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Aqua Buddha

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Posts posted by Aqua Buddha

  1. 1 hour ago, Mike "Wags" Wagner said:

    When has the left wanted to have an open an honest discussion about the FBI and Broward fuckups that lead to this shooting?

    When will the right admit that the NRA has gotten everything they've wanted yet we still keep having shootings?  

    The solution?  More of what the NRA wants.

  2. Donations to the NRA tripled after Parkland.  So, there are people who see a school shooting and their first reaction isn't to wonder how we can stop shootings but to donate to the NRA?  Hillary was right.

    (CNN)In the days and weeks following the February 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, the National Rifle Association saw a significant spike in donations. 

    In fact, reports from the Federal Election Commission show donations to the NRA's Political Victory Fund tripled from January to February. 
    In January, the NRA collected almost $248,000 in individual contributions. In February, they collected more than $779,000.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    How do you mean they don't trade like a real company? They pull in a ludicrous amount of revenue from AWS and are reaping tons of benefits from vertical integration. They're trying to double the headcount in AWS within the next couple of years for christsake! That's "big" "real" company shit right? Their revenue isn't venture capital and they're best in class for an entire commerce platform

    The companies they compete against are held to different profit standards than AMZN.  (Revenue is not profit.).

    AMZN trades like a tech company.  Only in tech can you spend $14B on something and a year later still have no announced strategy around it and have no investor blowback.

  4. 8 minutes ago, bernorange said:

    "sensible legislation"  - You probably don't realize it, but that's a very loaded way to characterize a proposal.  There is an implication that if you don't agree with it, you aren't sensible. That's a bullshit way to discuss anything.  I would much prefer to discuss "legislation" on it's merits and we can all form our own opinions on whether or not it is "sensible".  What legislation are you favoring/championing?

    Here's my idea:

    Have something similar to TSA pre check.  If you pass a thorough background check and an in person interview, you have a five year pass to buy assault rifles and high capacity magazines. You'd still be able to buy handguns and hunting type rifles without it but with your pre check like pass, you could buy whatever you want without any waiting period.

    That would keep the crazy people from buying an AR-15 at an Academy for one thing and no one's "rights" are taken away.

    I'd also like to see restrictions on high capacity magazines.  Assault rifles and what not are only a side issue.  The Virginia Tech shooter showed that you can do equivalent damage with handguns as long as you have the large magazines.  There are people alive today that are alive because a shooter had to reload.

    Sadly, the NRA won't even consider either of these.....

  5. As long as AMZN trades like a tech company and not a real company, then everything should be fine with their stock.  When and if Wall Street ever holds them to the same P&L standards of the competitors in their industries, they'll crash.  Otherwise, full speed ahead.

    Only in Silicon Valley are Elisabeth Holmes and Travis Kalanick considered legitimate CEO's.....

  6. Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The NRA has a very powerful media operation going on right now.

    Just youtube any firearm related instructional or review video and see what ads pop up...It's insane. 

    Yeah, if Russia wanted to fund a large group in America that promoted fear and civil unrest with a potential of armed rebellion, they wouldn't get better ROI than the NRA.  The NRA had armed protestors screaming at teenagers this weekend for God's sake.

  7. Just now, Anastasis said:

    I can really only speak for myself, but I 

    Is that right?  Planned Parenthood has an international presence.

    I wonder which organization gets more US public funding?

    Does PP take foreign money and use it for domestic lobbying like the NRA does?  Why is the NRA taking money from Russia in the first place?

  8. 1 hour ago, thrillhammer said:

    since access to both abortion and guns are constitutional rights, a valid comparison. let's go ahead and compare their two budgets.  in 2015  the nra paid wayne lapierre $5.1 million. planned parenthood paid cecile richards $524k.  nice.   if you wanted to compare their campaign contributions this won't end well for you.

    The NRA also takes in more foreign money than PP so there's that.

  9. I like how GOPers are obsessed with outside groups helping organize these rallies yet were perfectly OK with the Koch's creating the Tea Party out of thin air.

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  10. 19 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    You are aware that Apple sued Samsung over the look of the iPhone?  Not quite silver laptops, but getting close.  And a jury gave Apple more than $1B for it?

    Did not know that.  

    Maybe that's the precedent for the Yeti lawsuits.  They're basically saying no one can ever make a stainless steel tumbler besides them.

  11. 1 hour ago, Reese Bennett said:

    Just checked too. All the recruit geeks mad it over and that forum is dead. tjhooker solely responsible for new posts in Football. Clueless Cloak Room people are still there.

    Just went over there and there are a few people still posting in CR like nothing ever happened, even though people have basically nuked the threads.

    Makes me think CR was the only forum they ever posted in and the only thing they were doing was logging in to yell at other people without reading anything else.  Sounds about right.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Kringelbert Fishtybuns said:

    Is there really much IP into putting 75 lbs of polyurethane into a cooler that can hold a six pack?

    Working with R&D, it always amazes me that pretty much every single step of every process can be/and is patented.  

    Not really, at least not as much as Yeti thinks.  They've sued everyone they can to stop making the knockoffs and haven't won a suit yet.  Their claim is that the own the look of stainless steel cups.  That's absurd.  That's like Apple saying they own silver laptops.

    Also, the knockoffs works just as well as the Yeti cups in terms of keep cold stuff cold.

  13. 20 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Funny thing is though, all the accurate observations of their limited business model applied with equal force six months or a year ago, which begs the question, what the hell were they thinking?

    They weren't thinking.  They never had the IP on the technology or the look for that matter, despite what their lawyers would tell you.

    They should have cashed out 3-4 years ago.  They missed out on a ton of money.

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