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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by troph

  1. True but I was still shocked, very pleasantly shocked, that Garrido actually agreed to come here. His CSF teams beat the hell out of us the last few years of Coach Gus. It was sort of like if Texas Football had hired away Bo Schembechler in 1976.

    Or nick saban a few years back
  2. I hear ya dude!


    We were out last night near rough hollow, only us and a sailboat and another boat floating and watching the sunset as we surfed the cliff between there and lakeway marina. Sunset was just another lake Travis sunset which is to say spectacular.c8595b69df9d34dce5dde5da19974277.jpg


    • Like 3
  3. It’s only a matter of time. Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation will not survive SC review unless Trump or Rs can change the current makeup of the Court. Hobby Lobby’s got nothing to do with it. 

    I hope you’re right. You should be right, but the next 12 months will be a dogfight in state legislatures. More laws codifying the right to discriminate because of sincerely held religious beliefs will be on the books all over, including here in Texas. Hobby lobby is the primary basis and constitutional argument and from there the courts will have more to decide. I suspect we’ve got quite a number of cases that will have to make their way through.
  4. Arthur Jones - a holocaust denier and outspoken white nationalist received 20,000 votes in the outskirts of Chicago in his uncontested bid for the Republican nomination for Congress. He will likely lose as the district is heavily Democratic. Yet he still received 20,000 votes and is on the ballot.

    Brisket has reason to be alarmed.

  5. And I've said I don't believe you should be able to discriminate who you do business with when you're open to/catering to the public, regardless of religious, racial or sexual views.  No one has forced anyone to open a business, but if you do you have to meet the letter of the law.   The rub for some is what constitutes an infringement on religious rights.  There is no grey area with respect to race or sexual orientation IMO.  Bathroom issues are still a sticky subject for many, but there are ways to deal with that as well to provide people with privacy/safety.  

    This debate has moved from that to racial issues nothing about the trans world till your post now, for the most part.



    Actually the debate is about LGBTQ status vs radical Christianity and so are the hundreds of religious freedom bills flooding legislatures. And don’t think for a second my gay brothers, lezzie sisters and my trans and genderqueer family aren’t in this together bc we are.  


    This isn’t isolated. Hobby lobby was a devastating blow that opened all of this shit up and the radical folks on the right are funded and organized and are coming for codified protection of active and meaningful discrimination.

  6. I couldn't disagree more.  At the end of the day, a private company has ONE decision maker.  That's not the case for a publicly held company.  Public companies have shareholders, CEOs, sometimes founders, and board members.  Plus, because their stock is publicly traded they are beholden to the SEC, aka the US government.  There's also a reasonable chance that the government owns part of these companies through pension plans, etc.  They definitely fall into the public sector in my mind.
    Edit:  By "one decision maker" I mean one person who decides if they are going to be a bigoted business.

    I’m quoting/paraphrasing the law. You can disagree all you want to but the issue here is the civil rights act vs hobby lobby.
  7. Actually, no they aren't

    They are private for purposes of this discussion. It’s state actors or private actors. Publicly held companies are no different than privately held companies for this legal analysis.
    • Like 1
  8. No sorry....racist.... racist is the word the judges were looking for.  Racist is the go to word for the left whenever anyone disagrees with their point of view on anything.  They've been trying to make this religious issue a racial issue for several pages now.

    Actually the new word is tranny and transgender and homosexuals and gender deviant and the like. You know the whole bathroom debate which is at its core a debate over the traditional primacy of public accommodation laws versus sincerely held religious beliefs. This isn’t manufactured leftist shit. Most of my gay friends came of age in the 80s or were at least alive then and they all heard their lovers who got gay cancer were cursed by god for their sins or felt the pressure to hide as the culture wars started in earnest around that time. So no - to my friends and political friends it’s not drummed up. When trump and pence tell me I can’t serve in the military or the state of Texas makes it lawful for organizations to deny me the opportunity to adopt a baby simply bc I’m different even though I’m a mom of three heathy boys with the money and the schedule flexibility to do so — yeah that ain’t right.


    State legislatures are being FLOODED right now with orchestrated religious freedom bills borne out of the hobby lobby decision. Across all aspects of society — license to discriminate. Their goal is to codify straight up discrimination of men who love men and well more importantly to this crowd women who love women, and for those still reading the trannies and queers too. It’s a god damned three alarm fire blazing and surly assholes are telling me to be fine with it if I don’t like the cake google it.


    Couple of folks get it but I’m not surprised it’s brisket who sees it as much as I do. It’s the minority populations that see it first. This isn’t a drill this is the real deal.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, EMAWesome said:
    I could see the small town lack of options argument in the days before the internet.  Now it should just be a matter of Googling your options.  Surely it would just be a matter of shipping the cake along with a set of instructions to put it together if it's going to be that complicated.

    You shouldn’t have to google your options on this shit. Google should be for who has the exquisite Italian cream cake. Who will refuse me as a customer because I love dudes or chicks or because I’m now one but used to be the other just isn’t okay in 2018. For the love of god and all that is holy you conservative white straight dudes just don’t get it. Christ almighty.


    If I get remarried I want the hottest AF dress and the tastiest cake money can find bc you know tuxes are boring and the last time I had to fake no interest in cakes and I’ll be god damned if I get turned away from the hottest AF dress shop bc the owner thinks I’m a carpet munching devil worshiper.

    • Like 4
  10. I think government discrimination is just a fuck ton worse than a private actor's discrimination.  That's just me.
    I think the Baptist church should be free to not host gay weddings.  But the county clerk should be fired and replaced if she refuses to issue a marriage license to a gay couple.

    I agree with this and movie theaters, retail stores, restaurants and others open to the public are subject to public accommodation laws and should not be able to discriminate either and until hobby lobby it was pretty clear. Not as bad as the county clerk but refusing to sell me a product because I’m walking in the door holding my girlfriend’s hand isn’t okay.

  11. private in this context refers to ownership, not that no one can find you.

    Public accommodation laws apply to private businesses. That’s well settled law, only recently upset by the rationale given in the hobby lobby decision.

  12. 3 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    Is it evil that I never could work up much concern over this?

    We all should be able to expect tolerance and display towards all. I think the bakery is run by bigots and they triggered the lawsuit, but denial of a cake is a long way from being forced to the back of the bus or poll tests.

    From my very limited knowledge of the case, it appears the Supreme Court saw this individual case similarly. Okay, they're assholes that don't want to bake a cake due to their own intolerance of homosexuals; maybe there's room for tolerance of idiocy in specific cases.

    Edit: I see some wiser persons have pre-empted my own quaint take on this. Thanks to them for illumination.

    having to ask yourself before you walk in the door of an establishment - is this a place I can go and purchase goods or services if they know who I am or who I love is a shitty way to have to walk through life.  being refused service because you're gay or trans or queer or whatever has to be humiliating and infuriating.  until hobby lobby, it was well settled law that "because I think they are sinners" wasn't a vaild legal reason to refuse service to someone when you are otherwise open to the public.  I know all the straight white men on here think this is no big deal.  but damn, I think about it all the time, especially on bathrooms, but same goes for buying goods and services.  it's both not a big deal and it's also a really big deal all at the same time.  but then so is sitting in the back of the bus versus the front.  so yeah, it's the same thing to those of us on the wrong side of these sincerely held religious beliefs. 

    • Like 2
  13. Woke up to this:
    In Bee Cave, where it always rains on my house, we got... not a goddamn thing.  But the cool air this morning was a teasingly nice thing, I guess.

    Lakeway similar and I’m okay with it, the lakes got a good soaking and that’s what I really want to see. I’ll irrigate and call it a win.
  14. With the ability to eternally edit thread titles, y’all might want to consider starting GAME threads.
    Threads titles like:
    Horns 7 vs Aggy 1 - BOT 6 - ESPN
    of course you’d need a volunteer to edit the thread title periodically but it really adds value to the forum.
    This can also be done during football season.
    Just throwing that out there.

    Tag, not it.
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