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Posts posted by MonkeyDoughnut

  1. 10 minutes ago, kopp0e said:

    Uhhmm, I will say it, Ohio State is too highly ranked if Urban is not at the helm, asn other coaches are lightly looking for other positions for next year...

    They've been a winning machine. Likely Schiano to HC but if they bring someone else in, why would you mess with what has been working?? They recruit well, coach well, get paid well and win? Don't foresee much turnover there. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

    My wife is an ag.  So I go to a game every year or two.  But always later in the season at one of the cheap games.  I am not paying a lot of money to watch aggy in 100+ degree weather in that dump of a stadium.

    Might be worth paying up to watch the Clemson game. Should be some great people watching and plenty of second half leg room and short concession lines.

  3. So this whole Jimbo thing is kinda the Aggies last hope right?  If he can't make it work in College Station we can all pretty much agree that no one can.  No pressure... you are basically carrying all the Aggies hopes and dreams to the edge of the cliff for one last ride on the roller coaster.  When you can't make it work you will solidify for all Aggies what everyone else already knew. You might think $75M is enough... but come November you will realize that you were wrong (again).

  4. 13 hours ago, skipperj said:

    Did you not hear that they beat Bama that one time?

    It is amazing how much that one win did to change how they and only they perceive themselves.  They don't win that one game and even they might realize they are just Kentucky East West.

  5. 1 hour ago, texasstrong12 said:

    Run defense doesn't scare me at all. Orlando has been great at stopping the run for years now. 

    Texas finished 5th in team rushing defense in '17, Houston finished 2nd in '16, Houston finished 19th in '15, Utah State finished 31st in '14, Utah State finished 10th in '13. The rushing S&P adjusted stats are also very good. 

    Orlando knows how to stop the run. 



    Fully agree. The way he does it opened us up to some one on one with Boyd last year that was taken advantage by some great QB/WR combos.  If Boyd has taken that next step, with the loss of most of these QB/WR tandems he will be in for a huge year both as a true shutdown corner as well as one that will be able to take advantage of some new QBs from a bunch of takeaways.  Things are aligning, just need some early momentum for everyone to get on board.

  6. 4 minutes ago, texifornia said:


    "Aggieland just blew him away! Head-to-head win! Also Alabama is recruiting better players"

    Yeah, Perroni love to throw around the "Alabama lean", "once high on Alabama" type descriptions before alluding to ... he would still go there in a heartbeat but Alabama already has better players committed so ... "somethings changed", "A&M jumping to the top of his list"

  7. On 7/21/2018 at 11:48 PM, Tex Pete said:

    I love nothing more than not having to deal with them. Win, lose, or draw, they’re annoying retards. Games against them have hardly ever had any conference or national implications.

    They’re a historically mediocre team. Fuck them. 

    The best games are ones that you care less about any implications other than beating the other team.  I would love to have as many Texas-OU type games as we can schedule. Anyone would doesn't include them in our list of top 2 rivals is just young or not from around here.

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  8. On 7/10/2018 at 7:41 PM, texifornia said:

    Jesus do angels sing and cities crumble when this guy throws the ball or what? He's got every offer imaginable already - and he's our only '21 QB offer.


    Kid can definitely play, but man his throwing mechanics could use some serious work...

  9. How long until we get the Charlie days out of the program?....the amount of player drama and "us vs them" attitude if really getting old at this point.

    "If you really “loved” your players the way you portray then you wouldn’t continually talk bad about them behind closed doors."...

    If you really "loved" your school and former teammates the way you said you did then why would you publicly come out and say something to hurt them?

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