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Everything posted by UDontKnow

  1. If it's not Anthony Hill, I will boo this man, Brandon Reeves.
  2. If mental gymnastics was a competitive and sanctioned sport, aggy would be the most successful program in history.
  3. I know you're @Vito Andolini, so when you were 17-18, it was pickup soccer instead of basketball.
  4. Could you possibly be a bigger sore loser?
  5. UDontKnow

    USMNT 2022

    Our young boys are gonna fuck up some Sandinistas/Somozas tonight!
  6. Think LeBron wants Bronny to actually get a college education.
  7. Why would the staff tell a silent 'no'? And who could that silent be?
  8. Analyzing....Analyzing.....Analyzing......Results Generating. aggy nowhere to be found in this list.
  9. The workday hasn't even started and slorched.
  10. Seems like Lionel Hollins will be the defensive assistant coach. IIRC, he got the Grizzlies to the WCF for the first time and it was as a 5th seed. And he had that knucklehead Z-Bo playing well and mostly out of trouble. I like it.
  11. Props to you @immamac for keeping us from not crashing. We were probably in violation of fire codes for occupancy after the Arch Manning commitment dropped.
  12. You onboard with TyTy at 29, @Fud? Or are you still hating on him?
  13. We got Jabari Smith. Anything else is just icing on the cake!
  14. How could you forget those cretins dubbing Colt "Cart McCry" after Kellen Heard's illegal hit?! Colt got hit a solid 10 seconds after the whistle was blown. All of our collective blood was boiling that day.
  15. This is the most optimistic post you've ever made. The world is changing right before my eyes.
  16. @bar Spoiler your post and mark it NSFW. Some of us are still at work even though we're obviously getting nothing done.
  17. Judge me, I don't care. I bet a bunch of you are also looking like this right now.
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