report not being asked to buy anything, so why the fuck should they buy something? Why do some of you people think the onus is on blacks to fix or accommodate white racism?

    They should not have bought a damned thing and waited for their friend peacefully, just as they did. Then they went along with the fucking white supremacy gestapo peacefully. And were released without charge because they did nothing wrong.

    The cops were garbage here, pure and simple.

    "They did their jobs" is the most pathetic example of statist boot-licking imaginable reinforcing the sad truth that cops exist to be state enforcers of white, rich violence.

  3. The interaction between grey-vest and the cop is great. The cop starts the conversation and immediately turns into a whining bitch when confronted by the COMPLETELY OBVIOUS reality of state-funded white power racism.

    Meanwhile 1000 other LEOs stand around like dumbfucks with bicycle helmets to reassure each other through collective complicity that it's OK to enact state violence against passive black men who did nothing and are doing nothing.

    All in a fucking Starbucks.



  4. "I'm not even mad about any of this," - a mad person pretending not to be mad

    "I'm not even mad about any of this," - an ironic person coping with unacceptable reality

    "I'm not even mad about any of this," - a psychopath who likes it when people he doesn't like suffer

    Which #NotMad are you!?

  5. Wait, you're telling me the native Palestinians don't like the Balfour Declaration? They don't like a document stating that a Western colonial power was going to give away their land to people openly hostile towards them?

    That's really strange. I cannot imagine why they wouldn't be happy about that.

  6. 1 hour ago, David Dennison said:

    Those are happening now.

    I want Israel to either man up or grant the Palestinians statehood.

    What does that even mean?


    2 hours ago, David Dennison said:

    Part of me thinks Israel should just claim Gaza and the West Bank, officially make them part of Israel, and then face the consequences. Whatever happens, happens.

    The part of you that likes a lot of pointless civilian deaths?

  8. 4 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    So now the Arabs are self-loathing too?

    You know what I mean, ya dork

    But also, yeah probably.

  9. 4 minutes ago, zork said:

    And they got no peace for it. 

    What was the purpose of the attempt to break through the fence?

    Why would a Palestinian go beyond his own declared borders in order to defend himself against Israel?

    I guess for the same reason an Israeli would go beyond his own declared borders in order to defend himself against Palestine.

    It's a fucking farce.

  10. Protecting the borders by expanding the borders and protecting the expanded borders by expanding the borders. Gee what is happening I cannot figure it out!

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